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#160859534Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:40 AM GMT

[Introduction [STORY]: This is the sequel to [YITHERIS] Portal to the Higherworld, Chapter I. It takes place one hundred years since the second Skyman invasion. The king of a surprisingly new empire has been assassinated, with the world now plunged into turmoil and many people concerned about who the new king should be, a new threat arises from the bowels of the Earth that only the gods can stop with divine intervention. You can find Chapter I here; http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=141047725 [STORY]: It's been one hundred years since the second invasion of the Higherworlders... the mortal world has recovered yet greatly, although, a new threat arises. Good-king Morpheus of the Chironrag Sovereign has been assassinated. Some people suspect it was by the Gemian Kingdom or maybe a group of assassins hired by a noble trying to acclaim the throne of the great nation. Though, with the new technological advancements of railed transportation and firearms, war has been stalled in a race to create the best firearm. The Gemian Kingdom, unstable for many years now since the Herov Privateers had plundered their ports and conquered the capital, is now desperate to get back in the firearms race and would do almost anything to get to the top. Possibly even murder. And even over all of that, new lands have been discovered due to the Sovereign's Expedition. Five more continents with new people and culture have been found. Trade and alliances have been attempted at being made with some of the natives but secretly have been setting up colonies underground and harvesting their resources. [IMPORTANT LOCATIONS]: Chironrag Palace +Thysil: [Chironrag Sovereign] Ever since the Good-king Morpheus, just a noble at the time after the second invasion, had resurrected the shell once known as the Chironrag Outpost and began a successful empire, the Palace has continuously been built upon over the years. A town of it’s own has been paying taxes with prosperous farms and the same with their population. The palace itself is constructed to look like a spiral with multiple balconies on a numerous amount of floors. The pinnacle of the palace is a glass sphere with a multicolored center that produces a rainbow cascading over the town at noon and at sunset. Lady Bernillius usually resides at the top floor with her private bathhouse and slaves. It’s base is made up dark purple bricks and faucets spewing out in random places releasing crystal-blue water into the moat that lies beneath the mahogany drawbridge. Thysil produces mostly wine and intricate blades for Thaneswords. Although, the occasional gold rush climbs through the local market. The days that this happens, the miners actually eat chicken for dinner. Most of the houses are built out of bricks and clay tile roofs. The Arcanius: [Independent/Chironrag Sovereign] The Arcanius is the tower of all magic. Every school of magic is studied in this walled off enclave beside the mistrust of magic by the Dwarves that the Arcanius was created close to. It has a pool of pure magic that had manifested into a liquid which when consumed by a mortal, has great proportions of occult abilities. Usually only used in emergency situations, the liquid has been called Occult Nectar. It’s made of cobblestone with a floating stone staircase that leads up to the gazebo where the Dragon Arch Altar lies. Although technically belonging to the Chironrag Sovereign, the Arcanius pays no taxes and instead is paid money for no reason. Redwall Lyceum: [Chironrag Sovereign] The Redwall Lyceum is famous for it’s red brick wall that has every genius’ name that has ever lived written in Chlothorate chalk. Other than that, it has a chapel dedicated to Oemis, the god of education. The Redwall Chapel is also special due to it’s bell casted out of a silver and mithril blend and then having golden tendrils wrap around the marble columns with the the clay tile roof harboring the bell from the natural elements and holding it’s weight for the past fifty years. Those who attend Redwall Lyceum are usually the most brilliant people in the entire world or those whom have shown excellent talent within the academic region. Usually, an admissions test is sent via pigeon to the applicant to test their intelligence. If they score over ninety, they’re accepted in the Basic Classes. If they get a score over one hundred, they get the Advanced Placement Classes. The