#158893262Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:07 PM GMT

PETER Peter tried to reorganize the human soldiers for a counterattack however they were too spread out and it would take a while. In the background he saw three monsters fighting the remaining ghosts. Peter looked at the sky and thanked the Gods, he now believed humanity was not alone in this fight.
#158894006Sunday, March 29, 2015 6:17 PM GMT

Ahura Mazda Ahura sent the two other Monsters, Kalyptum and Hathogen, to fight with the other three monsters against the enemy soldiers. She then summoned yet another monster, Sakura, a large, golden cat. The huge cat joined the other, once three, then five, now SIX, monsters to fight against the enemy soldiers. She summoned her purple cloud of mist and motioned at the angels to follow her. She was on a quest; to look for Lindsay. She hadn't heard from her in a few days. She hoped her mission was successful. She then thought about Peter, and George. She blessed them both in her mind and wished them good luck at battle. She also blessed the creeps, Ray and Ryan. Although they were merely and almost never seen, they were around here somewhere, and only she knew where.
#158921105Sunday, March 29, 2015 11:35 PM GMT

George found the soldiers were being organize for the Counter-Attack. And found the man who was organizing the soldiers. The man he took for as Peter. "Peter!" He called to the man. "I'm George Williams III." "I've fought in many battles for the Kingdom." "How may I be of Service?"
#158935040Monday, March 30, 2015 2:35 AM GMT

I'm going back now. Wrath is taking care of the underworld forces and I am not going to stop trying to kill humans unless someone can prove to me they are good. And lets hope George enjoys his gift and Peter enjoys his ability to heal. And maybe if that girl learns the truth that she is not married to god and learns the real ability to be divine she can get a real pair of wings and not a treasure that mimics wings.
#158940271Monday, March 30, 2015 3:56 AM GMT

"Excuse me, Valkyrie." "These are real wings. They used to be bright white before I knew you, but now they are old and gray. You are of no power doubting every soul you see and fighting against the humans. You must understand they need nature to eat. They need to eat to survive." "No, I am not the wife of God. If anything, I am the housewife of God, a servant. I have admitted that before. What else do you want from me?" "You're the most foolish imbecile I've ever laid my two purple eyes on..." She scoffed. "You accuse me of being too prideful. Well, take a look at yourself! Hence, earlier; "I am a legend, not just a myth!" "You think you can overpower anything and everything, yet you fail to admit that we both have different amounts of power, but neither of them, even combined, can add up to the power of God Himself!"
#158940451Monday, March 30, 2015 3:59 AM GMT

"In fact..." "you, yourself, are the same as my 'fake' wings are. Remember that before you go bragging to all. I've learnt my lesson; now you need to learn yours, fool. I am nothing but young. I'm tens of hundreds years old. Don't you ever, in your life, address me as 'girl' again."
#158943989Monday, March 30, 2015 5:02 AM GMT

I can as I please but its I know they need nature to eat. Its just they are devouring land they don't really need, and the wings you have are nothing more than a treasure that's why they stopped shining they just mimic real wings. You need to pass the limits of your own and become limitless now go away I need to regrow land the war in the America's burned. Oh and the only way to recharge the treasure wings is by finding the all healing springs on earth. And once you touch it the treasure wings you claim as your own. Should heal again and to remind you I am much more powerful than you know. I just never choose to use it as the power might destroy the earth and much more. And real wings never turn dark unless you are a fallen angel. Or you have wings that are not really part of you.
#158944479Monday, March 30, 2015 5:12 AM GMT

And by all standards your wings can come off. After all they are treasure wings that act as if they are real wings. The way to remove your wings is if you know they are fake. They where made by me to make an angel born without wings fly. And now they passed onto you. Now unlike real wings. They cannot burn like that of normal angel wings only in the Nether they can light on fire or worst explode. But just in case your wings get badly damaged or blow up or whatever here's a flute for the Lighting Chariot. It moves fast so lets hope you are not afraid of moving at the speed of light. So if you fully charge your wings their power can cause major things.
#158944869Monday, March 30, 2015 5:19 AM GMT

