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#160662692Tuesday, April 21, 2015 11:41 PM GMT

Dear Gusmanak, and Zolarketh, Recently I have lost all my loot and stats from hackers on 3 separate occasions within a 2 day period. So, me and my friends that play Apocalypse Rising got thinking on ways to help/prevent to situation, and we came up with the Apocalypse Rising: Anti-Exploiting Service. The AR:AES, will have administrative commands,and exploit logs in game which will allow them to find out who hacked and then kill/wipe them and then ban them from the server, giving the players a sense of security and destroying the hackers motives/rewards from exploiting. [What are the advantages of this Service?] 1: It would make a tremendous change in the amount of hackers. REASON: The Apocalypse Rising: Anti-Exploiting Service or AR:AES would be able to stop and remove exploiters in-game, as-well as wipe all their loot, which will take away the motive of their exploiting. 2: It would ensure users that they are safe which would end up bringing back old players, and attracting new ones. REASON: When people have worked hard for their loot and then get killed/wiped by hackers on more than one occasion, it drives them away from Apocalypse Rising. With this system they will feel protected and more secure which will end up generating more players as the old ones come back and invite their friends to play with them. As Apocalypse Rising grows and opens up Amend, and Classic, the AR:AES will be needed to help protect and maintain all four versions of the game. As an Apocalypse Rising Brigand, and Wanderer as well as a 2 year long veteran, I care about the protection of the players and game, and bring this up in hope that we can AR a safer place.
#160662827Tuesday, April 21, 2015 11:43 PM GMT

uhh Shouldn't you send this to the creators? This is a signature. <3
#160663605Tuesday, April 21, 2015 11:53 PM GMT

wrong forum ~nearly almost close to being somewhat fairly decent at rcl~
#160682543Wednesday, April 22, 2015 4:45 AM GMT

sorry brah wrong fourm i suggest you msg the creators, or create another thread on another fourm, and just msg them the thread.
#160684566Wednesday, April 22, 2015 5:34 AM GMT

Wrong forum, Fedora-lord. Go PM gunz about it, nobody here cares.
#170454243Sunday, August 09, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

#170454953Sunday, August 09, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

Post this in a more relevant forum. This forum is for suggestions/ideas for ROBLOX itself; not ROBLOX games.
#170455021Sunday, August 09, 2015 1:48 AM GMT

Wow - just realized the date this was posted.
#170547865Sunday, August 09, 2015 7:56 PM GMT


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