scholars who attend this prestigious school often become great sages and are respected among all the lands of Granora. Some rumor that even Good-king Morpheus had graduated from Redwall. [LOCATIONS]: [CIVILIZATION]: [TOWNS]: Timion: [Gemian Kingdom] Timion, formerly known as Castle Timion, was turned into a very rich town once the Evanglist Mithril Company had evolved into the Evanglist Trading Corporation and brought in quadruple the amount of profits before, selling Mithril knick-knacks but also selling all sorts of wares from cheese to legendary armor. It currently belongs to the Gemian Kingdom due to a tradeoff between the Chironrag Sovereign and the Gemian Kingdom for Mörskoff. And because of this, the E.T.C has bought a private island from the Ashur and now operates from there. Although, the Parkley family still brings it up in the Guildsman Council to give a certain amount of Corthonian Bills for Timion back. Anyway, Timion mostly herds %75 of all of the Gemiani Kingdom’s military force due to it being right on the border next to the Chironrag Sovereign. It has hollowed-out stone walls with a steel skeleton supporting the inside of the walls. The town itself mostly grows corn and herds cows. Lord Flavius Scaro rules this town. Shadjuma: [Gemian Kingdom] Shadjuma, still the capital of the Gemian Kingdom, it is now the largest slave trade hub in the world with the estimated two thousand slaves being traded per day. Now lead by Monarch Horatius, it has installed movable cannons along the cannon. Shadjuma, while where the Monarch of the Gemian Kingdom resides, only contains 5% of the Gemian military- though the most elite. It’s made of stone walls with a large wooden gate and grain farms straight outside of the gate where patrols often ride on horses, armed with rifles. [VILLAGES]: Herbelle: [Gemian Kingdom] Herbelle is a fishing village close to the coast and is known to often see horses made of water to sprint across the sea and sometimes visit the children while they're helping their parents fish. Some of the water-horses are actually kept as pets but soon become sandstone horses, although it doesn't bother them. Herbelle is the closest village to Shadjuma known. Mörskoff: [Chironrag Sovereign] Mörskoff is a whaling village close to a Gemian castle; Falconmaw Keep. It currently belongs to the Chironrag Sovereign and is usually depicted as poor. Though it’s surprising that they have this trait due to their famous chewing gum hut that produces 87% of all of Granora’s gum. Cairmis: [Chironrag Sovereign] Cairmis is a town up in the mountains where they mine silver and sapphires. Many mercenaries are willing to stay there as it is very diverse racial wise; the settlement's full religion is Orthaden. Meaning, they do not believe in any gods and rather believe in hard work as a deity. They'll trade with travelers their goods and often will catch little sprites or fairies roaming around the area. The children play with the fairies and sprites when they're not doing chores. It is overseen by the Zarithis Acropolis. Lemiun: [Chironrag Sovereign] Lemiun is a small town where they keep and breed cattle, pegasi and miniature trolls. The trolls serve as heavy-duty reinforcements in the act of a raid on the town or an attacked patrol. Pegasi are usually the aerial defense AND offense. Cattle is just for food and leather. Many people buy trolls as personal guards which gives money to the workers. The overall population is around five hundred. Farguard: [Chironrag Sovereign] A place in the Western Plains with large plush field and the people living there making houses and then landscaping over them to make it appear as a mountain. It’s probably one of the richest villages, located rather close to Thysil. It has stone-brick roads, brick houses and a library. Fallcrest: [Independent/Gemian Kingdom] Somehow, this village is independent but on all maps, even the Chironrag Sovereign’s, to belong to the Gemian Kingdom. It has adobe houses with a fountain of crystal-blue water. It is supposed to train the most elite soldiers in all of Drecomia. Although it has never leased any volunteers. It’s protected by an adobe wall. [CASTLES]: Zarithis Acropolis: [Chironrag Sovereign] The Acropolis, made of obsidian walls with a large tower emerging out of the ground, looks over Cairmis. Not many knows what the inside looks like aside from those who are invited. Supposedly it’s a dragon-breeder and also one of the largest rifle factories in the world. It’s ruled by Aylard the Gladiator. Falconmaw: [Gemian