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#157612037Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:24 AM GMT

Human Calendar: April 12, 3047 Station K347 3Delta On a space-station that previously served as a military outpost, now used for the entertainment of hundreds of diverse species. With a food court, dock, and recreational center, the space-station was bought by a intergalactic mega-corporation known as the PhilsoTech. They gathered a conglomerate of sponsors to nourish and house. These residents of wealth were known as gladiators. Often captured because of crime or put in the arena to gain an extra Galactic Credit. The weaponry ranges from natural elements to advanced technological weapons. Races: Races can be customized aside from the natural "human" race. Augmentations to the race will be evaluate by admins and if we decide it's okay, we'll permit you to use that race. HP/DMG System: HP System: HP will rely on armor, toughness, and your skeleton, buffs, etcetera. DMG System: DMG will rely on strength, your weapon, muscles, special race powers, etcetera. Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Race Specialties: (OPTIONAL) Biography: Appearance: Sponsor: (Make up a company) Rules: 1. Don't godmod. 2. Don't metagame. 3. My word is final. 4. Don't try to correct me. 5. Next time you see LNG, slap him.
#157612222Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:28 AM GMT

Mark Lark Dark Bark Hark Park mark
#157613042Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:45 AM GMT

*peeks in*
#157613058Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:46 AM GMT

*slaps LNG* You flaker!
#157616599Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:22 AM GMT

Name: Delfras Braychen Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: (I think some sort of golem-like race would be cool, people evolved from rock to incorporate it into their body, like a natural defense) Golem Race Specialties: Several random areas of their bodies are covered in thick stone, basically natural armor. Delfras has a stone fist and arm, along with part of his chest being stone. Biography: Delfras worked as a robber-for-hire of sorts. When receiving payment after a particularly difficult job, his client turned on him, handing him over to the law. He was put on the space station to fight, which he's not so happy to do. Other than that, he had a relatively normal childhood, other than being dirt poor. Appearance: Standing at 6'7, he's quite average height for a golem, weighing 270 pounds. He wears a large synthetic fur cloak, dyed brown and blue. Beneath that, he has a steel breastplate with a small shoulder pauldron on his right shoulder. beneath that, he has basic clothing. He has black combat boots, up to his mid-calf. Sponsor: AccurAce
#157617084Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:41 AM GMT

Name: Bittersweet Darkness Age: 24 Gender: Female Race: Snake headed-lizard-person-thing (Basically a person with a snake head, and a lizard tail and lizard hands and feet. Kinda like those Skyrim d00ds.) Race Specialties: This race can run faster than most, and they see more clearly through the night though being a human counterpart their vision is limited in the night. The skeleton of a snake person thing (I guess I'll call it a Snake hybrid.) It crumbly-er than most, you could say. So a snake Hybrid's scales will be harder than a normal snakes, but they feel the same. Biography: She was taken for granite when she was a younger snakeling (OMG A NAME KEWL!!1!) Because her scales weren't as tough back then. The other snakelings would tease her, but when she got older, it was her turn to be a winner now. Her scales had grown power resistant over the summer (Or whatever this RPG calls it) break. Then on she had become feared by a lot of her classmates, but she never liked it. She then had became shy and collected. She is very secretive now and hides in the darker areas of the space station. Appearance: Wears her black hoodie all the time because I can. Wears a pair of removable deer antlers sometimes. Her eyes are pearly, sea blue. *Reference to the Song you better run for your life, lol.* Wears a scarf all the time, but behind the scarf is a necklace with a star attached to it, off course, it's fake. Lol. Sponsor: Dignity Inc. WEAPONZZZZ!: She keeps a black with blue striped outlined scythe in the closet *Rarely uses*, and with her tail, sometimes carries around a hunters gun, the guns that can usually buckshot stuff. Like rifles and stuff.
#157617241Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:48 AM GMT

Name: Alenaes Lima Age: 24 Gender: Female Race: Frosei Race Specialities: Her race is from a ghost planet and is adapted to cold and dark wheather and climates her race also does not need oxygen to survive. Biography: Basically Alenaes was a normal person from her planet and eventually she was an astronaut so she flew far over to Earth where she hot shipwrecked. She also eventually joined the military and went to the military camp. Nuff said. Appearance: Longish white hair put into a ponytail on the back of head. Sky blue skin with a white line through the center of the skin. Small and young looking. Pure white eyes with no pupils. Pure white nails. Sponsor: SIA-Tech
#157617294Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:50 AM GMT

