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#154618850Sunday, January 25, 2015 12:05 PM GMT

It is required that ALL players, captains, coaches, managers, referees and other participants of RUCL read what is stated in this rulebook Chapter 1: Team Requirements Chapter 2: Gameplay (Basics and other features) Chapter 3: Conduct and Discipline ======================================================================================== Chapter 1 [Team Requirements] [1.1]-Each team must have a squad sheet ranging from 12-18 (2 reserves which is optional) [1.2]-A goalkeeper kit is also highly recommended for the tournament; the goalkeeper kit must also be worn by goalkeepers during games. [1.3]-Teams are recommended to train and work together for this cup. [1.4]-Teams must be prepared and active throughout the RUCL tournament. [1.5]-Each national team must have ONE person in prime to have authority over the team and to take control of reserve substitutions and squad changes etc. [1.6]-When fixtures are released it's the managers responsibility to let his players know about the fixtures ======================================================================================== Chapter 2 [Gameplay (Basics and other features)] Basics: [2.1]-Game sizes range from minimum 5v5 to maximum 7v7; however teams may play at a handicap up to a minimum of 3v5, if a team has any less than this, 10 minutes after their game, they will forfeit the game. [2.2] - If both teams don’t come or don’t have enough players for their match (one team needs at least 5), 10 minutes after their game, then it is automatically a 0-0 draw. If a captain decides to forfeit (or a team has less than 3 players) during a game, three goals will be added on the current scoreline for the team that didn’t forfeit (e.g. Team A 4-2 Team B, Team B forfeits, final score: Team A win 7-2). [2.3]- Outs (goal kicks, corner kicks and throw ins) will be ENABLED for this edition of the tournament, however the offside rule will DISABLED for this tournament. [2.4]- Loaning is not allowed, no exceptions. [2.5]- The corner kick tool can only be used for goal kicks and corners ONLY. The tool cannot be used to score from corner kicks. 2.6] - If the ball disappears or is “eaten” by the player, then a face-off will occur between 2 players (1 in each team). The ball must be kicked once the referee beeps, followed by a short countdown. If the incident occurs inside the opposing team's box, then a goal-kick will be awarded for the opposition. [2.7] - Teams may bring in a maximum of 12 players (including captain) to any one game, any further players must be kicked; this rule has been put to allow certain amount of spectators and officials to enter and to prevent mass spamming from substitutes to be subbed in; however if a player leaves, then the team is allowed to let another player enter the server to replace that player. [2.8] - The game size cannot be changed in first half, it is only until halftime or second half (during a stoppage) that the game size can be changed. [2.9] - Each game will consist two halves of 12 minutes (with stoppage time); for knockout stages, extra time will be 4 minutes (with stoppage time). [2.10] - If unreasonable time is taken during a set piece (goal kick, corner kick, free kick, throw in, penalty), then the referee retains the authority to ask the player to hurry up play or book the player. Players will be expected to know how to take throw-ins. [2.11] - Teams are given up to 5 minutes between each half to do team talks; however the main referee has the power to skip the break if they are delaying time in the game schedule. Once a team is ready they can walk into the pitch and get into positions for the next half. [2.12] - Both teams are required to have at least one sub to play 7v7; this rule has been put so that if a player disconnects/leaves the server or is AFK for more than 1 minute, then the sub can come into the pitch to replace that player. [2.13] - A team captain may decline to increase/decrease the game size from the starting game size; however to make that decision, a reasonable reason is required. [2.14] - Each team is limited to one captain (player with admin) in each game. [2.15] - If red card is given to a team, they are forced to play with one less player and the red carded player is kicked from the server; if the person red carded is a captain, then they must give their authority to another player in their team for the rest of the game. This rule applies even if the game size is changed; the sent off player cannot be subbed in. If there is a match scenario of a team playing with 3 players and one of their players gets red carded then the team will be forced to forfeit. Gameplay Rules: Dragging = Disabled E Shots = Disabled Backheel Drag = Enabled Gk's, CK, Throw ins = Enabled Fouls: The following situations during a match are fouls: Not standing at least 25 studs away from an opposing throw-in taker; if the ball is touched whilst in the restricted region, a free kick is given where the ball was touched. Intentionally not giving the goalkeeper a sufficient amount of space to throw the ball if he is holding it; this results in a free kick from where the goalkeeper was standing and the referee may book the player. Not standing at least 35 studs from the ball during a corner kick, or 30 studs from the ball during a free kick; failing to follow this rule results in a booking/warning. Standing in box as an opposing player during a goal