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#158698244Friday, March 27, 2015 12:11 AM GMT

Welcome, Premier, to your new nation! Currently, we are still a predominantly agriculture based economy. Some of the top commissars in the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) argue that we must industrialize and keep pace technology with the West. On the military front, we are demobilizing after the end of WWI. Our soldiers were ill-equipped and ill-trained against the Germans. It would be wise to not repeat this mistake the next time we go to war. With our regime viewed as somewhat illegitimate and our army out of shape for another major war, it would be best to avoid hostilities with either the Europeans or the imperialist Japanese in Manchuria for the time being. Please make a decision, Premier.
#158699466Friday, March 27, 2015 12:27 AM GMT

Hmm this is horrible but we must make plans. Send a diplomat to Germany to make a ailliance of exchanging tech. Close our army 50% we don't need the rest Station some troops in the Kuril Islands
#158699786Friday, March 27, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

Many in the army are disbanded, leaving you with much more funds to distribute to whatever you see fit. The Germans are currently unwilling to align themselves with us, even though they supported both the October Revolution of 1917 and our first Premier, Lenin. Perhaps closer relations are needed before we attempt an alliance? The Kurils have been stationed with an additional 15,000 men. The Japanese now seem dissuaded from any attack they might make on our holdings in the East.
#158701835Friday, March 27, 2015 1:00 AM GMT

Offer germany some cash for rebuilding Use our wreath and new workers and give them something to do. Build buildings for the state and roads in underdeveloped areas so we can safely expand in Siberia.
#158702064Friday, March 27, 2015 1:03 AM GMT

The Germans are very ecstatic to receive your investment. Our two nations could now be described as good friends, as Soviet-German trade and relations only grow stronger. Work begins on infrastructure development in Siberia. An expansion of the Trans-Siberian Railway is planned. Many in your nation cry out for electricity and the lightbulb. It may be wise to begin planning for this in the future. Your advisors suggest it could greatly enhance the USSR's industrial capabilities.
#158702648Friday, March 27, 2015 1:12 AM GMT

We need a few light blubs... Ask for trade with the Americans and get some light blubs for reverse engineering. We should continue this great relationship with the Germans Take one city of poland's because claims or whatever.
#158702813Friday, March 27, 2015 1:15 AM GMT

Our relationship with the Germans continues to be strengthened. A secret treaty is proposed to us by the Germans: conquer all of Poland with the help of our strategists and officers, cede Silesia and the western half of Poland to us, and you can keep the rest. Small trade of electrical components and engineers begin with the Americans. Our own scientists begin to reverse-engineer the technology, though this may take some time.
#158704895Friday, March 27, 2015 1:46 AM GMT

I agree with the Germans and begin to restart my army and go on to enforce my claims even more taking a second city from Poland, Tell the Americans thanks and begin to look into machine guns technogly.
#158705669Friday, March 27, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

1925 Development begins on a Soviet-designed machine gun, rushed to meet the demand of the new mobilization of the army. It is expected to be done by the end of the year.
#158705837Friday, March 27, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

Send some people to mine great soviet iron for the tanks we're going to need for this war. We don't need a lot of supplies so they be a bit weaker then their other counterparts but easier to massproduce' Take more of Poland
#158706107Friday, March 27, 2015 2:02 AM GMT

The war continues, but has begun to stagnate as we lack a significant technological advantage over them. We are, however, close to winning provided we can develop and equip our soldiers with new equipment soon enough. The British parliament narrowly passes a trade embargo on us, after our attack on Poland, which they fully condemn. Fortunately for us, however, it is not believed they will take any further action on the issue. The mining industry is increased, and so is manufacturing for our tanks. Our tanks are old and dated, but they still manage to get the job done.
#158706386Friday, March 27, 2015 2:06 AM GMT

Tell the Belerus nation that if combine armies with us they will be never be invaded again. Tell the UK it's about my claims on Poland no more expansion from me. Go full war on Poland I want dat land and send out the tanks In return for the light bulbs give America some of our coal to boost relations.
#158706832Friday, March 27, 2015 2:13 AM GMT

Coal and oil resources from our vast supplies of mineral wealth are shipped off to the United States for a tremendous profit, helping fund the full-scale production of our tanks. A new wave of fresh troops has reached the front lines and when supplemented by tanks has been able to quickly sweep across Poland. At this rate, the war will be over within the year. Belarusian soldiers are used as cannon fodder for your own, allowing you to preserve your own troops without heavy casualties. While the British do not seem fully satisfied with your explanation, they slowly begin to quiet down. War weariness from WWI prevents them from lifting too much of a finger to your war against Poland.
#158707478Friday, March 27, 2015 2:22 AM GMT

Begin the small infusion of propaganda into Belerus, ah destroying Poland what a day. Ask America if I can buy one of the Major Alaskian Islands back. Try to start a secret coup in Mongolia, one native Asain Russian may happen to sneak into Mongolia claiming he's a citizen and happening to be military trained and have a army standing behind him. Just maybe nugnug winkwink
#158707575Friday, March 27, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

Your troops near Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The Americans offer a price much higher than what they are valued at, but are willing to allow you to purchase the Aleutians. Plans begin for a secret military coup in Mongolia, which should be ready to begin soon.
#158707831Friday, March 27, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Take Warsaw before those dirty Germans can touch it. Forced Poland to be eastern Germany and western Russia now. buy the island and use it as settlement/military base Start the coup USSR is going to expaaaaand
#158708083Friday, March 27, 2015 2:31 AM GMT

(This is my final post for tonight, I might be able to get on sometime tomorrow night.) 1926 The peace treaty is signed, the Treaty of Moscow. Silesia and the Polish Corridor are ceded back to Germany. The rest of Poland is absorbed into the USSR. Work begins on stabilizing and reorganizing the Polish. The Aleutians are purchased, and a naval base is established. The Mongolian coup begins, and shows very promising developments. Our puppet quickly takes control of the government, placing a large portion of Central Asia underneath our control.
#158708399Friday, March 27, 2015 2:35 AM GMT

Encourage Belerus to use the same currency so we can further united as nations and russians. Ask the leader to start erhm Russianizing Mongolia, start having the polish get their great propaganda. Eat cake

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