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#155793725Thursday, February 12, 2015 3:15 AM GMT

A/N: If you’re new to this, please read the first story here: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=152843125 I have big plans for the following stories… c:< Please read, reply, share, and enjoy! Story Six: “A Little Surprise” All was quiet as Lori stood in the bloody room with the dead bodies lying on the floor. She inhaled the smell of death that circulated inside of the room. The murderous brunette noticed that she had been missing for a few days from the camp and decided to wrap this little session up. After she drank the antidote, Lori lugged the doctor’s and Paige’s corpses to a bedroom. She could see the shadowy, demonic figures that were supposed to be the bodies of the doctor and Paige disappear. Her eyes began to see the real world and how it is, as she dragged the dead humans onto a bed. Through her brown strands of hair, Lori could see a tattooed symbol on the nape of the doctor’s neck. She sat his body straight up to get a better look at the symbol. Her eyebrows rose at the sight of the tattoo of an eye. She pondered the possibilities of why it would be there, but she didn’t think too much of it. After she set the bodies in place, Lori looked at her masterpiece. Father and daughter, side by side. She felt sick and horrible for doing this, yet she had been murdering people for majority of her life. Why did she feel so guilty now? Lori gritted her teeth and forced herself to stay strong. She knew that if she couldn’t build a cold heart inside her chest that the guilt would consume her sanity and her life. The brunette covered the fresh bodies with a blanket and walked outside of the room to roam the small house. As she left she whispered into the doorway, “Sweet dreams.” and continued her exit out of the bedroom. Lori wandered around the small home lab that the doctor had (where he stored the antidote). She found multiple vials, jars, and containers that stored revoltinging masses inside. They were all labeled with numbers and letters that had no meaning to the curious brunette. Lori wasn’t just wandering, she was searching for something; she was searching for a lead on “them”. She sorted through multiple drawers and cabinets until she found something that caught her attention. An old photo of the doctor and a man in a business suit in front of a white building found its way into Lori’s hands. She assumed that the building was “their” headquarters and stared intently when she saw the same symbol of an eye on the building behind them. Lori desperately tried to read the sign on the building, but the smiling doctor and business man were covering it. Damnit! Lori turned over the photo and saw an address written down with black ink. Her eyes went wide when she saw what state the address was in. New York? … No wonder why ‘their’ attacks had such large intervals of time. She memorized the address and stuffed the photo inside her pocket. Lori was going to pay a visit. xxx Lori walked back inside the camp quietly, for she knew it was quite early in the morning. Although she was quiet, James still heard her enter. “Where have you been?” The brunette tucked her seemingly darker brown hair behind her ear and kept the photo safe in her pocket. “Do you really want to know?” She gestured to the blood stains that dotted her shirt and pants. “… Right. Anyway, I found a package directed to you at the front and Axe is out looting.” Lori looked at him curiously and held out her hands for the package. He gently placed the small and light box in her hands and rubbed his neck nervously. She plopped the box down, her hands slightly shaking. “Everybody has there eyes right?” “Yes…?” James answered unsure. Lori gave a grim chuckle and opened the package. Her face became serious when she saw what object “they” had sent her. A severed and bloody hand was lying in the middle of the box. Lori seemed confused at the little surprise and wondered why they had sent it to her. Whose hand is this? (-Randomly walks onto the street- ELLO SIR, HAVE YOU LOST A HAND?) James peeked over her shoulder and covered his mouth in disgust. “What do they want?” The brunette asked as if she didn’t know the answer. James shook his head. “Probably your sanity.” Well, you can’t spell insanity without sanity. She closed the box and tossed it aside. Lori had seen too much in her life to care, after all she didn’t even know who it belonged to. All she knew was that she was going to find them. xxx It had been a week since Lori had opened the package, and she decided to pursue her suspicions. She left her friends with no explanation and vanished from their lives like a ghost, but they understood she had her reasons. She needed to go to New York and find “them.” Lori had questions and “they” had the answers. A/N: This story takes place before all this crazy stuff happened. Basically, this event happened at the beginning of where Lori met Axe and James. (I’m talking about [SIDE] Story Seven not Story Six) [SIDE] Story Seven: “Nice Memories” The sun was setting on the horizon as Lori and Axe made their way back to the Masterson Valley Factory. They had just come back from looking for supplies and the two were casually talking about the day’s events. “You know what I really want right now?” Axe nodded and smiled. “Oreos?” Lori started laughing and looked at the sun while it smeared an orange-pink color across the sky. “You’re a psychic!” Axe pulled out a box of oreos and ripped it open. Lori’s face immediately started drooling like a kid wanting their dessert before dinner. “GIVE IT TO ME!!!!” Axe started laughing and he was assaulted by Lori before he could hand her one of the chocolate cookies. He struggled to stand correctly as Lori frantically grabbed the sweets. “Mmm.” Lori mumbled with cookies stuffed inside her mouth. She nearly choked when she saw something that interested her in the distance. “IT’S AN –ACK It’s an arcade!” Axe chuckled under his breath as he watched her run towards the abandoned arcade. It made him happy that he got to see this side of her. “Hurry up, Axe! *GASP* NO WAY! It’s a