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#156064212Monday, February 16, 2015 12:04 AM GMT

The Destroyed, Ruinous, War-torn City of Civilton Story Ah, the great nation of Drakenska. Home to twenty-three million people, commanded by a dystopian dictatorship that diverts funding from general healthcare and public education to national defense and regional policing. The corrupt government enforces strict banishments on emigration, firearms, alcohol and tobacco, as well as hefty regulations regarding motor vehicles and curfew. The nation has some of the worst living standards on the planet, bearing absurdly high rates of poverty, incarceration, suicide, and conscription, whilst the Drakenskan federal government embezzles money from its citizens via exorbitant sales & income tax. With such abysmally little consideration for the Drakenskan population, it came as no surprise when civil war broke out in 2011. Summer of that year, civilians across the country stood united against their corrupt leader, Sir Probleks Sorkreich V for the first time since he came to power in 2008. However, as police forces became increasingly aggressive, their peaceful demonstrations turned into protests, which evolved into violent riots. Slowly, communities began convincing their local police departments to join in, which granted more weapons, more men, and more willpower. As swarms of angry rioters began descending on government infrastructure, the Drakenskan dictator turned to an easier alternative; The Drakenskan Department of Defense. Military forces started deploying against the citizens of Drakenska, which of course lead to the determined libertarians forming an organized rebellion. For the first couple of weeks since the war began, the battles fought were mostly benign. Slowly and surely, though, the extremely overfunded Drakenskan Military was overpowering the rebellion. Over time, the rebel forces were being killed off, as countless battles were repeatedly being lost. In October of 2012, nearly every member of the rebellion fell back to the country's capital city, Civilton. From there, they only had a few days to fortify the area before the Drakenskan Military hunted them down again. However, the rebels hadn't been retreating, they had been regrouping. When military forces bombarded the city, the rebels pooled their resources and put up a fierce fight. The bloody battle lasted more than a day, with heavy casualties being taken on both sides. The next morning, Drakenskan military officials gave the order to hold fire. By that time, the military had captured the entire Northeast section of the city, which included the city hall. Despite the fact they had lost a chunk of their territory, the rebels considered this a great success. After that, the Drakenskan Military set up a "No Man's Land" along Alen Avenue, a six-lane boulevard that divided the city's West side from the East side. The rebels maintained their dominance over the whole Western half of the city, so Drakenskan military forces set up roadblocks and checkpoints all across the city's Westernmost border. Any individual - rebel or bystander - that attempts to cross this border is arrested, accused of treason, and sent to a PoW camp where they're likely to die of starvation, disease, or brutality. Citizens desperate enough to join the rebellion are forced to fight the Drakenskan Military, whilst uninvolved citizens are forced to scour the city's ruins for what little supplies lay left behind. As the perpetual fighting continues, numerous hardships challenge the war's survivors, including a cutoff of city utilities, constant bombardment from Drakenskan airstrikes and artillery fire, as well as the approaching harshness of the Drakenskan winter. Welcome to the city of Civilton - November 23rd, 2012. Classes Rebel: Dedicated freedom fighters, stepping up against the corrupt regime that oppresses them. Their kind may have been pushed back to the city of Civilton, but that won't stop them from believing in their rights as a human being. They live by their slogan "Liberty or Death", and refuse to surrender no matter what the circumstance. Civilian: Innocent bystanders to the conflict before them. They wish they could leave, but it would only get worse that way. They also reject the idea of joining the rebels, as they risk being put on the front lines. Instead, they live amidst the destroyed, delegate buildings that was once the beautiful city of Civilton, searching for any supplies they can lay their hands on. Out here, it's every man for himself. Map Bear in mind that the city of Civilton is perfectly circle-shaped, due to its founders being extreme perfectionists. Most of the city is made up of commercial offices and stores, with a sufficient amount of residential buildings mixed in. The Military Territory This is the entire Northeast corner of the city. The area is controlled solely by the Drakenskan Military, and consists largely of barracks, command posts, and storage areas for vehicles, firearms, ammunition, explosives, and more. The military has just about every inch of this area under 