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#156366906Friday, February 20, 2015 8:56 AM GMT

Once there was a man he was a loyal one he belonged to the Vyrakian Tribe he was on the top he gained trust with the Chieftain but he got a message from a ex elder of the Tribe. But the man was loyal he didint care for the ex elder or what he said so story went along the man was on the top with Notrightnorwrong they where the best, the loyal man was childish he made enemies that where not needed the loyal man got demoted by the chieftain the loyal man was still loyal but one day he couldn't handle it anymore he thought about what the ex elder said and he agreed so he left the tribe, to make his own tribe to make things different to make it better but the loyal man didint have weapons the only thing he could of hes bones he took his arm and ripped it off it was painful of course it was but he took the bones from the arm he used the rest of the arms skin to cover up hes wound. Over time the man evolved to a new race called the Neymarian race the skin was covered with this hard bone like materiel it was the color of white. To continued (Some Neymarian have wings from the over sized crows from the land and they attach it on their backs for looks)
#156366951Friday, February 20, 2015 8:58 AM GMT

Ah. Why do we even bother...
#156403006Friday, February 20, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

I messed up with grammar.
#171516907Monday, August 17, 2015 2:09 PM GMT

This separates the loyal from the disloyal. I stayed with the tribe after Doomtide was chosen over me, you left when you were not given what you wanted.
#171522093Monday, August 17, 2015 3:17 PM GMT

"Neymarian Tribe" is this a mental group of Brazil supporters who worship Neymar Jr? >let's hold a FIFA!
#171549803Monday, August 17, 2015 8:11 PM GMT


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