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#158802648Saturday, March 28, 2015 4:39 PM GMT

Story: The Kingdom of Achievement City is ever-changing. The world is not what we would consider a world, rather a plane of dimension. What the Kingdom rules over is uncertain, but mortals cannot enter it. It can be seen as a Heaven, as the Nether is seen as Hell, but the Kingdom isn’t anything close to the peaceful and wonderful idea of Heaven. It is a place of turmoil and hardship, and certainly not for the faint of heart. While you can never truly die there, as you just simply return but with everything of your previous ‘life’ gone, you can still feel pain. It is a land of creation and destruction, and only a selected few can survive there. While the land has their Leaders, there must be a King to rule the Kingdom. How a King is chosen is different to normal royal systems. Six have been chosen, each worthy and strong in their own way. Some might call them Gods, but they are more like immortal men. There is the Drunkard, Geoff Ramsey, the Tradesman Jack Pattillo, the Vagabond Ryan Haywood, the Warrior Michael Jones, the Knight Ray Narvaez Jr (sometimes referred to as the Knight of Roses), and the Fool Gavin Free. The acting King reigns for so long, usually for several millennia, then when the time comes he must set various tasks to see who is worthy to become the next King. When one completes a task, they are given a golden artifact. Once collecting four of these artifacts, they have proven themselves, and must slay the acting King. Since death is not permanent in the Kingdom, the slain King simply returns to the Kingdom. Whatever the King does in the Kingdom affects whatever it rules over. How it is affected is unsure, but it usually based around if the action is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. The Chosen: The first King was Geoff Ramsey. At first glance he appears to be another drunk fool, but he is so much more than that. He witnessed the creation of the Kingdom, and was even given the ability to change it. While the others posses’ this ability, they do not have the amount of power Geoff has. He is wise and cunning, but his ego often gets the better of him. Though he becoming the first King was of no surprise to anyone, and he ruled fair and just. The second was Ryan Haywood. At first he appeared normal, but as time went on it was clear he had dark secrets. Strangely though, he only began to act peculiar after a cow wandered into his home. Later he trapped the cow and called it Edgar. He never gave an answer as to why. His sanity declined greatly since then. There have been attempts to free Edgar, but Ryan stated that ‘Edgar is the one in the hole’. He began to capture a variety of other animals, but most got free. Despite his growing madness, his reign was true and good. The others were wary of him, but didn’t see him as an immediate threat. In truth though, the Vagabond was trying to protect them. His home is over a crack of reality, a small sliver between the Kingdom and the bottom of the Nether. A demon seeped through, forming the shape of a cow and calling itself Edgar, but was bound to the crack. Ryan discovered it, learnt it feeds off souls, and to protect the Kingdom and the others he trapped it. He didn’t wish to worry the others, so instead pretended to be mad to hide his secrets. But the demon connected itself to Ryan’s mind, and slowly but surely the man lost his mind. The third King was Ray Narvaez Jr. Often nicknamed the Knight of Roses, and during his reign the King of Roses, he was the youngest King. He has an unusually strong connection with nature, and a great love of roses and mushrooms, but a hate of cake. He is quick with a sword, but is also known for his magical abilities. He has suggested he studies dark magic, but when asked about it, he outright denies it. While he was a good King, he was also one of the bloodiest. He loves a good battle, especially if he gets to fight. He was also one of the most light-hearted kings, who enjoyed a good party and liked to help where he could. But he’s young, and because of his lack of responsibility and care-free nature, his reign was the shortest. The fourth King was Michael Jones. The others were wary of him coming to