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#158409959Sunday, March 22, 2015 12:38 PM GMT

Reply to this post with the following if you want to be head coach: Your roblox age (aka how long you have been playing roblox.) How many leagues you have been in before. Have you won any awards? Have you been a coach for any other teams before? How active are you? I might ask for more questions later these are it for now...
#158600156Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:04 AM GMT

Also add which team you would like to coach.
#158641739Thursday, March 26, 2015 12:26 AM GMT

Your roblox age (aka how long you have been playing roblox.) 2 years How many leagues you have been in before. 6 leagues Have you won any awards? Poty 1nce and coach of the year 1nce Have you been a coach for any other teams before?Yes I coach the Houston Rockets in A group called RNBA How active are you? I am on Evry day tbh I would like to coach Orlando Btw

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