Kingdom] Falconmaw is known for it’s great falcon nests used to help combat against attackers during sieges. It usually contains a one-hundred day of preserved fruits to withstand a siege lasting for at least one hundred days. It overlooks Mörskoff. [WILDERNESS]: The Higherworld (Yitheris): The invaders brought back strange devices that had images held within small pieces of water. Historians claimed this water and saw visions of the supposed Higherworld; it was beautiful. Flowers were made out of gold and silver and the stem was bound cloud. The fields were plush and green and the sky was clear and blue, the water crystal-through and beautiful animals roamed the fields, eating grass with grace. Professional sculpted temples dotted every few kilometres or shrines with books, apples that had a amethyst colour and trees with gold nuggets in them! This was the supposed paradise for the people of Gemi; they even made a religion for it called Hiton which claims the invaders were actually a gift to show them the images to know what they'd ascend to, but the invaders grew evil and twisted and attacked instead of ultimately sharing their wisdom. Overworld: The overworld is too, plush and beautiful with exotic plants and beautiful people. Animals and orchards decorate the land; the huts and villages of the Gemi pepper the realm, foods are so delicate and sweet that some people actually fall in love with the next person they see after taking a bite. Although, ever since the "invasion" or "blessing" as the Hiton clerics call it, the people have gone underway to make powerful armours and weapons to suit the people willing to defend the Overworld incase of a true attack. Although there is another possible threat on the Overworld; a sorcerer has been conjuring the previously dead ancestors of the Gemi and making them into a civilization. No one has taken action against it yet because he hasn't posed himself as a threat; only a nuisance at the moment. Hereycon Lake: Hereycon Lake is a large area not too far from Aesoroth Meadow. It's inside a valley between two mountains. Golems have made villages around the lake and keep phoenix pets. They rarely talk with anyone and when they do it's just about rocks or clay. They breed the phoenixes so they're up for sale and only costs forty pebbles. Some golems are made of glass and water and are willing to be hired. They're the further intelligent golems. Piradus Mountains: Piradus Mountains are where the Rocs live. They like to terrorize climbers and sometimes drops a feather that is very valuable. No one has ever been able to reach the Rocs' nests other than by fighting through them with a dragon. At the top is supposed to be untold riches and Roc eggs which are even more valuable than Roc feathers! Although, if there is, Aylard has claimed it and has not told anyone. Aesoroth Meadow: Aesoroth Meadow is a place where most of the goblins and bandits are at. They camp there due to quails, clean water and many berries. The goblins don't usually even fight anyone. They sneak into bandit camps and steal furs, meat, berries, mostly alcohol, and weapons. Goblins use magic and trickery to befuddle their enemies and don't often come out of their huts. Bandits set up traps around Aesoroth's roads in hope to capture wandering caravans and loot them. [RELIGION]: Hiton: The belief (mostly by the Gemi) that the Higherworlders are the ascension of all, that they’re here to rid the world of evil through violence. 36% of the world’s population believe in this. Monotheism: The belief in only one god; usually of a work or trait. 17% of the world’s population believe in this. Orthaden: The disbelief in a deity. 2.5% of the world’s population believe in this. Rixowas: The belief in a multitude of deities each representing a different aspect of the world. 55% of the world’s population believe in this. [RACES]: Gemi - Gemi are tall, usually standing at two metres, with a pale milky white skin. They have golden pupils and their eyes sort-of bend back towards their ears which are long and pointed, increasing hearing. Many women have long black flowing hair that is beautiful, but some tend to dye it other colours. Men usually have messy brown hair and don't care too much about their appearance unless they're trying to get the attention of a female. Gemi also have webbed toes from most of their prehistoric time living in the oceans, also they can breathe up to six hours underwater. Usually, Gemi are lean creatures that have amazing athletic abilities. Most of the tycoons are