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#155742976Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:17 AM GMT

A Pokemon RP that takes place in a new region, the Starro Region. Starro region is a vast region, with many Pokemon. It's legends tell of two ancient Pokemon: Goreldastar, who saved the world 10000 years ago from the evil Pokemon, Zerevolgus. Zerevolgus almost destroyed the world, by absorbing all of it's energy. However, Goreldastar and it's friends where able to defeat Zerevolgus by destroying it's ancient temples, and thus sealing it away. Now, in this day and age, you are just beginning your Pokemon Journey. You will have many obstacles, adventures, and battles along the way, as almost all trainers do. However, beware, for the Black Sapphire Organization wishes to complete the work of Zerevolgus, and are prepared to destroy anything that stands in their way. If the plot's badly written, please bear with me. It's past my bedtime, and I'm not thinking clearly. I'll revise this tomorrow, adding things that are suggested and stuff. So, yeah. New region and stuffs.
#155743077Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:19 AM GMT

Is it possible to write something that's NOT an anime? Or, like, what? Do you need help or something?
#155743143Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:20 AM GMT

Technically, Pokemon is a game. I don't consider it's anime to even exist. Hmph! Actually, it is, but when I do, people hate it. Seriously.
#155743278Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:23 AM GMT

I did an interest check on a RP about a Boy Scout camp getting overrun by bad guys with guns, but no one was interested.
#155743295Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_(anime) Like, I'm serious. Do you actually have trouble writing something that's not an anime, or based on one?
#155743388Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:26 AM GMT

I meant that I don't ever base anything off of it's anime, ever. Period. Actually, the entire reason I came to this forum was to find decent RPs where I could test out a character that I'm using for a story. Unfortunately, that character has never been used because a decent FT RP has never been created. So, I test out a bunch of other charries while waiting.
#155743561Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:30 AM GMT

1. The boy scout thing sounds like a really, no offense, bad idea. I don't understand why random weirdos who apparently have access to guns decide they automatically know where boy scout troops are, because, they're bored, of course. 2. I've only seen two roleplays that weren't based off an anime from you.
#155743580Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:30 AM GMT

uhh do a original idea
#155743765Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:35 AM GMT

Yeah. College Animalia keeps on getting flagged as, well... Y!ff, even though by that logic Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, and all other old cartoons would be rated R. And then there's that other one that I can't remember. I still wanna do the Spirit Animal thingy, but, yeah... It seems too close to the Holocaust to you. And then, the scifi RP I tried ended up getting flamed horribly because people get pissed off when Genres are mixed, even a little bit... Part of me just wants to quit trying. Or just quit giving a crap about what others say and slap them in the face when they cross boundaries too far.

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