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#158301487Saturday, March 21, 2015 2:28 AM GMT

You woke to the sound of 1960's French music. Apparently something is messed up with the radio station you set your alarm on. I mean, what channel plays 1960's French? You stand up and look out the window. You had the ship set on autopilot, while you slept, having an alarm ready for when you were five minutes out from the selected landing zone. The landing zone you're about to be going into is a swamp. Supposedly it's been experiencing an odd phenomenon. A section is falling down faster than it should be. To an educated eye, it the warning signs of a building built by the mysterious race who created the caches. It's not a sure sign, but good enough. You were about to sit down, when all of a sudden another ship quickly passes you. The computer states that at it's current speed, it will reach an area close to your landing zone in three and a half minutes.
#158339857Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:10 PM GMT

I sigh and turn auto-pilot off. I then turn the speed up and start flying.
#158341616Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

As you do, a cannon on the other ship's head faces yours. All of a sudden, it releases a blue wave that your ship gets caught up in. All of a sudden, your computer goes black, with red words saying: Virus Detected! We're sorry to announce we must debug your ship. The process will take around seven minutes. Until then, all other electronic devices including piloting are to be turned, except for the essentials needed for a habitable environment. They jammed your ship... That's a little low.
#158341666Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:37 PM GMT

(Turned off. I apparently forgot to put the off in that sentence)
#158342404Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:47 PM GMT

I sigh and sit there. Nothing else I can really do.
#158342758Saturday, March 21, 2015 5:52 PM GMT

Seven minutes pass, and a message comes up on the screen. Virus Removed! Have a nice day! Your electronics all come online. You think it may not be too late to go and claim the cache before these newcomers can.
#158363350Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:29 PM GMT

I continue flying until I reach my destination. (When will I reach the place I need to be?)
#158364503Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:45 PM GMT

(Right... now) Your ship continues it's path with no consequences. The clearing you chose is nice. Spacious and close to your target, you only need to walk. Even still, if those guys went ahead of you, you should probably come armed. It wouldn't be the first fire fight you had.
#158364732Saturday, March 21, 2015 10:48 PM GMT

I take my weapons and head out.
#158367059Saturday, March 21, 2015 11:20 PM GMT

Guns in hand, with your Flag on your back, you examine the area. You get ambushed by mud. It's like water, going up to your knees. However, by some miracle, it got solid around there. No wonder why the building, if one exists, is sinking so fast.
#158367421Saturday, March 21, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

I use my guns to try to shoot off the mud.
#158368769Saturday, March 21, 2015 11:43 PM GMT

It does nothing. The mud is, to your perspective, as large as an ocean. Even your ship is sinking a little into it. You can't simply shoot it off.
#158368901Saturday, March 21, 2015 11:45 PM GMT

I look around for anything I can grab onto
#158380582Sunday, March 22, 2015 2:15 AM GMT

No need. It's so far as you can see only knee high. You'll live. You should wade through this mud and check out the depression.
#158383875Sunday, March 22, 2015 2:59 AM GMT

I do so
#158387029Sunday, March 22, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

As you see reach the spot, you see what seems like a massive, perfectly circular crater. You also see a small hole to an area with blue lights a little off from the center. Building, confirmed. Other people after it, confirmed.
#158398760Sunday, March 22, 2015 6:40 AM GMT

I look around just in case some one else is out here just in case before I go through.
#158413253Sunday, March 22, 2015 1:38 PM GMT

Nope, no one. You fall through. When you enter, you see a hall that's falling apart. Some parts of the roof have cracks, and some have fallen over, filling the passage with mud. In the hold you fell down, mud was dropping like a water fall. But there was one thing evident. This building had all the trademarks of that early unnamed civilization. A pale, almost grey, blue metal building their halls, accompanied by blue lights. This increases the odds of a cache in the building.
#158441978Sunday, March 22, 2015 7:51 PM GMT

Uh... I start looking around I guess.
#158477953Monday, March 23, 2015 3:25 AM GMT

As you start to look around you see a massive chamber. Inside is the cache, a bunch of curved spires that look like metal vines with a blue glow coming out of them. And in front, interacting with the massive console that popped out as one approaches it, was a human, an eru, and an ugatogh. And you recognized these three. Particularly the human. It was the famous cache hunter, Victor. Number three of the list of the top five famous sponsored cache hunters in the Community. And the one who has always been bugging you since you started and got into a dust up over previous cache.
#158526154Tuesday, March 24, 2015 12:08 AM GMT

Quickly I start shooting. I shouldn't trust anyone.
#158531493Tuesday, March 24, 2015 1:29 AM GMT

The first shot misses, and alerts the ugatogh, who's name you remember as Gahgrung. Before any of your other bullets can dream about being hits, Gahgrung opens up a shield, protecting the eru, named Navree, and Victor. At this, Victor turns around and smiles, like you were a friend giving a happy greeting. You can see the gears in his rundun suit moving as he pulls out his pistol and bends his knees. You lost the surprise advantage. One thing you learned is to be scared of Victor. He was a sponsored cache-hunter. A competitor is tough enough in a fight, however some people have become so famous at finding caches, companies sponsor them to be promoted. This allows the sponsored cache-hunters to be able to access top-quality gear, centuries better than your own. This puts their combat ability at a level that's nightmarish above your own. As to what trick Victor put almost all his money on... He jumps onto the roof, and almost immediately jumps to the spot right behind you. The Monkey-Foot Suit, as it's often nicknamed, is so highly priced, as the technology is a little advanced even for the chrails. It carries all of the features of a classic rundun suit, but also allows for horrifying high jumps, and jumping off of walls and roofs. This fixes the classic problem with the rundun art: Getting to your opponent. He could move before you could react. As was the case as he grabbed your right arm and twisted it behind your back, forcing you to drop your gun. As an extra measure, he points his pistol to your head. "Don't try starting games without saying high to your friends first," he jokes.
#158531888Tuesday, March 24, 2015 1:35 AM GMT

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#158532854Tuesday, March 24, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

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#158539743Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:56 AM GMT

"I don't care." I say as I kick his shin hoping he would trip.

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