fat and lazy though. There are no sports or activities that are gender-specific and any gender can participate in anything. Elf - Usually slightly taller than a human, Elves, also known as the Elvaire, are powerful mages and incredible swordmasters. They’re surprisingly skilled with rifles. Ever since the beginning, Elves have usually lived in large-scale treehouses. They usually have either purple pupils or black pupils and black hair. Dye is commonly used in the Elvish society along with tattoos. Human - The humans are relatively the most common race in the world. Being able to resist most temperatures or adapt to them, Humans populate 47% of the discovered world. They’re are balanced in all skills aside from craftsmanship. The fun thing about Humans is that their genes can manipulate to create thousands of different combinations. Imp - Imps are usually related to Hell as they have long black horns with forked black tails and deep orange skin. They’re mischievous and often steal from patrolling troops or caravans. Golem - Golems don’t have a set… look. They can be made out of multiple different elements to somewhat limit the possibilities of a golem. Although, lacking intelligence and a lot of skill, golems are incredibly strong and can commit to most physical activities without any strain. Sprite - Sprites; the size of an oak leaf, are powerful healers knowing a lot of herbs and their medicinal uses. They usually often appear as small with intricate wing designs, the Sprite commonly lives in pinecone huts on trees. They can, when achieved the proper power and ingredients for a potion, turn to the same size as an adolescent human female. Fairy - Fairies, also spelled Faeries, are slightly larger than sprites, but not by much. They scale up to around eight inches tall. They, also, usually have intricate wing designs and often move in groups. Pixie - Pixies are by far the largest of the three previous creatures, being half of the height of an adolescent male. They, too, have intricate wing designs but are much more furious fighters because of their size and they’re able to wield weapons up against the average human’s standard. And they can fly. Goblin - Goblins are usually the thieves. They’re often associated in goblin tribes and occasionally are apart of a Orcish warband. They move fast and swiftly, mostly using blowguns and tranquilizer syrups to drug their victims to see themselves robbed of all their goods. Dwarf - Some of the smallest beings, Dwarves are about seven tenths of an adolescent human male. They’re often good with technology and love to create intricate sculptures and be innovative by combining magic and technology to make catastrophic weapons. Although, never used in battle against mortals. Orc - Ruthless warmongers, most Orcs have arisen against the people and are ready to combat. Their skin-color ranging from anything from a dark purple to baby blue. Usually, they have a plethora of tattoos and males usually wear their hair in mohawks while the women usually go bald. Whistwalker - These beings are native to the lands of Ashur, the Desert Land. They have red eyes and bright red skin. They actually only have four fingers on either and have two separate mouths. Usually, they’re bald on the top of their head with black hair running along the sides. In Whistwalker tribes, the length of your hair determines your wiseness. Women grow ponytails from the back of their napes. Volcaris - Volcaris are humanoid lizards basically. They are scaly with a long tail running from their posterior. They are not born with hair of any kind and rather the rarer the color of their scales, the more they’re respected among civilization. The most common color scale is a baby blue. They are usually about the same size as a human. Phoenasi - Beings with four legs and water sacs sprouting from either side of their neck, Phoenasi are the warriors of Aquaria. They are great fighters with spears and are born usually with black hair. They have webbed feet like the Gemi but have suction cups under them. Dormivi - The Dormivi have four spider legs on their back but are actually bipedal. They are born with eight eyes, all purple pupils and no hair aside on their spider legs. They are natural warriors and are natives to Ashur’s underground. They have no set skin color and aren’t usually found in Granora unless they’re mercenaries or slaves. [COMPANIONS]: Dog Phoenix Horse Sprite Fairy Pixie Cat Robin Eagle Sparrow Hawk Falcon [CLASSES]: Gladiator: Gladiators wear heavy armour and usually dual