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#156858558Friday, February 27, 2015 9:26 PM GMT

(There will be a link to this on my bio. Feel free to bury this.) ATF Characters: Johnathan: Alias(es): Damien, Jacob, Aaron, 'The Gunslinger' Age: 44 Height: 5' 10" Skin: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown Scar(s): None visible Prosthetic(s): Nerve-Linked Pneumatic Prosthetic on right arm Faction: Refugee Bio: Johnathan is a roamer, finding jobs wherever he can, and barely earning enough to survive. He lost his right arm when he was captured by bandits, who slit his wrist after stealing his things. A "doctor" found him as he was bleeding out, and amputated his entire arm so he would stop bleeding out. It almost didn't work. He had to make do with one arm until he found an abandoned hospital with prosthetics in its basement. He now spends his time selling himself as a caravan guard, or running scavenging trips for nearby towns. -------- Sergei Shostakovitch: Alias(es): N/A Age: 48 Height: 6' 2" Skin: White Eyes: Green Scar(s): One long scar along the left side of his lower jaw. Prosthetic(s): N/A Faction: ACMF (Deserted) Bio: Sergei has a troubled past, but he has put it behind him to help others. While intimidating, he will welcome almost any neznakomets to sit and talk. In large abandoned areas, he will set up Sergei's Haven, and will supervise groups of people in an area with only one rule: No weaponized fighting. He is not easily bribed with money, but if you know his vices (Of which he has many) you can usually work something out. He cannot stand hypocrites, but feels that he himself is one. While many cannot fully understand his thick accent, they do understand his welcoming smile.

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