power, as he is known for his sudden outbursts and his curse. Though a great warrior, he is stubborn and proud. He caused a great deal of uproar in the days of old, and so he was cursed. He is part man, part beast. When provoked, or when he chooses (which is rare), he transforms into Mogar, a monster which appears to be a man but has the characteristics of a bear. Mogar is vicious and merciless, and its wrath can last for weeks. While Michael has a great deal of control of Mogar, even so far as being able to harness the beast’s power without actually transforming’, he has times where he slips. Though when he chooses to change into Mogar, he has some control over his actions. His reign wasn’t easy as his outbursts caused a great deal of trouble, he was still a good King and tried to do well for the Kingdom. Because of his close friendship with Gavin Free, the Fool became his assistant and was given golden boots. Gavin was nicknamed ‘The Fool who dance on gold’. Later in Michael’s reign, Ryan became his mentor, and was known to do certain tasks for the Vagabond. The fifth King was Ryan. It was clear by this time, during his second reign, the man’s mind was broken. His madness either caused him to do great deeds, or horrible ones. He still tried to keep it together, and the others hoped he would. But as his reign went on, the demon took more and more of his mind. The others lost hope when the tasks were set. Through the use of a spirit who assisted him with the tasks, Ryan tried to free the demon by sacrificing the spirit to be used as a physical body for the demon. He expected the demon to kill the others, but things didn’t go as planned when Gavin slayed it, forcing it to return to its cage. After his reign, he knew he would be punished, so the others sent him to the Nether for a great deal of time, until their hearts got the better of them and brought him back. The current King is Gavin Free. Though named the Fool for his stupidity and carelessness, he was given the power to change the Kingdom by Geoff, and uses it wisely. While he is a fool, he is also a master of archery and arson, and can be rather cunning and sneaky. For now, Gavin appears to be a noble King, but these are early days and no one is sure what to expect, especially since the reign of the Mad King. The only one who has not become King is Jack Pattillo. It is a great surprise to the others, as he is skilled in a great deal of things. While his power to change the Kingdom is not great, he is rather skilled in building and creating, and nicknamed the Trader. He is almost a master swordsman, and cunning and intelligent, and knows how to play the game. But he also isn’t afraid to betray his friends, and they know it. But as to when he becomes King, he merely says ‘my time will come when the world is ready.’ Spirits: Various spirits have been known to appear in the Kingdom from time to time. They either help the Chosen, who cause trouble for them. One spirit had the potential to become one of the Chosen, but instead he betrayed them. Another spirit, who could potentially be a Chosen, is known to be rather close to Michael, even so far as to say she loves him. Unfortunately for one of the spirits, he was used as a pawn during the second reign of the Vagabond The Ghosts: Ghosts are different to spirits, as they created by someone or something and don’t have a mind of their own. They are fairly weak and usually quite harmless, and tend to roam the Nether, They usually resemble someone, if that someone has a connection to darkness. So far, only two Ghosts resemble the Chosen (they know very little of the Ghosts and how they come about). The first is ‘Ghost Ray’. Ray practices dark magic from time to time, and eventually his Ghost was created. He appears from time to time, and doesn’t have any interest in the others (he seems not to register they’re even there). The Second is ‘Ghost Ryan’. His came about because of his connection to Edgar. Only he knows of Ghost Ryan. Edgar uses Ghost Ryan to tease and torture Ryan mentally and emotionally, but it takes a great deal of strength to do so, so Ghost Ryan rarely appears. RP Application. King/Queen Name: Background: Abilities: Other: (Horrible RP Application.)
#158803616Saturday, March 28, 2015 4:53 PM GMT

