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#160839660Friday, April 24, 2015 8:05 PM GMT

Alright, as people have waited for MIU's voting results. It's been a long week. I've lost good friends, aside from having my heart broken. But to all you guys out there, I made a post telling you to STAY STRONG! #MIUSTRONG Anyway, without further adue... The Voting Results! (NOTE: ANY MESSAGES APPLYING WILL BE MARKED AS YOUR TRYOUT, YOU CAN DO DIFFERENT TRYOUTS EACH WEEK) --- AgentVenomMIU/ Flash Thompson / Agent Venom: You Passed! Congratulations! JayBlueNinjaLightning/ Peter Parker / Spider-Man: Spider-Man has only been open a day! I'd like votings for him to go on this weekend atleast. SpiderManOfE616 / Peter Parker/ Spider-Man: Up there^^ Jack322j/ Ultimate Spider-Man(TRN123)/ ^^^As you can see, voting for Spider-Man is going on a bit longer. Brian10005/Franklin Richards (Earth 616): You've passed! Congratulations! Mepeetree/ Peter Parker/ Spider-Man :I'd like to keep Spider-Man tryouts going a bit longer, sorry! PeterParkerNoir/ Star-Lord/ Peter Quill: Sorry, you didn't pass this time! Better luck next time! -MIU kick request issued: LegendFaze Crime: Advertising and ripping off a group Rule Broken:[V] LegendFaze, you are hereby exiled from MIU. Please stop copying us. -

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