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#155425629Friday, February 06, 2015 2:20 PM GMT

sure they are in my following-- ALMOST ALL OF THEM including 99% of my bff on here as FOLLOWED..! can i get enough support to force roblox to add a on/off switch? roblox really should have a on/off feature for this cuz adding a friend a SECOND time just to have them on the first tab just.....bleh.......... and plus i'd like to customize!! i was hoping they meant that this update will add a friend list and edit mode, too.... only things that neeeeed to happen for the edit mode is: 1) drag and drop friends into tabs 2) custom tabs + custom sight options per tab 3) tab re-arrangements by clicking a tab and dragging it to desired spot 4) drag friends into desired order in a tab info on: 2)custom sight should have 4 options. only friends, all, only me, only particular tabs, only particular people ( including off list but idk if it should need their permission, following doesn't seem to need it so without permission seems to fit better ) btw.....please no spam or anything

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