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#157874244Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:34 AM GMT

Shut down that part of the forums. Now, this may seem like a bad idea, but hear me out. What used to be a place where you can post general things has now turned into a place where users without common sense post random crap because they feel like it and because it has become too much of a hassle, moderators can't properly remove most of the threads. I have been watching this part of the forums. It seems to me that a new post is made every seven or so seconds. With that many posts being made, one out of every two posts is either complete nonsense that shouldn't have been posted in the first place or a post that belongs somewhere else in the forums. (those complaints about being hacked belong in the help thread; those positive things about your game should be posted either in the game design thread or the game marketing threads) I'll be the first to say the honest truth. Roblox doesn't even need a forums. I mean seriously, the majority of Roblox are kids that can barely contain their maturity on the game. They don't need another outlet to express their immaturity, much less a forum, a place made where mature people or people who wish to go in-depth with something come to discuss their things. With this, I'll also say the second harsh truth. 50% of the subforums are filled with nonsense, including this subforum (Suggestions & Ideas). It seems to me that people can't differentiate where their posts are supposed to go and as a result, end up posting something that should be somewhere else in the inappropriate thread. What doesn't help is that people have no ability to edit or delete their posts after they are made like other forums have the ability to do. People have to contact the moderator in order to get the thread deleted, and there is NO LIST OF STAFF MEMBERS! I've been in Roblox since 2008 (two accounts). The only three staffers I know are Builderman, Roblox, and Telemon. This forum needs to be maintained! There's too much nonsense posted by people who don't have the sense needed to differentiate between which subforum their posts are supposed to be in. There is no ability to edit or delete posts made, making it consequentially harder to moderate oneself on the forums. So even if someone realized they made the mistake of posting in the wrong part of the forums, THEY CAN'T FIX IT. There's no list of staff that indicates which people are forum staffers. And, contrary to everyone's belief, MODERATORS DO EXIST! At this point in time, "All Things ROBLOX", "Suggestions & Ideas", and "Off-Topic" share the same amount of nonsense. There is a minimal amount of moderation in these subforums. Hire some more mods or remove one of the subforums to reduce the amount of nonsense that comes through the forums. Come on! This part of Roblox is a culmination of all immaturity that can be possibly displayed by the commonality of all of the forum members. If there are any mature forum members out there, and I mean any, I urge you to make a group, and post it here. Make a group for the mature people out there who wish to get something out of the forums. If you find doing so to be pointless, then you don't have to. But, gathering all of the mature forum members would be a good thing. I'd help manage the group from time to time by sifting out the mature from immature. It could be a thing. -- godstriker4, forum diplomat
#157874354Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:35 AM GMT

If you only know ROBLOX. Builderman and Telamon You've been living under a rock for the past seven years.
#157874597Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:39 AM GMT

Is that all you got out of it?
#157874678Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:40 AM GMT

No. There should be increased moderation, not forum deletion.
#157874700Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:40 AM GMT

gtfo newbag
#157874882Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:42 AM GMT

There's a group called "ROBLOX Staff and Forum Users". I suggest you use it.
#157875218Sunday, March 15, 2015 3:47 AM GMT

Well. I see this forum isn't going to progress at any time. Carry on then. Just ignore this thread. Sorry I posted it. Only a few views in and I'm already called a "newbag." I see where this thread is going.
#157876263Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:02 AM GMT

thats what off topic for idiot If you want more sense go to the rp things or The *rarely* good days on rt
#157876386Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

Dude. I'm talking about All Things ROBLOX and Suggestions and Ideas. Please. Don't pick out one sentence and complain about it when all of the words flooded around it clearly support something else.
#157876418Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

most people on the forums are either mature or over 13 plants > animals
#157876471Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:05 AM GMT

@cpmoderator12345 Doesn't seem that way.
#157876547Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:06 AM GMT

I'd like to argue, without cockiness, narcissism, or hubris, that this is the most mature post in the last twenty posts in this subforum (OP).
#157876550Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:06 AM GMT

Becasue op is under 13
#157876694Sunday, March 15, 2015 4:08 AM GMT


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