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#158495309Monday, March 23, 2015 2:17 PM GMT

ACT 1 SCENE 1 Set in a present day wilderness about mid-day. MAPLECLAW is talking to BRAMBLESTAR. WOLFHEART runs into the center worried. WOLFHEART was a bouncey young warrior with a dog shaped muzzle and blue-gray fur. Her smelling was amazing for a cat. WOLFHEART:(Yelling, worried) I smelled badgers in our territory! BRAMBLESTAR:(surprized) What?! (looks around at the warriors gathering around them) MapleClaw, grab our best warriors and WolfHeart and go make sure it isn't going to hurt the clan! MAPLECLAW: Yes sir. (turns to a group of warriors and flicks his tail) Lets go WolfHeart, where did you smell the badger? WOLFHEART: (shakey voice) This way! (she runs off) As the warriors follow WOLFHEART, the smell of badger greets their noses. WOLFHEART halts in front of a big badger. WOLFHEART: (frozen in place) I found it.... MAPLECLAW: Attack! (runs up to the badger attacking it) All the warriors except WOLFHEART attack the badger. Then, MAPLECLAW is knocked aside by one of the badgers big paws. WOLFHEART: MAPLECLAW (runs over to him to if hes okay, he is unconscious. Then goes to attack the badger.) Badger then turns around a runs away, out of Thunderclan territory. WOLFHEART picks up MAPLECLAW and carries him back to camp. BRAMBLESTAR: (sees MAPLECLAW)Take him to the medicine cats den! WOLFHEART: Yes sir! (trots off to the med cats den with MAPLECLAW on her back.) MAPLECLAW: (starts to regain conscious) W-wolfheart? Did it leave? WOLFHEART: Yep! It didn't even get close to camp. MAPLECLAW: Good. Thank you for your help Wolfheart. Med cat tells WOLFHEART to go away. Fin.
#158495823Monday, March 23, 2015 2:31 PM GMT

this is not a role-play, this is an awful excuse for a forum in forum stories.

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