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#158714660Friday, March 27, 2015 4:29 AM GMT

Hey! Do you like to roleplay? I just made a brand new roleplay group! It’s better for when you lag on roleplay games, or when ROBLOX isn’t working! The roleplay can be whatever you want! …Well, nearly whatever you want! It could even be a great start for new roleplayers. The group is called ❤ΔΠ|MΣ ᖇOᒪEPᒪΔҰ❤, and I own it! I’d be really happy if you chose to join it. It would also help a lot. This group is made for fun, there’s all sorts of things you can roleplay about! Be nearly anything you want and have fun! Although it says “Anime Roleplay” in the title, it does not have to be anime you roleplay about! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2550392
#158715812Friday, March 27, 2015 5:05 AM GMT

We aren't group or place RPers. You want to recruit people, go to C&G. I don't care what you think, this subforum is for text-based roleplays, not group recruiting. Your fancy text and no real theme earn you no respect points either.

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