And everyone knows god's are immortal. So try to kill me if you want. Nothing is going to happen the most you can do is rid my physical form for a week that's about it. Now leave my kingdom in the heavens and if you try fighting me again you are going to deal with my real power. And my armies are waiting to invade earth only the weak ones though they are easy to deal with but the bombs are launching on a worldwide scale now. Ill turn them around if you can tell me why humans aren't bad. And ill start helping the humans even more.
#158945807Monday, March 30, 2015 5:39 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#158946087Monday, March 30, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

#158946416Monday, March 30, 2015 5:55 AM GMT

(Back to roleplay) Ahura Mazda "No, my wings have grown dark from being in the presence of a true fool," she began. "God himself is with us up in the sky. We are goddesses. We have the power of a billion wild mustangs and a million royal soldiers. We are supplied by love and strength, which fuels our powers. It is always with us; for every God has wisdom somewhere in them. Even the foolish Nether...." "As we continue to live in heaven, the power grows and grows, and our abilities expand and strengthen." "You cannot defy what God Himself has said, at the very moment he created the heavens." Stated Ahura truthfully. She then looked up confidently, and summoned her seventy angels, six monsters, and all of her integrity, to walk with her through life's journeys. Her purple, silken cape, velvet, lace, and chiffon dress, and shining, silver and purple armour glimmered, and her jeweled crown, sword, and necklace reflected bright rays of sunlight. Her jet black and purple curly hair was braided into the crown. Her skin was white and blinding as a pearl. She tied on a helmet of shining armour and summoned her angels and six monsters to follow her wherever her feet may take her.
#158961057Monday, March 30, 2015 3:17 PM GMT

(Maybe I should describe what my character looks like) You recall them being real because the memories of them putting the fake wings on you got removed. That is how your sister is a human, you are born a human but got the power to become a god. And no matter how much you want to thing that you think those are "real wings" and I have never shown what they look like, They shine better than any angel wings and as much as goddess she aid as a hologram of the wings appeared. Look how it matches that of your wings or your wings just look like them. To a perfect degree now I have things to tend too. Better than answering to a "goddess" and who knows you might see me summon my wings one day. If be become friends even the bitterest of enemies can become friends. The door to the heavens shut in-front of Ahura.
#158965731Monday, March 30, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

Ahura Mazda "I can't deal with this anymore," she said angrily. "If you want to judge me about my role in the heavens, and how I look, you can do it." "But it won't last long. You can take my place, because I'm quitting, no matter how impossible it sounds. Just leave me be for once, nagging scoundrel!" And with that, Ahura ripped off her wings and dissapeared.
#158988034Monday, March 30, 2015 10:26 PM GMT

(I don't even know who he is.)
#158988914Monday, March 30, 2015 10:35 PM GMT

#158989305Monday, March 30, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

Whats popping  
#158990581Monday, March 30, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

Wazzup Homie G  
#158991151Monday, March 30, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

#158991537Monday, March 30, 2015 11:04 PM GMT

Ahura Mazda Ahura Woke up, an extremely bright light shining in her eye. She staggered to get up, only to feel a serious pain in her back. Huge white wings, attached closely to her back, weighed too much, and they were gushing blood as they slowly detached (came off) of her back. She cringed and sat back down, hoping someone would help her in this mysterious land. She saw a stream, and wearily crawled to it. She saw her reflection, only to find that her hair was in a long, long, grey braid, and her eyes were bloodshot red. The wings, which were bright white and still gushed blood, were giving her serious pains. Her clothing was no longer a purple cape, but a ripped, silken, cloak. Her skin was wrinkled, and it looked as she was about one thousand years old, with the fact she was extremely tall and scrawny. "I might as well take a dip in this clear stream.... Nothing else to do," she muttered. She then stepped into the water with her clothes still on, and felt a cool rush as her health was a small bit restored. Her skin began to un-wrinkle, and she felt as if she was less scrawny. Her wings stopped bleeding a bit, and drew closer to her back. She sighed, huge bags in her eyes. She decided to take a rest. "Who goes there?!" A huge voice screamed. She shrank back, her eyes bulging with fear. (TO BE CONTINUED)
#158993139Monday, March 30, 2015 11:21 PM GMT