24-hour surveillance, along with patrols that march through the streets every day. This makes infiltration literally impossible. The Rebel Territory This area is the entirety Northwest corner of the city. It contains several large, loosely organized camps that surround a central camp of command. The central camp, Fort Liberty, consists of a head command post, food stock, weapons cache, air raid shelter, and living areas suitable for rebel soldiers and their children. Only rebels are granted access to this territory; any others may be shot dead upon sighting. The Citizen's Territory This is the entire Southwest corner of the city. The Drakenskan Military believes this area to be rebel-controlled, when in reality, the only rebel activity in this area is recruitment and supply runs. The uninvolved citizens of Civilton live mostly in this section of the city, where basic necessities are practically unheard of and survival is extremely difficult. The Battlegrounds This is the entire Southeast section of the city. As the Southwest is claimed by neither side, the Southeast is technically claimed by both. Rebel and military forces both have dozens of dug-in teams scattered across this section of the city. Direct battles between rebellion and military all take place here. Anyone who roams this area without seeking cover is certain to get shot, and even stealthy movement is risky. Despite the danger, there's still a low number of extremely cautious civilians that inhabit this area. North Alen Avenue Alen Avenue is a six-lane boulevard, littered with abandoned vehicles, barbed wire, and dead bodies. The North half of the street separates the Rebel Territory from the Military Territory, and has been officially declared a No Man's Land. The Drakenskan Military has soldiers stationed at every building on the East side of the roadway, watching over the tarmac with snipers and machine gunners to ensure the rebels can't advance. Massive spotlights illuminate the road every night from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM, and anyone caught without a white flag is immediately gunned down. South Alen Avenue The Southern half of Alen Avenue is less cluttered than its Northern counterpart, and definitely less guarded. Its only purpose is a clearly defined border between the treacherous Battlegrounds and the benign Citizen's Territory. Despite the proximity to the Battlegrounds, South Alen Avenue is actually a rather safe area, as Drakenskan Military forces have strict orders not to move Westward until the Battlegrounds have been completely captured. Sorkreich Square In the very center of the city is a massive roundabout that encircles a formerly beautiful park. Named after the founder of Drakenska, Sir Draken Sorkreich I, this roundabout is the intersection of Alen Avenue and Bullshine Boulevard. The roundabout divides Alen Avenue into North Alen and South Alen, and because all four sections of the city converge at this spot, it has been declared a cease-fire zone by the Drakenskan Military to avoid excessive, pointless flanking from both sides. So far, the rebellion has accepted this rule, on the condition that the main fountain remain functional to signify an zone of peace. Character Sheet Fields marked with † are optional. Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Class: Backstory: †Personality: †Belongings: †Former Occupation: Rules -Military is controlled by OP & admins ONLY. I'll be extremely fair about military attacks, but bear in mind the city is constantly under attack. -No godmodding, metagaming, Mary/Gary Sues, etc. -Escaping the city is condoned, but if you do that, your character can't really roleplay any more. -Yes, you may have NPCs. I can't control everything. Besides all that, I don't think much else needs to be said. Y'all can conduct your own drama and conflict. I'll unleash airstrikes and attacks and whatnot when appropriate. Also, it's worth noting this is my third attempt at a roleplay. If you're not joining, critical feedback is appreciated.
#156101771Monday, February 16, 2015 2:31 PM GMT

#156108213Monday, February 16, 2015 4:24 PM GMT

Name: Alexandra Hawkton Gender: F Age: 32 Appearance: Caucasian, short brown hair, green eyes, 5'8", medium build Class: Rebel Backstory: She had always despised the Drakenskan government, and was overjoyed when the uprising began. She remained in her hometown of Civilton under the rebellion's command. When the battle of Civilton occurred, she stayed back in the Northwest corner of the city, and today she mainly works maintaining Fort Liberty. †Belongings: A big Swiss backpack, a .38 around her ankle, a midnight blue sweater bearing a yellow "CPD" over the heart, black combat leggings, black winter boots and a thick urban camouflage jacket. †Former Occupation: Constable for the Civilton Police Department
#156124351Monday, February 16, 2015 7:26 PM GMT

'Cepted. Not gonna start the roleplay yet, though.
#156143662Monday, February 16, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

How many people do we need to start?

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