wield swords, hatchets, and maces. Ranger: Rangers use bombs of smoke or other types to distort their enemies and then shoot at them with crossbows, bows and slingshots. They usually wear light armour which helps them with agility but gives them a penalty while in cold. Warrior: Warriors use lances, great swords, long swords and battleaxes. They wear Colossal Armour which is mithril and the highest tier of heavy armour. Skirmisher: Skirmishers use javelins, throwable knives, bombs, and short bows. They wear light armour that's padded and usually taunt the enemy while the others prepare. Battlemage: Battlemages use deadly magic like fire, lightning, water, ice, and earth. They usually help the skirmishers fight off enemies while the others prepare but are usually upset they don't get to get full-on action. They wear light armour that covers their entire body; usually hooded. Swordsman: Swordsmen use rapiers, short swords, and sabres. They wear A light and heavy armour mix. This helps with both agility and protection. They usually fight upfront with the warriors and gladiators. Archer: Archers stay at the back of the group and use longbows to provide projectile reinforcements. They wear light armour and are typically very fast and have a lot of stamina. Rogue: Rogues usually dual wield daggers or knives and use shadow spells to make themselves invisible. This helps when sneaking into enemy camps and scouting out. They typically carry an assortment of scrolls, potions and poisons on themselves. They wear mail which is the third light armour tier. Bard: Bards don't usually fight and are primarily for morale which can give buffs such as; increased stamina, increased health, increased strength, increased mana and increased vision. They usually carry around lutes, recorders, harps and drums. They keep a journal and scroll with them along with two inkwells at least and a quill to record adventurer's stories. They really just wear commoner's clothes which provides no armour. Priest: Priests are from descendants from the priests that created the ward and vanquished the Higherworlders in the first invasion. They usually are clad in plated armour with trinkets, amulets, rings, scrolls, books, staves, and wands. They can immediately heal anyone and ward off evil spirits with their amulets and rings. They use scrolls to summon holy help and books to sound out vanquishment spells or research a demon or spirit from previous priest accounts. Pyromaniac: Explosives. Just explosives. [CHARACTER SHEET]: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Class: Items: Appearance: (Clothes and body please and at least make it a paragraph.) Biography: (Optional) Personality: (Optional) Companions: (If any, Optional) Other: [RULES]: I. Standard ROBLOXian rules apply. II. Do not godmod, metagame, and other wrongly actions. III. Please use proper grammar. IV. You can only have one class per character unless you want me to change it which won't happen until ten pages after your first post. Five chances to change your class. V. You can have only up to two characters alive at a time. VI. Don't automatically go to the portal, after a while I will begin to guide you guys towards it. VII. If we are in a party, do not post "Can I be in party please?" on the forum, PM me, I'm most likely the one hosting it. VIII. If you have a problem with another player on the thread, do not post your argument on a thread, take it to party, chat or PMs. IX. Do not ask for admin as it will probably make you LESS likely to become one. X. Admins, do not abuse your powers as a admin. I.E: "I kicked joshuaman731 because he didn't roleplay right." that really just makes no sense to me. XI. If you make a character sheet, be active. At least five RELEVANT posts a day. Although, I'd appreciate more. XII. If you are going on a vacation or won't be available for a certain amount of time, please PM me and I'll make it so you won't effect the plot too much by either getting you caught or making you get stuck in something. This helps add to the roleplaying and keep the story progressing. XIII. If you read everything put ptthc1 in Other on your character sheet. XIV. If you decide to be a mercenary, put M-[Class] on your character sheet under "class". XV: You CANNOT use pre-existing characters. Although, you may use characters from their legacy. XVI: HAVE FUN! I really want to thank you all for the support. I'm glad to revive this RP as I thought it was really fun! :D
#160860168Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:48 AM GMT

