#203392070Saturday, December 03, 2016 2:10 PM GMT

oh no
#203399566Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:20 PM GMT

"We're nearly there we'll nearly there!" Alexandria got extremely excited as Hogwarts came closer and closer. ;)
#203399594Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:20 PM GMT

('she put her down in frustration')(rip)(*she put her head down in frustration)
#203400018Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:27 PM GMT

Wyatt"The name's Wyatt." Wyatt smiled and attempted not to show all of his teeth like his inner being wanted to. ;)
#203400398Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:33 PM GMT

die voldemort
#203400414Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:33 PM GMT

Elizabeth"Hi, Kol," Elizabeth says. She looks at the other boy that arrived on the boat. "Hi to you aswell." Elizabeth nods. She faces off to look at Hogwarts, thinking of all the great adventures she could have.
#203400528Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:35 PM GMT

Also bob, you're character is a giant.
#203400656Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:37 PM GMT

"Yeah, it does kind of feel like a dream. I always anticipated coming to Hogwarts, but now that i'm here, it feels so surreal," Eliza said, her voice back to it's usual quiet tone. She noticed his encouraging smile and nervous laugh. She hadn't meant to make him feel nervous because she felt nervous. "Sorry i'm so socially awkward. I usually don't engage in conversation," she apologized.
#203401046Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

Harvey-Harvey looked up from his book, his face turning a slight shade of red, "Apologies, m'am." He said, being sure to chew and swallow before he spoke. Taking his fork and knife, he began to muilti-task, and began to read at the same time he ate, this time more properly with his utensils. Not surprisingly, sometimes he simply missed his mouth with his fork due to his concentration on the book; at least it was better than the shoveling technique, though it could be seen as impolite towards the lady.
#203401059Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:43 PM GMT

➳ CS Name: Wyatt Cohen Age: 11, nearly 12 Gender: Non-Binary, He/Him pronounsAppearance: Wyatt is, in short, a spotted pale noodle with short hair and cool looking eyes. His skin is pale and his stature isn't athletic whatsoever, along with his slightly over-average height and under-average weight. His hair is a light brown and styled into a pixie cut, giving no shade to his soft hazel eyes. He has a few small moles: One on his jawline, three on his neck, and another on the area between his right thumb and index finger.Biography: Believe it or not, Wyatt was perfectly comfortable with his middle-class lifestyle, even if it could have gotten a little dull at times. Other than his figuring out what gender he was and coming out of the closet about five weeks prior to the end of the summer, he lived an average life with absolutely no sharp turns or life-changing events -- until he found out that he was a wizard and that he was headed to a school called Hogwarts. That was pretty life changing.Personality: A bit quiet unless he's very interested in a subject, easily confused (and just as easily captivated), a fondness for the arts and card tricks, notably bad with live sea creatures. ;)
#203401190Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:46 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#203401445Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:49 PM GMT

ElizabethShe nodded towards Eliza. She carefully took out her wand and pointed it at Devon. "You have three against you-- you're hopeless." Elizabeth spat. She got ready to cast a spell."Anteoculatia!" Elizabeth shrieked. It was the spell that made antlers grow from your head, she just spoke.
#203401481Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:50 PM GMT

(psst)(person who controls the character that slapped devon)(you out there)(because)(we can't really do much if you're not there.)DevonDevon pulled and pulled, slowly dragging her to the window. Soon, he was but inches away. (this is mildly unfair for team evil bc their character is not online)(so they can't actually do anything qq)
#203401588Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:51 PM GMT

*read - she was still the Beater - as - she was still one of the Beaters -
#203401841Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:55 PM GMT

"...Johnathan Leviant!" Suddenly, all his excitement fades. He could be put into Slytherin, or look like an idiot and be sent to Hufflepuff. Regardless of any of that, they were watching him. As Leviant walked forward, he picked his steps carefully, so as not to stumble.The hat was worn-out, patchy and dingy. But the most disturbing part of it was the face... watching him, rubbing its lips together idly. As the hat came on and he found his seat, it spoke his name again. "Johnathan Leviant. A name I haven't heard in a good while. Hmm.""Such a clever little boy, perhaps Ravenclaw? And yet, deep in you, I sense loyalty and courage undiscovered... Gryffindor!"As the normal applause came from the Gryffindor table and a very relieved John Leviant found his way over, he couldn't help but feel the tension still in the air. ;)
#203402081Saturday, December 03, 2016 4:58 PM GMT

Devon"Precisely," Devon waved to his fellow Slytherin companions and took his leave of the feast, which was already dying down and ending. He was near the front of the Slytherin line as they headed for the dungeons."Have you any experience with anything such as this? I for one have, they never disobeyed me ever again." He winked to several of his female first year peers and they seemed to melt like warm chocolate. He spoke in low tones, not wanting to alert any of the adults.
#203402300Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#203402808Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:07 PM GMT

Devon"Oh no! Please, tell me of you! What is your lineage? Blood? Wealth? I desire to know it all!" Devon asked, his eyes wide with interest. He needed to know if she'd be a valuable acquaintance!
#203402963Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:09 PM GMT

Elizabeth"Well, I lived in Boston." She stated. She looked off to the side. Something about Jonathan clicked to her. Like a mystery, a-accept it was already solved. "How about you?" She said, staring back at him.
#203403129Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:11 PM GMT

LukeI nod. "At least we get flight lessons." I say. "The only thing we can't do is join the Quittiich team. Have you ever flown before?" I ask her remembering once again the field that my father used to take me to so we could practice.
#203403193Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:12 PM GMT

(Can we timeskip to morning?)
#203403693Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:17 PM GMT

(Fair enough.)LukeFollowing the boy who was put into Slytherin I head my name, Luke Greenwood, called forward. "Seems like I am up." I mutter to Alexandria before heading towards the stool. As I sit down the sorting hat is placed on my head. "Loyal but brave." It mutters. "There is one or two places to place you but looking into your heart I can see where you belong. Gryffindor!" I smile as it announced the house I had always wanted and I stand up to head over to the Gryffindor table. ;)
#203404092Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:22 PM GMT

WyattAs Wyatt's boat made it to the shore, he got out as soon as possible and stared in awe at what was now his school. Thinking about the fact that he was a wizard and how he goes to a place that looks more like a castle than a school was so. . .so amazing he couldn't find a word that wrapped all of his feelings into a simple statement. He started to walk with the group, a grin spreading across his face. ;)
#203404179Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:23 PM GMT

(Don't worry, Dragonite. I'll obviously accept you, you're like, an amazing RP'er, lol.)
#203404223Saturday, December 03, 2016 5:23 PM GMT

hey there   ;)