Weapons: An electric/laser sniper rifle and an electric/laser pistol
#157621753Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:20 AM GMT

Hell Ya I'm joinin)
#157623937Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1:21 PM GMT

Name: Trenton Keyes Age: 37 Gender: Male Biography: Trenton was born on Earth. During his childhood, he had a sort of uncanny ability to make gadgets, and the occasional "It was for self defense" home made flamethrower. It was during this time he won several science fairs, and was allowed to enlist at a prestigious academy: Quartz Academy for Gadgets and Weapons. It was during this time he began to make several friends, which was strange since he was mostly shy. After graduating, in total he had made 15 firearms and 20 gadgets, ranging from optical camouflage to stick boats/gloves. Eventually, the government had contained him to try and recon the gladiator arena for illegal doings. He was also given clearance to try and sabotage the games as much as possible. (Is that okay? If it's not, leave it out.) Appearance: Trenton is a Caucasian with cold, icy blue eyes. He has a rather small psyche, weighing in at 115 pounds, and over 5 feet tall. His hair is an almost jet black, but people sometimes confuse it for being a really dark brown. He has rather medium sized ears, but highly rounded. For performing security and surveillance, Trenton was given a FENIX protector bulletproof vest, with specially weaved fiber to stop most sword slashes and certain types of ammunition. FMJ will definitely pierce the vest, as well as 5.7x28, 5.56x45, Remington 6.8 SPC, 45ACP, and .50 Action Express and .50 BMG. Rhe vest can also be equipped with the optical camouflage he designed, but he also needs to equip a battery backpack. He also wears a black digital camouflage jumpsuit, also able to equip the optical camouflage. He has specifically designed gloves that are basically ergonomic when handling rifles, and if he wanted, could equip the sticky boot/glove technology. For added protection, he wears a SPECTRA helmet. Weapons: The government issued him a black case with these weapons for certain situations: A Berreta MPX, an FMG-9, an FN FNC, and a modified DSR-1 designed to use tranq darts.
#157633126Wednesday, March 11, 2015 6:32 PM GMT

Forgot some stuff on appearance. He has short black hair and grey eyes. On the pauldron, there is a small white crosshair, the logo of his sponsor company. Beneath the steel chestplate, kevlar-like material is melded to the chestplate itself. He wears something similar to puu(.)sh/gw47e/5f986f57b0.jpg but black, with a dark blue trim and a silver visor.
#157651580Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

[tracked i wouldve loved to know that there was a bit more detail but alright]
#157652143Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:43 PM GMT

Delfras and Trenton accepted.
#157653222Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:58 PM GMT

Name: Subject 77 Age: 1 year since he was created. Gender: Unknown Race: An Android. Bio: He was created for battle, but has not battled yet. Appearance: 77 looks like a roblox noob. However, 77 has two laser pistols on his sides and a katana on his back. Sponsor: The Robostorm.
#157653276Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:59 PM GMT