kick; failure to follow results in booking/warning for the player. Being on the pitch when throw-in is taken, or passing the ball to yourself during any set piece (corner kick, throw in and free kicks) An outfield player using goalkeeper tool; if a player fails to follow this rule, then a red card is mandatory. The goalkeeper using TPS Goalkeeper tool outside the box (apart from GK kick); failure to follow this rule results in a booking for the goalkeeper, however the referee has the choice to even red card the goalkeeper if he attempts to use it in a cheating manner during the game (e.g. handling the ball outside the box). The goalkeeper or player intentionally attempting to score a goal with CK/GK kick during play; this will result in a free kick for the opposing team and the referee is given the choice to give the player a warning/booking. A player passing the ball, intentionally, back to their keeper, by kicking it, and the goalkeeper picks it up (pass back); this rule does not apply for header or deflection. If this offence is committed, then an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from where the goalkeeper handled the ball (players are not allowed to shoot in these free kicks, they must pass the ball first). If a player kicks the ball in a face-off before the referee beeps his whistle; failure to follow this rule will result in a turnover. Penalties: Penalties: Each team will take five penalties each If scores are level after 5 penalties, it goes to sudden death; if a player scores and the opposing player misses (IN THE SAME ROUND) then the penalty shootout ends e.g. if a player scores Team A’s 6th penalty and a player misses Team B’s 6th penalty, then Team A win. The player who was goalkeeping when the final whistle of extra time was blown must be the goalkeeper for the penalty shootout, unless they have to leave (for a reasonable reason). Players cannot take multiple penalties, each eligible player (who attended the game) in the team (including the goalkeeper) must take one penalty each in the order of kicks the coach has put. If it becomes necessary for players to take a second kick (because the score has remained equal after all eligible players have taken their first kick), then teams are not required to follow the same order of kickers as was used for the first kick. Players who have been sent off from a game cannot take a penalty. Each kicker can kick the ball only once per attempt. If the ball rebounds off the goal frame or saved from the goalkeeper, the kicker may not play the ball again. Keepers must stay on their line during a penalty; if they do not, it is a retake (if they saved it); on the second time of failing to follow the rule, a goal is given. There is a margin of 3 studs for how far players can go from their line. Non-takers MUST be on halfway line during the shootout. Players can stutter a run-up (stop), but CANNOT go backwards; failure to follow this rule will lead to a retake, regardless whether they scored. If they again break the same rule in their retake, a miss is awarded. Players cannot pretend to kick the ball; this will lead to a retake, breaking the same rule in the retake results in a miss being awarded. The non-active goalkeeper must stand on the goal line OUTSIDE the box during the penalty ======================================================================================= [Chapter 3] Conduct and Discipline Misconduct in RUCL will be taken in the following areas: the official RUCL group wall, an official RUCL venue, the RUCL training pitch, and other places associated with RUCL. Teams are allowed up to one minute to celebrate a goal and return to their half, after which a booking is given to the goal scorer; referees are allowed to reduce the team a team has to celebrate if it is clear that they are attempting to waste time by celebrating. Disrespect, harassment, threats, ignorance and profanity towards the referee MUST NOT BE TOLERATED; the referee has the power to warn, book, or even send off the offending player(s), depending on the severity of offence. The captain (player with admin) is allowed to challenge a referee’s decision but must do so respectfully. ONLY the captain is allowed to challenge the referee, if other players from the team join in challenging the decision, the captain loses his ability to challenge that decision; the same rule regarding disrespect applies to the captain. Continuous challenging of the referee unreasonably will lead to a warning/booking. Discrimination or disrespect against someone’s race, disability, family, gender, religion is unacceptable; 2 match to season ban, depending on severity. Cheating is unacceptable (as any participant of WIC); 2 match ban to season ban or suspension from refereeing, depending on severity and history. Examples of cheating could be ineligibly playing for a team (as an main or alternative account), using admin or any software to gain an advantage (but it is not limited to just these). Exploiting a server that has a match in progress should not be tolerated; 3 match ban to season ban, depending on severity. Mass spamming will only result in a warning/booking and a 1-match suspension if continued. Abuse of admin will result in a 1-4 game suspension, as well as your admin rights being removed for that period. A red card gives a 1 match suspension. Five yellow cards results in 1 match suspension; the card count is reset if a red card is given.

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