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#156190857Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:33 PM GMT

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So with the playoffs coming up with some old and new teams returning, this is where things get excited. This determines who takes the route for the Victory Bowl, and who takes the route down under. There will be upsets, blowouts, biased refs/calls, and much more! So without further ado, here are my predictions for the Season 5 Week 9 Playoff Predictions. ? = Not Certain None of this is supposed to be offensive. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matchup #1: Florida FireCats (FFC) @ Pemberley Punishers Prediction: Don't we usually see these two teams in the OEC Conference Game? Well not anymore! The original teams who seemed to always play each other in the OEC Conference Game will now be facing each other off in the Divisional Round (That's what I'm going to call the first round of the playoffs). for the past 3(?) seasons, we have seen the Florida FireCats beat out the Pemberley Punishers in the OEC Conference Game yet for the past 2 seasons, they have lost the VB (If they lose this VB I'm calling them the 1990-93 Huffalo Bills). As for the Pemberley Punishers, they have yet to return to the VB since Season 1. Bummer. Will Sweggbertz break his loss against FFC? Will FFC still be dominate over the Punishers? Is Dolucks putting a curse on Bunglest for trying to put up a more powerful squad then the dolucks army? Find out on 2/21/2015. Score: Pemberley Punishers 31-28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matchup #2: Highland Huskies @ Rockford Raptors Prediction: An undefeated team in the regular season versus a team who has made its first playoff appearance in franchise history. This should be VERY interesting. The Highland Huskies have finally seen the light thanks to their one good Head Coach TarHeelsQuacktus and there players who they couldn't afford for the past few seasons because the Huskies were to huff. However, the Rockford Raptors have been strongly led by their Head Coach fred man, the seemingly only person on ROBLOX who has a space between his name and has a player on his team named after him. Can the Highland Huskies upset the Rockford Raptors and earn their first playoff win? Or will the Rockford Raptors get their first loss and will have to hide themselves in shame and embarrassment for losing to a team who has been called the "Huffskies". Score: Rockford Raptors 46-20 (Still rooting for an upset. GO HUSKIES!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matchup #3: RedCliff Raiders @ Dansville Ducks Prediction: One teams' uniform is red, the other is green. Those are Christmas colors. Christmas is over. Red is also the color of Valentine's Day. Green is also the color of St. Patricks Day. We're in-between those two holidays. I have two kinds of soda in my fridge. One is Sprite, which is green. The other is Coke, which is red. The ROBLOX logo color is red. The grass on the football field is green. Coincidence? I think not. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! (First time trying to prove illuminati, don't judge me) So here we have two teams who are hoping to make their way to the Victory Bowl. Just to clarify that to all the people to stupid to figure it out. (I'm talking about you Noobs). The Danville Ducks have made the playoffs thanks to their Head Coach CosmicEffect, the head coach who has thrown no touchdowns, 2 INT's, can't spell spartans right (according to his profile), and still makes the playoffs. Meanwhile in a parallel universe, the RedCliff Raiders have also made the playoffs thanks to their group of players. NightTrainn, the original Head Coach of the Barton Bruisers who knew she was going to f up the next season and went to a team who she knew would make the playoffs. Merely, the one and only ROBLOX Administrator who proves to be useless on the football team and probably banned the original account of CIarks because he kicked him and made up an excuse of account theif. And last but not least, Patriots0117, the guy who probably put candycane1234567890 on the team just because she was bae. (Can't blame him though, she is bae). Who will win? Who will lose? Which team is illuminati confirmed? Find out on 2/22/2015. Score: Dansville Ducks 35-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matchup #4: Millikan Rams @ Corinth Spartans Prediction: Remember in S3 when the Corinth Spartans upset the Millikan Rams in the first round of the playoffs. Me too. So these two teams are matched up against each other again only this time, Corinth is the more dominate team. The Millikan Rams have been led by their Head Coach USAJaguars and two sharks, a left one and a right one (No seriously, there are two players on that team who's names are TheLeftShark and TheRightShark. They probably performed at Katy Perry's Halftime Show during the Superbowl). On the other hand, we have the Corinth Spartans, whose team helmets look like the helmets used at Stanford. Who will dominate? Who will cry? Who will smash froob with a slice of pie and make him die? Find out, in the future. Score: Corinth Spartans 32-18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And that's all. Now sciddadle, unless you want to read it again.
#156191257Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:41 PM GMT

More of a comedy routine if you ask me. Hardly any legitimate facts leading to your reasoning as to why those teams will win by that much. It did make me laugh though!
#156191443Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:44 PM GMT

How you gonna say Spartans are more dominant and that they're gonna blow us out when the only reason we lost by 4 points last weekend to them was because of me making a bad decision when we were leading ate in the 4th with the ball and an opportunity to extend our lead to 10 points?
#156198787Tuesday, February 17, 2015 6:00 PM GMT

Well I barely know anything about the other teams as all I do is play my own game instead of watching the other games so this forum isn't meant to be literal or anything like that. Like Shes, it's more of a comedy routine. That includes me randomly guessing the score.
#156200345Tuesday, February 17, 2015 6:33 PM GMT

Is this comedy night or predictions? You gave no reason for any scores.
#156203225Tuesday, February 17, 2015 7:26 PM GMT

Oh sht. Called Night a she again.

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