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#157949830Monday, March 16, 2015 12:38 AM GMT

Ranks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dogs: Dogs are house hold pets, usally are near the "Barns" or "Houses" they all ways wear a collar with either a bell, or tag. they are kept safe by "Up-walkers" Warrior: Warriors are fighters of the pack, and also are guards. they are mostly picked from a trainee/apprentice age, by there confidence and strength. Puppy: Puppys are newborns or just baby wolves. they can't fight at all and tend to play all the time, They do NOT have teeth or full grown claws yet. Trainee/apprentices: Trainees/apprentices are a youngish wolf, they can only become a trainee/apprentice at 6-7 Toshis*Years* they can be trained by a mentor to become either a Hunter,Healer or Warrior/guard Healer: Healers are the wolf in the pack that are basically medics. There can only be 3-2 healers. (The trainee/apprentice and the two healers.) Hunters: Hunters do what the name states. they hunt for the pack in either groups or alone. Elderly: Elderly are the oldest wolves of the group, They can no longer fight and there age group is 60-70 Toshis*Years* and when they are becoming a elderly wolf, They must retire there rank of whatever the rank is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herbs: Honey: Honey can be only found in bee hives in combs on inside the bee nest, Bee's nests and honey combs are only found in forest territory. Juniper: The juniper berry is hard to find in sand territory, only can be found in forest territory, the juniper berry helps wolves that are having trouble, Breathing. Platain: The plantain is a herb that can be found close to forest territory, It helps the wolf if its posioned, Simply put the herb on the wound it was bitten at and it takes venom/poison away! Or if there is no wound, let the wolf eat the Plantain and it will throw up the venom Black berry*DANGER*: Black berries are a posionus berry that no wolf should ever eat, If eaten it will close up it's air way and start making the wolf throw up blood. Juicy cactus*DANGER*:Juicy cactus is NOT ever to be eaten, if eaten the spikes will extract and stab the throat/windpipe trying not to be swallowed. Rose-leaf: Rose-leaf is used to help pupping, mothers, the rose-leaf helps the mother with milk if the milk isn't enough she can take the leaf. Stick: Sticks are common in Sand and Forest. the Stick can be used for wolves in pain, they can bite down on it. Tall-grass: Tall grass is a herb used to help stop some bleeding of wounds. Sticky sand: Sticky sand can be found near water in sand territory, It holds the Tall-grass in place so it doesn't fall off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prey: Elk: Elks are common in forest territory, Can be hunted for its meat. Rabbits: Rabbits are also common in forest, can be hunted for meat and some fur for dens. Thrushs: Thrushs are a tiny robin like bird, they are hard to catch and are very quick, most winged wolves can catch them easily. Water Terrestrial: Water Terrestrials AKA Water shrews are a tiny creature that live by any kind of water sorce. are easy to catch by any wolf. Hares: Hares are a bigger point of a rabbit, they have more meat then the normal rabbit. Snakes and Adders: Adders and snakes are easy to find in Sand territory, but hunters and other wolves need to be careful, if one bites the wolf it can cause venom to course through the blood cells. Eggs: Eggs are the most healthy thing a newborn pup can eat until its teeth grow in.
#158198590Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:44 PM GMT

The household dogs are now called Pet's! Sorry about that lol.

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