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#15729542Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:29 PM GMT

I was sleeping in my bed, I couldn't fall asleep. The silence wasn't so bad, but it take's two to whisper quietly. I allowed my gold eyes travel to the window, looking at the wide range of evil around the single white house we lived in. I looked at my fingers, seeing the space where your finger's used to fit so perfectly. I'll miss your arms around me. I pulled up my downy covers to my chin, as I watched the night turn light blue. I touched my cheek, feeling the spot where my star had kissed me. I began to close my eyes slowly as the vent in my room hummed slowly, pouring atmosphere into my small, white room. I fell asleep quickly, trying hard to recreate the feeling of my star around me. I woke up again, and I couldn't say that I liked it more then sleep, where I could return to the nothing and feel safe again. I stretched, and walked to the kitchen grabbing an apple and sitting next to one of the kid's that lived in our house. I wondered if we, the children of this house, could change the world. Into a better, happy world, where I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. Where we wouldn't be alone anymore. ~CHARACTER SHEET~ Name: Star Attribute: Gender: Missing: Clothing: Likes: Dislikes: Object of Favor: Physical Appearence: Lives: Star Name: Star Appearence: Theme Song(s): Age: (11-16) ~ EXTRA"S ~ Your star is a physical person that died a long time ago, but that you can still feel connected to in the RPG. Your Star has given your attribute today. Tell about your Star's appearence. The Missing section is where you tell one thing that you miss about your star. Spell Correctly, no shortcuts. Please fill out the sheet accordingly, and fully. Where you live is either that you live outside the house, or inside the white house.
#15730456Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:46 PM GMT

(im a little confused but ill fll out what i know) Name:Aarod Brachuin Star Attribute:(counfused here) Gender:Male Missing:(counfused here to) Clothing:Black shirt,Jeans,Goes barefoot Likes:Talking,Cooking,And eating Dislikes:Sitting still,Not eating Object of favor:(confused) Physical Apperance:5"3',96 Lbs.,Not that musculer,Green eyes,Short black hair Lives:Inside(is that what you mean) Star name:(confused) Star apperance:(confused) Theme song(s):(confused) Age:13 (i read all the rules and the extras but dont understand evrything)
#15730459Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:46 PM GMT

Name: Raen Star Attribute: Open Minded, loud Gender: Female Missing: Arm's around her. Clothing: Long white pants, long-sleeved button down shirt, black tanktop underneath Likes: FireFlies, whispering, being loud, being happy, toys, atmosphere Dislikes: Being Alone. Object of Favor: Her Toys, her favorite being a small robot she brings with her everywhere. Physical Appearence: Short violet (boy cutt) Hair, gold eyes, thin Lives: In the white house. :3 Star Name: Near Star Appearence: Long white pants, long-sleeved button down shirt, black tanktop underneath, short curly white hair Theme Song(s): Fireflies- Owl City, Vanilla Twilight - Owl City Age: 13
#15730513Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:47 PM GMT

( Aarod, check out how I filled mine in, you'll probably get it sooner or later )
#15730586Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:48 PM GMT

(I think i get it now but for star does it mean a famous person and under thjeme song d we need one because i dont know many songs?)
#15730668Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:50 PM GMT

( No. You can just make your Star up. I've created many, many RP charcater's because I plan to own my own Anime someday, and they'll be character's in it. A song? Here. Do you know any band's you like? )
#15730695Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:51 PM GMT

(um no lol)
#15730823Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:54 PM GMT

Name:Aarod Brachuin Star Attribute:Quiet,Thinking(like ideas and stuff)(this what you mean) Gender:Male Missing:The way they talked Clothing:Black shirt,Jeans,Goes barefoot Likes:Talking,Cooking,And eating Dislikes:Sitting still,Not eating Object of favor:A neckalice with a green cross on it Physical Apperance:5"3',96 Lbs.,Not that musculer,Green eyes,Short black hair Lives:Inside white house Star name:Allon Star apperance:Olive colerd shirt,Black pants,Black shoes Theme song(s):(thinking) Age:13
#15730824Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:54 PM GMT

Name: Maryio Destrunesz Star Attribute: Outgoing Gender: M Missing: A good friend Clothing: White Tank, Black jeans, Black jeans, Black spiked hair Likes: Seeing smiles Dislikes: Getting mad at someone Object of Favor: An old pillow, in which sewed,"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb, becasue that's where the fruit is" On it. Physical Appearence: Healthy, six-pack Lives: Small, run down farmhouse. Star Name: Max Karez Star Appearence: Short and rown eyes, long brown hair, regular clothes. Theme Song(s): "Lovebug/ Acoustic/ Part 1" Jonas Brothers. Age: 14
#15731124Friday, October 23, 2009 12:01 AM GMT

( Ready to Start? :3 )
#15731222Friday, October 23, 2009 12:02 AM GMT

#15731339Friday, October 23, 2009 12:04 AM GMT

I crunched down into the apple, swallowing before I finished.
#15731447Friday, October 23, 2009 12:06 AM GMT

Name: Anden Strenan Star Attribute: Comforting Gender: Male Missing: The comfort he got from his star. Clothing: black and blue overcoat, red shirt, tan pants, black boots, bandages wrapped around his body, arms, and his left hand. Likes: getting to know others, meeting new friends Dislikes: Being isolated from people. Object of Favor: A hand made walking stick, he carries it whenever he can Physical Appearence: deep blue eyes, navy blue dyed hair, tanish skin, around 7' Lives: outside the house Star Name: Chance Star Appearence: Long dark brown hair (to her shoulders), green eyes, a deep purple dress witha black sash/belt. Theme Song(s): I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cuitie. Age: 16
#15731505Friday, October 23, 2009 12:08 AM GMT

Maryio: *is sleeping in farm and wakes up with hay in his mouth* I must've fallin asleep.
#15731597Friday, October 23, 2009 12:09 AM GMT

Anden I woke up to the sight of a blue sky. I smiled slightly, grabbing onto my walking stick. I used it to get up and I looked around.
#15731640Friday, October 23, 2009 12:11 AM GMT

Maryio: *gets up and walks to house* What's for breakfast mama?
#15731936Friday, October 23, 2009 12:16 AM GMT

I looked around. "...Who's there?"
#15732038Friday, October 23, 2009 12:19 AM GMT

Maryio: *feels wind* What the- who's there?
#15732247Friday, October 23, 2009 12:22 AM GMT

Anden I looked up and simled wider. I had slept under an aple tree. I rested my walking stick on the tree then climbed up the tree. I grabbed a few apples. When I was about to climb down, I fell. I landed flat on my face. "Oww..." I sat up, gathering the apples I had picked, rubbing my face.
#15732755Friday, October 23, 2009 12:32 AM GMT

I was hearing something. I walked to my room, and looked out the window, just to find a boy underneath my apple tree. I opened the screen. " Hello!"
#15732839Friday, October 23, 2009 12:33 AM GMT

Anden I looked up, hearing someone sae hello to me. I saw a girl in that white house. I smiled. "Hi!"
#15733240Friday, October 23, 2009 12:40 AM GMT

Raen I looked at him, tilting my head. "....Who are you?"
#15733382Friday, October 23, 2009 12:42 AM GMT

Anden "My name's Anden. I've been living out here for a while. Who are you?"
#15733422Friday, October 23, 2009 12:43 AM GMT

Raen. I looked at the tree. "...Okay, first off, you've been living in my tree?"
#15733486Friday, October 23, 2009 12:44 AM GMT

Anden "No... I've been living around, outside."

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