King/Queen Name: King George Williams III Background: A few thousand years ago, George came in to the royal family, He was able to talk himself out of situtaions that he'd get in trouble as a child. He liked fighting, and mostly took it out on his pets. And farm animals. He found achievement city by the time he was Thirty. He found a man in green flying around, and had a crown on. And spoke to him. This was the beginning. Abilities: Skilled Fighter, argued better then Mogar, a.k.A. Michael. Rumored to practice Dark Magic alongside Ray. Other: No information.
#158804153Saturday, March 28, 2015 5:00 PM GMT

Other: (Forgot this.) Uses Bow & Iron Sword.
#158805733Saturday, March 28, 2015 5:21 PM GMT

(I'm just going to start alone I guess.) It was Five days before the end of the reign. Of Mad King The Third. And George was out fishing with Jack, something be rarely ever did. George: "Jack?" Jack: "Yeah?" George: "Why do you think Ryan descended into....well the man he is?" "I've been here ever since the first reign of Geoff." Jack: "I've heard rumors that his house hangs over a figment of the Nether and Earth." "But I'm not so sure, I haven't been king yet." George: "That's suprising." George placed the fish in the chest he had just caught, and got up. George: "I'll see you later Jack." Jack: "Bye." A few hours later, George was walking through the midst forest, hearing something move, and stepping on branches. He withdrew his sword, there wasn't much animals here, being they were usually slaughtered by Ryan. Or put in holes. He knew it wasn't a animals because of that, knowing it was a person. George: "Who walks ahead!?" He asked, looking in all directions. Voice: "It's only me George." The woman voice was traced back to her, walking out from the voices. It was sorcerer Lindsay. George: "What do you want?" Lindsay: "I want you to win." George: "Against The Mad King?" Lindsay: "Yes." "My Husband, Michael won't be able, due to his wounds." George: "Sorry about that." Lindsay: "Not a problem." Lindsay: "I will help you, meet me at the Portal, by "The Pit." When you're ready." Lindsay disappeared. George: "How am I even going to try to slain him, rather then win?"
#158808765Saturday, March 28, 2015 6:07 PM GMT

King/Queen Name: Peter Eledan Background: Peter's father had been a Royal Knight, however he had died several years after Peter was born. Peter soon did become a Knight like his father but he had other interests. He wanted power and he would do whatever it would take to get that. Abilities: Skilled swordsman, Strategic Genius, Convincing, Seductive.
#158827001Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:09 PM GMT

He headed out of the midst forest, after his encounter with Lindsay. He was very confused. He walked past a village, the villagers were grouped around. Quietly speaking to each other. He was now intruigied on what the villagers were talking about. "Marcus." George walked to one of the villagers. "What's going on?" "A new arrival!" He pointed to a man at the start of the village, standing on the gravel. "Someone must alert the king!" A villager yelled out, as if this were an enemy to the kingdom. "Intresting." George concluded.
#158830189Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:47 PM GMT

RP Application Name:Valkirye Background: The goddess of nature, has a deep hate for most humans but she gives abilities to certain humans she somewhat likes Abilities:Summon soilders, Can make holograms to a giant scale, Control nature Other:Uses a staff made of wood and gold. (Can I use this C.S sheet?)
#158830392Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:49 PM GMT

Sure, just don't go to much on the summoning soliders and that. And remember, when you kill someone, they come back. Minecraft in the 1400s.
#158832558Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:18 PM GMT

Valkyrie Those humans! They burned the remaining land in the forest and once again ill need to regenerate it again because humans always burn it or cut all the trees down! *makes hologram near where King Gorge is* Selfish humans! Feel the wrath of nature! *summons a small fleet of soldiers* Try beating this! (The soldiers are based off organic things like acorns,rocks,trees etc)
#158832612Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:19 PM GMT

Small as in around 50 soilders
#158832818Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:22 PM GMT

(I'm just going to say that they're like ghost soilders.)
#158832950Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

(They are weak to fire and humans have lots of those)
#158833190Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

"Villagers!" George yelled. "Run to the Kingdom!" "Alert the King!" "And Get the Guards!" He withdrew his sword, and started cutting through the soilders. Every time they were hit, they would disappear. But he got surrounded, and was forced to use Dark Magic. On Ghosts. The light of the magic was purple, and eliminated the rest of the ghosts, only getting a few cuts and scrapes on his face, and arm. "You can send more Sorrcerer!" (He does not know her name.) "I can still fight!"
#158834145Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:41 PM GMT

Valkyrie A Sorrcerer? Im only spoken off in legend! Im the goddess of nature! My name is Valkyrie and you are ruining the earth! I used to like humans! At least before you started ruining the planet!
#158834424Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:45 PM GMT

