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#156811025Thursday, February 26, 2015 11:08 PM GMT

ACT 0 [Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6miaTf1gF4g] Narrator: For years the PC and Console Warfare raged. [Scenery of console users controlling giant robots on a battlefield, with PC users controlling tons of machinery] Narrator: With the advancement of console gaming over the years, warfare would still rage on. [Show a picture of Platform Wars II being won by the consoles] Narrator: Now the PC Master Race must stand up to the fight... [The music stops] [Pan into a battlefield with Video Game Fans PC soldiers fighting off against Console Peasants] [Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ2G2bpZpUY] [The PC Master race has tons of machine gunners destroying the battlefield, with soldiers controlling giant robots] Young Shadowfan: I pray for my life to be kept. [The Young Shadowfan charges into the field with a missile launcher on his back, and an assault rifle in his hands] Shadowfan: THE PC MASTER RACE SHALL WIN! Narrator: With the power of his Razer Deathadder injection, he was able to flick aim on the field. [Shadowfan aims with his assault rifle and kills some soldiers] [Inside a lab] Console Peasant scientist #1: How is project One and Four going? Console Peasant scientist #2: Well, very well. Console Peasant Scientist #1: Good, prepare the weapons for take off. [Outside of the lab] [The PC Master Race is winning the war] PC Soldier: WE'RE WINNING! [Gunfire ensues] Young Shadowfan: MAY THE POWER OF GABE NEWELL MAKE US WIN! [The PC soldiers cheer] [Rumble] Young Shadowfan: What was that? [Rumble] PC Master Race captain: LOOK OUT! [A giant machine with tons of weapons and 60 frames per second beast comes out] TO BE CONTINUED The VGC Windows/Linux nerd
#156811194Thursday, February 26, 2015 11:10 PM GMT

Opinions so far? The VGC Windows/Linux nerd
#156811845Thursday, February 26, 2015 11:18 PM GMT

#156815690Friday, February 27, 2015 12:12 AM GMT

The field was quiet, for once. The rumble of artillery that had been heard in the background for weeks had ceased, and the only sounds in the night were the screams of the wounded and dying. The latest battle had been particularly brutal as the console side had capitalized on the buckling PC lines after the weeks-long bombardment had ground them down, but in the end it had just been a minor victory for the console users. Millions were dead, sacrificed without a second thought as commanders threw entire regiments at the enemy in an effort to either break their lines or halt their offensive, and the gains made by the console users didn't even exceed a dozen miles. And yet, this was minor losses even for a relatively quiet sector. Compared to the hot zones of the FPS sector, where millions dead were considered nearly non-existent losses for taking a single mile of land and daily attrition meant they drew in hundreds of regiments daily, this sector was incredibly quiet. And in the trenches that lined the no-man's land of this sector, one young PC soldier, wearing a wet and muddy uniform and a loose vest of armour that still featured the bullet hole that had killed its previous owner and was marked with the sacred seal of Lord Gaben, was shivering in the freezing rain as he gripped his standard-issue Razer-model rifle and stared out into the dark. Shadowfan shuddered as a cold droplet of rain dripped off his drenched collar and ran down his spine, knowing he still had two hours left on his watch shift before he got to go inside and warm himself in the bunker. Forcing himself to loosen his white-knuckled grip on the gun, he stomped a little bit at the ground to warm himself, and then looked around in the dark again, listening for anything out of place. Aside from the screams of the dying and the constant rumble of Xbox tank engines in the distance, he could hear nothing, and relaxed minutely, thinking to himself that it was just another two hours before he got to go inside and warm his frozen feet. Then the rumble of engines amplified and shouts started to be heard on the other side, and he froze for a moment before swearing emphatically and pulling the string on the side of the foxhole. As the warning bells began to ring and troops began pouring out of the bunkers, flares ignited over no-man's land and turned the indistinct darkness into a brightly defined wasteland of mud and dirt dotted with dark craters with water pooling inside. A few hundred yards away, the advancing Xbox tanks and console infantry were clearly visible beneath the light of the white flare, and almost immediately, green streaks of light from Razer guns began crisscrossing the field, some intersecting with console infantry, tearing off limbs and shredding internal organs. Moments later, the heavy thuds of AMD machineguns joined the staccato of cracks that accompanied Razer fire, and the occasional dull boom of a DirectX anti-armour cannon marked an Xbox tank going up in flames. Yet despite all this, the advance continued unimpeded, dead troops and burning tank wrecks being trampled and run over before being left behind as the attack continued. Then, just as they came within a hundred yards, the entire console line opened up at once. Xbox tanks fired their cannons, blasts tearing apart entire squads of infantry and turning neat trenches into earthen craters, and the infantry began firing their Dualshock rifles in a deafening staccato of zapping noises, turning any PC infantry in their sight into smoking carcasses. TBC at a later date why, you ask because i really liked my idea more
#156819559Friday, February 27, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

oh snap! I didn't know I accidently went on the RP forum
#156819708Friday, February 27, 2015 1:18 AM GMT

all of the sudden, shadowfan found a strange crystal an alien ship flew down from the sky!!!!!!! an alien popped out and it said as i quote::: "ayy lmao" the end #INSTALLGEN2

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