Pac-Man machine!” Axe jogged over to her side and stared at the arcade machine. It looked like it was still operational, unlike the other arcade games in the room. “What is Pac-Man?” “Only like my favorite and the best pre-war game in the WORLD!” She smiled boldly at him and tried turning on the machine. It made some sounds and the screen flashed on brightly. Lori had a giddy feeling in her stomach as she began to play the game. She felt like she was reliving her childhood like it should have been. The brunette felt like she could laugh and smile forever. Lori snapped out of her thoughts when a sound announced that the game was over. “Game over, huh.” Lori looked at her hands. Game over. Axe saw Lori’s blue eyes grow dimmer by the second and tried cheering her up. “Wow, you’re really good! You beat the best high score on there.” “Yeah… I played a lot.” She began to smile again and asked Axe to play next. He stepped up to the machine and put in a coin for the game to begin. He followed the little yellow character with his eyes intensely, focusing all of his brain on the game play. Lori smirked and started waving her hands in front of his face. “Mess up! Mess up!” Axe frowned as his little character got devoured by colorful ghosts. “Gosh damnit, Lori!” She giggled under her breath until Axe started laughing as well and they both left the arcade in a very happy mood. This was how she was meant to live her life, but unfortunately fairytales don’t exist in this world. xxx After Lori and Axe came back to the factory, the whole group ate and went off to bed. James was guarding the camp, as usual, when Lori stepped outside to get some fresh air. She stood by him and studied the sky as the moon and stars settled onto the clouds. “Can’t sleep?” “Yeah,” Lori shifted her gaze towards James and stared at him for a few seconds. “What is it?” “… Have you ever fallen in love?” Moments passed as Lori awaited an answer. “Yes. I used to be married.” He handed her a crimpled paper and she studied it curiously. Lori smiled at a beautiful woman wrapped in the arms of a certain brown-haired man. It was pure love at its finest. She never saw something so precious. “You ‘used to’ be married?” “She was murdered by mutants three years ago and I had to kill her when she turned.” The sadness grew in his eyes and Lori could feel herself regret asking him something so personal. “Well, two years ago we had two children. Unfortunately, they did not make because of… the USCPF. Some raging woman attempted to fight an officer and.. my children got in the middle of it. Many bullets were fired and my children were shot dead. A few bullets injured me, but I luckily survived. Now I’m not sure if I’m that lucky…” Lori handed James the photo back and her face looked serious. She had never had children and did not know what it felt like to lose something that was basically a part of her. She had lost many things in her life, but she did not know if she could compare he pain to his. She had no right to give advice, for she did not understand what he felt. “I wished to kill the woman after she had caused my children’s death, but I knew she was raged and angry. Not only was she furious, but she looked very… sorry; guilty as many may call it.” Lori understood the feeling of guilt. She understood the feeling of causing someone else’s death. “So instead of killing her, I killed the officers. Basically, I saved her life.” James had did what Lori would’ve never done. He showed mercy to the very thing that caused his anger. Am I human? I have a beating heart, but I do not feel the same things as what “normal” people would feel. What is “normal”? What does being “normal” mean? Is there even such a thing that exists? “Although it was two years ago… I still remember her face. The woman had similar facial features as you, but slightly smaller.” She stood there frozen on the concrete roof. “The woman ran away, and I realized that I had no one left in this world… Then you suddenly came into my life.” She leaned forward onto the railing in front of her as she let her amber bangs conceal her ashen eyes. “Her name was Amanda, my wife.” “That’s a beautiful name… Do you still love her?” “Of course, but I have to eventually move on and live the journey in which we call life.” “Right and I’ll be here for that journey.” She smiled a toothy grin and Lori went inside. --- A/N: I decided to make a life line for Lori in case anyone is confused about what order her life is in. It can get kinda messy XD! I will be updating these life lines according to what story I post. Lori's Life Line [Please reference to Lori’s back-story which is found in the third story, “Story Time”, if you are confused.] [0----5----10----15--18-20----] Age: 0-5 = "Happy Childhood" Age: 5-10 = "Abusive Father, Abused Mother" Age: 10 = "The Heated Argument" Age: 10-15 = "Fists Towards Me" Age: 15-18 = "He Backed Off" Age: 18 = "USCPF" Age: 20 = "I Killed Him" Age: 20-Present = (this is in order) “Out Of Isolation” (Age 23) “Nice Memories” (Age 23) “The Coffee Exchange, Feet-Licking, and Pink Elephants” (Age 23) “Story Time” (Age 23) “Dreams” (Age 23) “The Doctor” (Age 23) “A Little Surprise” (Age 23)
#155986735Sunday, February 15, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

The all-seeing eye, Oreos, and an Arcade machine... Sounds fishy.. gr8 st0ry d0 m8 gr8 r8 m8.
#156989999Sunday, March 01, 2015 4:01 PM GMT

Alrighty, read up on it so far, now all you need to do is get to the point where she's 28-9 and you'll have a fanbase, then when you end it you can fell really good because all your fans want to kill you because of the ending..which to most Authors means you did good! (Yeah, anyway great story, I still like it so far, keep it up mate.)
#157381886Saturday, March 07, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

I don't care if she's abducted by aliens, eaten by flying giant squids or suffocated to death by the Malaysian Br*ast monster's br*asts. I just want her to die a gruesome death, for no apparent reason...
#159874490Friday, April 10, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

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