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#159376190Saturday, April 04, 2015 6:04 PM GMT

Welcome To Ninja Army 2, Before you join read this article. _____________________________________________________________________ [1] Rules [1] No flaming at any event [2] All person must listen to HRs, if their not following the rules we either kick them or exile. [3] Freedom of speech, say anything, but it must be nessecary and no shouting like this "OMG I JUST WON 5000 ROBUX". [4] Do not advertise! Then we gonna have less members ____________________________________________________ [2] Promotion Guide [1] You get promoted every 3-4 days, but it gets harder and harder and you need more effort. [2] No asking for HR, Or Promotion. [3] Don't expect to get promoted easily it takes a lot of time! ___________________________________________________________________ Well that's it we hope you enjoy this group HAIL NINJA ARMY 2

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