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#153909503Wednesday, January 14, 2015 6:57 AM GMT

What if someone is in-game when there is a ROBLOX Maintenance Notification on the ROBLOX Site? They wouldn't be able too know there was a Notification on the ROBLOX Site because they were in-game. So, have a ROBLOX Maintenance Notification in-game. You know how when you earn a Badge, or get Player Points, and it shows a Notification? Well do the same for when someone is in a Game and there is a ROBLOX Maintenance Notification. This would be very helpful so if someone is playing a Game, then it Shuts down on them. They wouldn't be upset. What if they didn't save something?
#153910013Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:19 AM GMT

A better idea is if ROBLOX had a separate site (that they'll USE) and update everything over there, if it looks good than they just update it to the real site. It would just take like a minute. "It's a universal law that the rich have to exploit the poor. Preferably violently."
#153911014Wednesday, January 14, 2015 7:59 AM GMT

Or just show a global warning to all in-game users telling them that "ROBLOX will shut down/move into maintenance in x minutes".
#153912366Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9:20 AM GMT

#153913796Wednesday, January 14, 2015 11:10 AM GMT

@Silent You mean sitetest and gametest, the websites they use for that exact purpose? Maintenance is usually for things involving their servers, which cannot be avoided on the main site.
#153914415Wednesday, January 14, 2015 11:44 AM GMT

Maintainence only comes around rarely. There is no need for this idea. "Life is very simple, but we insist on making it complicated" -Confucius
#153914816Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:04 PM GMT

"A better idea is if ROBLOX had a separate site (that they'll USE) and update everything over there, if it looks good than they just update it to the real site. It would just take like a minute." how do you think they do it
#153967063Thursday, January 15, 2015 6:24 AM GMT

I am pretty sure you gentlemen are not grasping my exact idea; I am saying that instead of just testing it on the real site and wasting ROBLOX users a half an hour or more, they should just test it on a private site that they'll use and not be open to the public. Then when they finally perfect the update it will just take them seconds to upload it into this site. To save time. Then we wouldn't even need to talk about this. "It's a universal law that the rich have to exploit the poor. Preferably violently."
#153968453Thursday, January 15, 2015 7:35 AM GMT

I see you've never done any web development or server administration. Murphy's law states that when you're pressed for time, your server update fails, or takes longer, or breaks something that was configured. Every. Damn. Time.
#153986307Thursday, January 15, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

If ROBLOX had to test their features until they were 100% spotless, you might see an update a year. Maybe. Sometimes you don't pick up on bugs until they are stress tested with masses of players, such that you find on the main website.
#153986437Thursday, January 15, 2015 8:43 PM GMT


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