Before George went to his set position. He remembered Lindsay asked him to go to the Pit. "Peter!" "I shall return!" "I must go somewhere!" He went to through the thick forest heading to the pit. - A few Hours - He arrived at the pit, entering the building. He heard quiet footsteps. He drew his sword. "Lindsay?" "You there?" A voice lingered behind him. "No George." "It's the King." The unknown 'King' slit his throat, as he bled out, took his bow and sword, and armor. (I might do another charc. Or just spectate.) (Sudden Death.)
#158994058Monday, March 30, 2015 11:31 PM GMT

Ahura Mazda Ahura trembled as she spoke. "Hello...It is I... Who is, or once was...Ahura Mazda-" she began. The voice cried out. "Mary? Is that you??!" She slowly, and painfully, walked toward the figure, as her wings still bled tremendously. The figure was bright, and had a grey beard. He wore better garments and had even larger wings than Ahura. "Mary!" "W-Who's Mary?" "Foolish! YOU'RE Mary!" "No-I'm-But-" "No 'Buts.' You know who you are." A tall figure then floated close to her and snapped its' fingers, and brought her into a trance. She then remembered everything. It was a short, odd year A.D. Mary sat in her house, weeping. "It's alright-I promise." Said a reassuring voice. It was her Husband, Joseph. "Look-This is a gift from God Himself! You're giving birth to Jesus Christ!" "I know-But...Aren't we too young?" She sobbed. "The other villagers will judge us." "Not If I have anything to do with it..." Joseph muttered. However, Joseph was incorrect. "Well...This is the place..." Mary said, nervously. A stone-built Inn. "Sorry, Mr. And Ma'am," said a hebrew in a velvet garment. "All spots are taken. But, we do have a small stable a couple miles from here."
#158995129Monday, March 30, 2015 11:43 PM GMT

They both nodded. After their long trip to Jerusalem, this is all they get? A stable? "Sure. We'll take it...." Implied an angry-looking Joseph. Mary slapped him. "Be kind-At least we have something!" Angrily whispered Mary. "Fine!" Grumbled Joseph. Later..... "This is quite okay for a stable..." Mary said. She looked around and saw it was almost perfectly clean. "Let's settle in." "Alright." They soon had a bed and a little Crib for the soon-to be born. She went to sleep, and in a flash, she woke up, holding a baby in her hands. She wasn't exactly a child person, but she had to like this one. Ahura wakes up. "No-It can't be... It can't possibly be. I'M Mary?" "You are-you're very honorable, too." - Ahura wakes up. So, it was just a dream. She felt something. "We can kill her," said a voice. "But she looks too good to hurt." The voice chuckled. "Oh, shut it, idiot!" Snapped a female voice. "C'mon-don't be so harsh!" Said an innocent-sounding voice. She looked up and saw a spear barely through her neck. But she noticed something else. Her hair was in a long, grey braid. She wore a ripped, silken garment. She had bright white wings almost torn completely off her back, gushing blood. She felt strange- but she then realised it. "That is what happened-How?!" She exclaimed. The three homicidal fools looked over to her, and she looked over to them. One was a red headed titan in armour. The other was a blond headed titan in formal clothing. The next was a chestnut-color haired titan girl, who wore an old maid's dress. "Snap-I thought we drugged her completely!" Said the red headed titan and the chestnut headed titan in unison. They both chuckled. The blond one looked sheepish. Ahura lay there, bewildered.
#158995612Monday, March 30, 2015 11:49 PM GMT

(Brandon, you don't have full control of the heavens-God does. And please quit acting as if you're in charge of all. I did. It will make the roleplay more interesting if you stay neutral in the leading category.)
#158996164Monday, March 30, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

(I've broken the game.) (I've made another charc.) (Oh no.) (That is of course a god, I'd be crazy not too.) Name: Bonvius Divous. Background: A unheard god, Bonvius is known (to few.) as a God to the Nether. Able to create fire when it wants. Destroys the forests, and jungles just to make other gods angry, and blame it on the humans. Abilities: *Read Background*