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#157839950Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:35 PM GMT

Why not change to Color3 instead of BrickColor? BrickColor uses a small palette of 64 (144 if you know how to do it right), while Color3 allows so much a palette, it would be 16,777,216 in total, since each RGB value goes from 0 to 255. Plus, all GUIs and Lights use Color3. But then, who wants a way to make particle effects? It doesn't matter if you try fire, sparkles, explosions, or even smoke. Particle effects could most definitely give either an extremely realistic look, or a cartoon-ish look, and would be good for all sorts of artists. Plus, you could make your object emanate shrapnel, or anything you want, via decals! And no moderation needed, since decals are already heavily moderated! I also think we should be able to remove the sun or moon, or introduce multiple suns or moons in order to create a good fictional setting, as well as change the side of such moons or suns. Like, what if you wanted to live on Mars, or the TES world Tamriel? What about Tattooine from Star Wars? I call this update, the "Masterpiece" suggestion.
#157840046Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:36 PM GMT

Whoops, typo on the title.
#157840459Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:41 PM GMT

Color3 Argument - support Particle Effects - currently in development. If you really need them, you could script them. Sun / Moon - You can already remove the sun, moon, and stars using a skybox. You could also (hackily) create multiple suns and moons using BillboardGuis. Support in favor of an easier system
#157842613Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:05 PM GMT


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