(Change appearance?)
#157653309Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:59 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Numous[I cant think of any good names, damn it...] Age: Approximately fifty three human years old. Gender: Male, presumably. Race: Arkus. Race Specialties: Very intelligent and wise, the Arkus specialize in all things technology, being one of the most advanced races in the galaxy - however, to counter this a vast majority of them are quite weak, and are built for more long range combat or melee combat with advanced weaponry. They move quick enough, though it should be noted that a large majority of the strong races would be able to easily outrun any of the Arkus race. Biography: Numous was born on the crime planet Cerebus, a deadly planet covered for the majority in ice. Weather that can go below -50 degrees on good days constantly pelt the people living there, causing the weaker species to freeze and die if on the planet for too long. It was only due to the Arkus' vast technology that Numous and his family were able to survive on the planet as long as they did. Of course, seeing as he was on the crime planet, both his parents were criminals, man and woman with no morale. Numous' mother's attitude changed upon her child's birth, but his father thought otherwise; he abandoned the two shortly after Numous' birth, becoming a famed bounty hunter who had killed the best of the best with the large arsenal of technology at his disposal. He had things that space pirates would kill to acquire. Numous' early life had been torn between hate for his father and a desperate strive for survival and knowledge. He had learned emotions such as hate and anger at a very early age, and like most Arkus gained the ability to walk at age one month. He learned to talk at about three months. It was considerably difficult on Numous as he had little to do to pass the time, unless his mother was feeling brave enough to permit Numous to follow her on "quests" she took up to gain the two a bit of money. Age sixteen is the Arkus year of adulthood, so his mother had no choice but to allow her son to leave. She had fears and worries of Numous seeking out his father, and her prediction proved to be true. His mother died a month later due to a lack of money, causing her to die in a mix of starvation and freezing. Numous was, and still is, unaware of her death. Meanwhile in the far reaches of space, Numous sought out his father, who now owned a wealthy business called Vineyard. He gained the knowledge of it's main base of operations and attempted to slay the man that had left him before either could get to know the either. Numous failed miserably. He was caught by his father, who did not seem mentally able to kill him, so he was thrown into a type of prison, left to rot for thirty years until he offered his son a deal, a deal allowing him to be free if he could raise enough wealth. If not, he would be...put out of his misery. While he had a great lack of strength he had one thing to back him up; the knowledge of Vineyard, which mainly focused on developing weaponry and other devices. Appearance: Small, about 3'2. with light grey skin and very little hair, the remainder being white. He wore little armor, but what comes next compensates for his lack of strength and protection; an incredibly powerful and speedy set of mechanical spider legs and a very small sword. He appears to be insane/delusional. Imagine Kazdan Paratus from SWTFU, the first one. Sponsor: Vineyard
#157653462Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

(Numos accepted)
#157655093Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:28 AM GMT

Bio: 77 was created by RoboStorm for the arena. 77 was supposed to be an armored warrior for the arena, able to take lots of damage. Appearance: 77 looks like a medieval knight. However, there are two red dots behind the helmet's visor. 77 has a giant sword behind his back, and a laser pistol on his side. (What should I fix?)
#157655275Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:30 AM GMT

tiny here i got banned for a little bit on my other account i'll be posting on this if that's alright
#157681902Thursday, March 12, 2015 2:44 PM GMT

wanna know who one of my favorite lets players is? MARKiplier
#157726257Friday, March 13, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

(1234 i will give you a cliche storm i have tried) Name: Arpie Heria Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: The Armnie Race Specialties: Armnies often have strange red skin which shades tend to vary, from bright neon, to pink, to a dark rouge, and horns that look to be like rams. They're also stronger than most races, even the smaller ones look like they bench in the gym 24/7. They are also known to be great warriors and talented fighters as well, though Arpie really isn't one. Biography: She's a former local star, now a space criminal. Born on a small, urbanized, crime polluted and populated planet, she's made her own fate as a vocalist of a decent 5 person called the Burning Suns. The band didn't get much attention outside the planet, but Arpie couldn't say it was a terrible life getting extra revenue from their songs, until everything changed. After the band disbanded because of a freak accident involving confetti and fireworks, leaving four members to burn alive to death and the apartment building she lived in to burn too, she had no choice but to become a bounty hunter for her income. Seeing no other option, Arpie geared herself up, left her obscure planet by sneaking in a shipping ship, was caught before she had the chance to start, and was put into prison. Appearance: Arpie stands at a relatively average height for a human, around 5'5", with a stout figure. Her skin is smooth, and is clearly a visible bright red tone. Her horns are a thick, black, and curls just like a typical ram's. Her eyes are a complete black, scelar, pupils and all. She wears medium armor, a simple laser pistol, a large knife, and the hope that she wouldn't die the first round. Sponsor: The Advanced Accomplishers
#157726481Friday, March 13, 2015 4:03 AM GMT

(forgot her hair!!!!) Oh, and Arpie's hair is a wavy dark red, which reaches only to the top of her shoulders, with straight bangs that cover her eyebrows and rest upon her eyelids.
#157728543Friday, March 13, 2015 4:53 AM GMT

(me: is hoping my character is decent enough to be accepted is she? if not... what should i change)
#157728700Friday, March 13, 2015 4:57 AM GMT

Arpie accepted.
#157737088Friday, March 13, 2015 12:37 PM GMT

(can we start?)

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