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#157731877Friday, March 13, 2015 7:18 AM GMT

//:Zevexian Empire _-_ HR Handbook :\\ Here's the official HR Handbook of Zevexian Empire, All HR's must make sure they follow this Handbook, If not. They shall be punished. //:Content:\\ 1.//What's an HR? 2.//How to become an HR? 3.//Rules of an HR 4.//Expectations of an HR 5.//How to control a soldier 6.//How to train Soldiers in the Group //:What's an HR?:\\ An HR is the top rank of group as Zevexian Empire. HR is the short form of " High Rank " as people join the Group they may start off as an LR ( Lower Rank ) or E ( Enlist ). Below HR and above LR comes MR ( Middle Rank ). //:How to become an HR?:\\ To become an HR you must show us Maturity, Punctuativity, Loyalty, Activeness, Attend Trainings, Hosting trainings, that you can control a soldier and you can follow the Rules of an HR and the Handbook. //:Rules of an HR:\\ The rules of an HR are quiet, strict. We don't just stay strict all the time, We also do have fun, but the real answer to be strict is, to make you better. You may need to Show us that you are a perfect fit for an HR and attend and host Daily trainings. You may also need to recruit for promotions, that's the easy way of earning promotions. You may need to follow what the 3ic, 2ic or the Owner tells you to do, and once done, tick it off. //:Expectations of an HR:\\ We expect all our High ranks to follow the Handbook and respect the group. Also, you Must at your full hope, try to follow the rules of an HR as best as you could ever do. //:How to control a soldier:\\ To control a soldier, you may need to get a little strict as how to control them of they're misbehaving, roaming around or out of line, etc. here's the numerical order of the punishments of how to control a soldier. First, if they don't listen, Give them a straight warning, But if they keep continuing on and on, punish them by admin, But of they rejoin or keep misbehaving, Kick them. If they come back, and start misbehaving Again, Ban them. If this behaviour is engaged in every Facility and Group wall/shouts, Make sure to exile them and Send the owner a message of why, How, when and what you did to control the soldier and that you exiled him/her. //:How to train soldiers in the Group:\\ To train a soldier, you need to explain and elaborate on which map you may need to start on off at such as FFA ( Free for all ), 1v1, Jugg, 2v2, BvR ( Blue vs. Red ). If you're confused or can't decide between 2 or more, Give the soldiers 2 or 3, not more, not less choices of the map you need to have like, line behind the clone of the name of Map and the most soldiers behind the map will be voted, If it's a tie, YOU may need to pick what map and the other one after. _________________________________________________________________________________ That's the end of the HR handbook, We hope you to follow every, single rule in this Handbook. Thank you. Last updated : 16th March, 2015 //:ALL HAIL ZEVEXIAN EMPIRE!:\\ [: Made by Owner, Aerux Modified by 2ic, diaz159. :]

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