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#157315997Friday, March 06, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

[REPOST WITH A BETTER TITLE: Everyone was ignoring it, so I decided to use a title that would attract more people. If more people view and reply to it, then more spam, troll and crappy ideas will be drowned out, rather than those bad posts drowning out the good ones] v TL;DR BELOW v This is a banner that would sit between the tabs for the different sections (description, game instances, leaderboards, etc) and the section with the game's picture and such. The banner wouldn't be hidden inside any tab. It would always be there. The banner, can be used for announcements and such. Here are some features: 1) The banner can be one of multiple colors. They include: -Red -Orange -Green -Blue -Purple -Possibly more This can be used for color coding certain announcements, such as orange for a bug fix, red for some other thing, you get the point. Colors can also be used to attract attention of players, so urgent announcements can be heard. 2) Forum posts can be attached to banners. Basically, if you attach a link to a forum post, the forum post will be attached to the banner (you can choose whether you want that to happen or not). What I mean is that, there will be a button that says "A forum post is attached to this banner. Click here to show the full post", and when clicked, the banner will extend to show the full forum post, without having to leave the page. Very useful for updates and such! 3) You can write your own messages. You can write them with no character limit, like a forum post. There would be a button that says "Show full post", which would again, extend the banner to show the post. The main banner message would be in a title box, similar to again, forum posts. The message box would be seperate. This is just so you don't have to post to the forums for a message. The attaching forum posts idea was just so you don't have to rewrite something you want everyone to see. Also, people don't have to go to an entirely new page to see this post you want to show them. 4) Feed notifications Now this is a relatively useful feature. When the banner of a game is updated, you receive a notification in your feed, and the notification would be used just as it would on the game's page. There isn't that much to it either, and it's still very useful. That's all I could think of, bye! Oh oh wait! Forgot! TL;DR! Here you go, lazy reader!!! TL;DR: A banner that sits between the tabs with description and a game's picture 1) Can be any color you want 2) Forum posts can be attached and read on the banner 3) You can write your own message so you don't have to write a thread on the forums and attach it 4) You can toggle the ability to receive notifications in your feed when a game's banner updates bai11111 Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157316048Friday, March 06, 2015 10:42 PM GMT

+2 supports from original Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157318558Friday, March 06, 2015 11:17 PM GMT

Great support.
#157318668Friday, March 06, 2015 11:18 PM GMT

Support, but the mods would have to make sure the links don't lead to inappropriate content and nobody abuses the banners.
#157322023Saturday, March 07, 2015 12:04 AM GMT

it wouldn't show the links in the banner it would show the post itself... Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157329191Saturday, March 07, 2015 1:44 AM GMT

bump Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157329395Saturday, March 07, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

lol he says Hey, congratulations, you copy and paste it into Google Translate! Feel good about yourself now? Knowing that you have not moved in this life ? after everything XD, and yes, i did use google translate XDXD
#157329501Saturday, March 07, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

Post this in S&I and they would love this.
#157329558Saturday, March 07, 2015 1:49 AM GMT

Oh wait sorry I thought I was in OT
#157329882Saturday, March 07, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

how could you possibly mistake this hellhole full of gullible kids for OT
#157330831Saturday, March 07, 2015 2:05 AM GMT

^ *looks in OT when mods are offline* *sees swear words in every post* *sees trolls everywhere* hmmm... *looks back at S&I* *sees no swear words* *sees about 2 troll posts* ???????????????????? Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157367057Saturday, March 07, 2015 4:41 PM GMT

hey im on my alt bump Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157393181Saturday, March 07, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

hi me bump Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157440825Sunday, March 08, 2015 3:54 PM GMT

PLZZ REPLY BLAHDSFJKAHLWHIIOEHSHFSEIUWHSIUETGEGIJHUOIEPUISUFHIUOSEOIHUIHUISOUIYHSOIUOUIEGISEOGIUOFESHOIEUOSHIFEOIUSEHIEUHOIUODSFHUIOEZEHIUHESFIGOEGIHIOUEFHIEHIOSEG- ==================================================================================================== spam shield activated| ============================================================================ blah blah blah blahb blah blah|=================================================| ============================================================================================================ Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157581155Tuesday, March 10, 2015 7:48 PM GMT

bump Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157581690Tuesday, March 10, 2015 7:57 PM GMT

)= Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157593678Tuesday, March 10, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

Full support!
#157623351Wednesday, March 11, 2015 12:46 PM GMT

Thank you!
#157623408Wednesday, March 11, 2015 12:49 PM GMT

#157642462Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:22 PM GMT

thanx Эй, поздравляю, вы скопировали и вставили его в Google Translate! Чувствуйте себя хорошо о себе сейчас? Зная, что вы не продвинулись в жизни этого?
#157642966Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:29 PM GMT

#157643092Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:31 PM GMT

Support. Excellent Idea.
#157643266Wednesday, March 11, 2015 9:34 PM GMT

#157682374Thursday, March 12, 2015 3:06 PM GMT

#157740243Friday, March 13, 2015 2:58 PM GMT


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