Marked. Are mages that make mini golems to fight for them allowed?
#160860219Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:49 AM GMT

@GearBlade654 Yes. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160860381Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

mark will make a CS in like 30 min probably less
#160860424Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

One more thing. Is the name Lord Argent allowed?
#160860559Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:53 AM GMT

(Are links allowed for appearance) I am the almighty Supreme Royal Commander of the crystalline empire
#160860717Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:55 AM GMT

IT'S SO BIG also, 5 posts minimum per day... I might have thought of joining, but, that makes it impossible for me to keep up with what's going on with all you easterners. Being in the west is hard :/
#160860883Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:57 AM GMT

im in the west man, colorado tho
#160861076Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

"colorado" oh please I'm still one time zone behind you. It's literally only Alaska and Hawaii behind me. And technically australia, but if we're going by technicalities, they exist a day ahead of me.
#160861223Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:01 AM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Alysia Glykera Evvie-June. Age: Whatever is the equivalent of mid twenties to a sprite. (Whatever is the equivalent to 27, to be exact. She's on the late side of her mid twenties.) GENDER: Female. Race: Sprite. Class: Archer. Items: A shortsword composed of a strange hybridization of stone and tree bark, a canteen filled of sprite spring water, a saddle and some reins for her sparrow mount, and a mystic bow passed down from generation to generation in her family that she now uses to fulfill her job as a guard. Appearance: Alysia, being a sprite, is obviously very small. Being no larger than an oak leaf, she stands at a mere few inches tall. Bearing the most obvious racial traits of a sprite, Alysia has a pair of translucent light-refractive wings which are powerful enough to travel incredibly fast for her short size. Alysia, being part of a warrior bloodline of sprites, lacks the distinctive butterfly-like wings most sprites are known for. Instead, she has two inter-connected edged wings which can sheathe under one another. These 'warrior wings' resemble the common darter dragonfly's wings rather than any moth or butterfly, with the edged wings having broader and larger hindwings with slimmer, sharper, and harder forewings in front of them which can sheath over the sensitive and larger hindwings. Alysia's wings, while technically being near-transparent with only a few green veins visible in their pattern, refract light into a piercing indigo color when light goes through them. As a sprite spends most of their time outdoors or in bright enough light, it goes to say that Alysia's wings are almost always a translucent indigo color, especially when fully extended. Alysia's skin is considered on the tanned side for a sprite, but due to sprites being primarily fair-skinned her skin tone is actually more of an average caucasian human tone. Alysia's eyes are peculiar for most species, but as a sprite peculiarities are fairly common due to their elemental affinity. Her eyes, rather than being any color or tone found in regular species, are instead a warm lavender color that captures both her passion and also her conflict. Alysia's hair color is, in most cases, a hazelnut brown. When suffering from intense bloodloss or exhaustion, however, Alysia's hair slowly drains of color and turns to a very pale shade of chartreuse that represents her exhaustion and lack of power at the current moment. Alysia's attire is a traditional sprite guard uniform, being made of several cuttings of spring bud-green forest leaves. The guard uniform is a dress that reaches down to just above her knees, and rather than stitching the leaves were pieced together naturally with tree sap. At first glance it appears she has a leather sheath, belt, shoulder-pad, and gloves, but upon closer inspection it is revealed that instead this 'leather' is made of flexible dark brown tree-bark and roped together with spider silk strands. Biography: Alysia was born to a family of warrior sprites, one with a legacy known throughout the hidden village they resided in. Despite being a woman, Alysia wanted to become a guard and help defend the village in case intruders ever attacked. While female guard sprites were not unheard of, generally their more fragile wings left them maimed for life far more often than their male counterparts. Alysia, however, didn't want to give up. Her grandfather, seeing a spark of passion within her, began to train her in archery and basic swordfighting. For every day for the next sixteen years, Alysia's grandfather trained her. One day, he passed away during a sparring session due to an unknown illness. Alysia didn't blame herself, however, and wanted to make her grandfather proud anyways. She passed the exam to become a guard, and quickly began to rise up the ranks with her grandfather's mystic bow in her hands. Eventually, she became one of the three guard captains of the village, with Alysia leading the archery squad. One day, though, Alysia's younger brother caught the same illness her grandfather did. Suspecting a lack of harmony causing the illness, Alysia assumed the wars caused by other races such as humans were at fault for her brother's illness. But before she could foolishly go out to attempt to confront the 'human leader', a small group of humans looking to make a quick buck found and destroyed the village. Alysia, alongside her brother and many others, were sold into slavery and sent into the Gemian city of Shadjuma. Her brother and many others were bought and sold to unknown locations, while Alysia was left alone and wounded in the small birdcage they used as a cell for her. Now, Alysia only wishes to retrieve her weapons and sparrow, escape, and find a way to track down and rescue both her brother and the other enslaved sprites sold throughout the land. And at the same time, she wishes to discover a cure for her brother's illness. Personality: Alysia is a very serious individual, seeking only to keep her village and family safe and not much else. While being serious does have its faults, Alysia makes up for it by being very passionate in her beliefs, and refusing to succumb to complete stoicism no matter what horrors she may witness. She's also very xenophobic, however, believing most other races to be inferior invaders and sprites to be a perfect race in utter harmony with nature and most of the world. She has strong beliefs that humans are at fault for wars and most cases of disharmony. While she is quiet, she's only quiet on things having to do with sprites and sprite culture, being very open on how much she dislikes most other races' culture and technology. Companions: Alysia rides a mighty Sparrow named Epifan, which she often rides much like a dragon or a horse to get to places her wings cannot take her or are simply too far away to reach with haste. Other: ptthc1
#160861588Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:06 AM GMT