Valkyrie And you passed the first fleet nice job....FOR A HUMAN! *summons a same sized fleet made of stronger soldiers made from rock and iron* Now have fun fight when a bunch of vine grab and kill your soldiers! *summons vines to trap and kill soldiers*
#158834505Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:46 PM GMT

"Humans never MEANT to harm nature!" "It's just how we LIVE." He paused. "And I have heard of you in legends." "Can't you regrow nature?"
#158834744Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:49 PM GMT

Valkyrie Yeah I can regrow nature but its just going to be cut and burned again its a waste of my power for a cycle of that! *summons a giant rock solider with arms made of iron ore* Oh and have fun dealing with the bomb im launching right...NOW!
#158834916Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:51 PM GMT

Valkyrie And as we all know growing takes time! Oh and the bomb is not harmful to nature just to humans! And the lands humans build are going to be covered with wildlife!
#158835173Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

By this time, the guards and knights showed up. Ready to fight. -epic action fighting sequence.- "There's too much of them!" "We're being overrun!" The British Fool, Gavin yelled. Pulling out his sword, since his arrows ran out. "That doesn't mean we're going to retreat!" Ray replied, slicing the head off of another soilder. "Don't you two practice Dark Magic?" Geoff questioned, looking quickly at George and Ray. "Of course not!" Ray denied. Out of nowhere, the Sorcerer, Lindsay came floating in. And did the unthinkable. (BTW, do you know what Achievement hunter is?)
#158835624Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:01 AM GMT

Valkyrie Oh and look up see how close the bomb is? Oh and king of the humans. I have more troops in line that can easily break a sword by tapping it. *starts summoning in animals*
#158835729Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:02 AM GMT

(And I know what achievement hunters are)
#158836491Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:13 AM GMT

(I have a good one) Ahura Mazda (Role): A Sorceress (About) (Ahura Mazda is mysterious and only comes out of the clouds in the rain. It is said that she is short and tall, big and small, but altogether a mystery. The elders of the kingdom call her "The forgotten Goddess." She is good at crafting things without material, as if it was made from "Clear-Like Dust." She can create electricity (Lightning, in that case) metal, rock, gold, silver, bronze material (Many other minerals.) ( Ahura Mazda means "Metal, Power, Stone." In english-arabic and therefore the name fits perfectly. The car, "Mazda" was named after her, and the name fits very well. They cannot make out what her form is (as said above, "short and tall, big and small" because it seems she is everywhere. It is believed that she can create anything with one thought.) (Location) (It seems like she comes out of the clouds. No information is known about where she actually lives, or if she has a home at all. She has never spoken to anyone but God Himself, legend says. She is an enemy of all others, apparently, accept God himself, and the angels of the sky. Lindsay is thought to be her sister, despite how they are enemies. But all sisters do fight, don't they?) (That's all known about her at this time.)
#158837327Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:24 AM GMT

Valkyrie Now Gorge have fun dying so no one can lead your people! *summons a fast moving vine that goes for Gorge* Now the bomb is going to impact in a minute so
#158838803Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:42 AM GMT

Lindsay made time stop. Observing everything, and speck of dirt stopping in mid-air. She used her dark magic to vanquish Valkyrie for now. (I'm pretty sure there wasn't a timed bomb in medival times.) (I'm just going to brush that off.) She quickly, and practically erased of what happened. And everything went back to normal. Hopefully.
#158839293Sunday, March 29, 2015 12:49 AM GMT

Everything was at peace for a small moment. It started to rain. Suddenly, A shape emerged from the clouds. She had very, very long Jet black hair that lay in curly locks. They were perfect. Her dress was purple silk, and it seemed it had a thousand ruffles. She worse a huge crown of purple gems on her head, and a long necklace of purple gems around her neck. She had huge angel-like wings, only they were a silver-color. She had a jeweled sword hanging by a crystal string on her back. Angels surrounded her. It was her. Ahura Mazda.

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