@LNG If you have problems with your time-zone, depending on the general time-zone of everyone else, I can decrease it for you personally. @Gear No. It is not. At least not the "lord" part. @Swedish Accepted. @Earth I wouldn't prefer it but if you really have to, I'll see. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160861799Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:08 AM GMT

#160862021Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:11 AM GMT

little does Precison know he has been working on that CS for weeks
#160862267Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:14 AM GMT

just did it today actually if i get to play as a woman the size of an oak leaf, i stop being lazy and get straight to work.
#160863025Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

(Also, how tall can golems be?) I am the almighty Supreme Royal Commander of the crystalline empire
#160863142Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:25 AM GMT

@Earth Golems can be up to let's say... two, three meters. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160864902Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:49 AM GMT

Marked May join, but I make no promises "It sounded like Satan's ass demons were chasing us." ~ WiFiKing42
#160865180Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:53 AM GMT

Name: Xucis Zirith Age: 124 Gender: Male. Race: Volcaris. Class: Warrior Items: Hammer. Appearance: With thick, purple Volcaris scales and powerful arms and jaws that could knock an elephant unconscious with a good strong punch, Xucis is a scary thing, indeed. Standing at a height tall for the Volcaris at 5'5, he is very menacing even in the presence of other of his kind. His build is like that of a very athletic human man, though maybe a little bit stronger. As per usual for Volcaris, he has a lengthy tail at his abdomen. Also similar to other Volcaris, his eyes are a dark shade of red, burning like the fires of Hell. His fingers are also clawed, through they're slightly more blunt than usual, allowing him to carry his large hammer. He has a few scars over his body from endless service to the Shadjuma military, seeing as he has no skills in other ways. Biography: (Optional) i will do this later i swear Personality: (Optional) will do in rp Companions: (If any, Optional)can i have an alligator Other: ramen "In a world without gold, we might have been heroes!" - Edward Thatch
#160865836Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:03 AM GMT

uh birm read the rules plz
#160866090Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:07 AM GMT

[Making a CS <3, I want a dog but I will be hopping around the trees a bunch so I will stick with a sparrow I think.]
#160866777Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:17 AM GMT

[Would you say the average Elf height is about 6'8?]
#160867204Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:24 AM GMT

Yes When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160868121Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

Name: Reeve Tobin Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Elf Class: Ranger Items: He carries two smoke bombs, one Concussion bomb, ten arrows five metal, five wooden. He also carries a sheath to store the arrows and obviously a bow. This bow is a metallic silver with a cherry wood handle that has two bird carvings adjacent on each side of the handle. It is about half the size of Reeve himself and weighs about eight pounds. Appearance: He has brown rusty hair that is typically messy, he doesn't really bother with how people look at him. His eyes are a swampy green with a spikey orange around the pupil of his eye. His nose is plump and not very pointy and is blushey red on most occasions. His ears, are pointed due to the fact he is an elf, but surprisingly they are very small. He stands at about 6'8 the average elf size and has a very bulky build. Reeve typically wears his armor where ever he is. Eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, anywhere. His armor is dyed jet black leather with painted gold borders all around the edges of the armor. It also on the back has the small outline of blue bird in gold as well. His shoes are light and leather as well held together by cotton laces. Lastly is a cotton hood that he typically wears up due to the fact he is an anti social type of person. Biography: (Optional) [Thank you!!] Personality: (Optional) Companions: A sparrow, it has a small compartment on its back that is used to send letters to other people. Other: ptthc1
#160868181Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:38 AM GMT

[Wait, can I make the bow a crossbow instead?]
#160870740Saturday, April 25, 2015 3:18 AM GMT


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