#160878457Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:22 AM GMT

Lukas recognized the lady's presence, which turned him away from the book. She was pretty, so Lukas coughed up a few words to try to spark a conversation. "Ice magic," Lukas interpreted her study based on a quick glimpse of its cover. "A magician. I've been seeing many of you a lot around these parts." Lukas spoke in a quiet voice. He folded his book as if his attention was diverted into talking.
#160878823Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:31 AM GMT

(Looks like you're making me feel dumb. Okay, this is my last resort, if you don't find this amusing, then I'll quit.) Born in a simple life, he was like the normal kids while he was young, but he had talent. His father once used to serve the army until Morpheus' murder, which made him retire from the army and now works at a tavern as a cook. His mother also worked on the same tavern as a bar maid. His grandfather introduce him to magic when Ryota is 10. He gave him a spell book which contains spells, enchantments, brewing, and any other things that a mage has to learn. Years later, he became a full-fledged mage and he joins the army of Chironrag. While in his first years in being in the army, he studied everything about magic, learning new spells and techniques.
#160878836Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:32 AM GMT

[Lukas] The lady looks up and gains eye level with you. "Yes... I suppose you could call me a magician. I am here to study for my Augury Exam this coming sixth moon. (Saturday)" She lodges her forearm inside of her book and folds it over, give this conversation her undivided attention. Although, you can see the flicker of her eyes, studying you. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160879107Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:40 AM GMT

Ryota accepted. [Ryota] As you and your fellow legionnaires patrol around Aesoroth Meadow, a knife awkwardly strikes between the clavicle and the shoulder blade. Your hear the clink of stone striking metal as the legionnaire behind you falls to a pebble. The threats of bandits proclaiming your death, stealing your purse and counting the Gold Chips that reside within. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160879202Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:43 AM GMT

(I'm picturing Swedish yelling "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" into his screen right now.)
#160879220Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:44 AM GMT

I pull out my huntsman knife from my backpack and I threw it at the bandit holding my purse.
#160879278Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:45 AM GMT

... I... I wasn't... Wow. [Ryota] You throw the knife into nothing but the shadow of the forest ahead.
#160879382Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:48 AM GMT

"Damn..." I muttered, picking up my knife. "Find those bandits, but be weary of their traps." I commanded my men, parting ways in groups of five.
#160879515Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:52 AM GMT

They aren't your soldiers. [Ryota] As you venture into the shadow to reclaim your knife, a javelin enters your side. Blood spews out from your waist, dripping onto the path. The soldiers don't listen to you as bandits have fallen upon them. Swords and spears clash. Tides of blood ripple in the air as blades meets skin. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
#160879596Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:55 AM GMT

I put my hand on my wound to prevent it from bleeding, but it makes it worst. Having no other choices left, I have to flee, get out of this forsaken meadows and report back to the kingdom. I can see many soldiers fighting bravery with their blood staining the dirt ground.
#160879734Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:00 AM GMT

Sage, I decide the outcomes of things. [Ryota] You flee, running past the battles, clenching your side, blood still oozing but at a much slower pace. You get a decent amount of way from the battle when you begin to limp on your side. It's a day's travel to the Palace and far too dangerous to head to the Acropolis.
#160879902Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:06 AM GMT

I thought, feeling weak, almost running out of energy to move on and I'm still far away from the kingdom. I think I have no other choices but to hide somewhere until the battle ends. (Forgive me, Prec. I don't understand "complex" stuff.)
#160880045Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:11 AM GMT

Name: Darias Al’kesh Age: Darias is just over 128 years old. 128 years and 2 months to be exact. A mere teenager, really. Gender: Male, of course. Does Darias sound like a woman’s name to you? Race: Elf Class: Swordsman Items: Darias carries with him a marvelous silver shortsword that glistens like no other sword that ever existed. The light from this blade alone could illuminate even the darkest of rooms! Well, not really, but you get the point. It’s really shiny. With the shiny-ness, of course, comes expert craftsmanship! The workmanship on this blade is absolutely marvelous, and leaves many wondering exactly where he obtained it. alongside his sword, Darias also carries with him just enough gold to buy food and stay a night or two at an inn. Of, course that isn't always an option, so Darias also carries with him some old bread, a bit of water, and a blanket. Appearance: (Clothes and body please and at least make it a paragraph.) Darias stands at an average height for an elf. Just over 6’7, but not quite 6’8. Average for an Elf, yet tall for a man. Of course, even with being only average, Darias still towers over most humans. Something he quite enjoys being able to do. Being an elf, of course, comes with the usual incredibly pale skin. Darias has skin pale enough to almost be considered snow white, but not quite. Of course, with it being so pale, Darias stains easily. You see, Darias only has one enemy. Dirt. And seeing as he’s around dirt so much, he is often subjected to its nefarious schemes. Darias has eyes, of course. And those eyes have a color. First glance may give you the impression that his eyes are baby blue, but upon closer inspection, you will see that they are much closer to Cyan than anything. It’s not quite Cyan, but it’s not quite baby blue either. A rather odd shade if you ask me. Now, with being an elf, you get big ears, but Darias’ ears are shorter than most. Just under average, if you will. He can still hear better than a dog with a hearing aid cranked up to max, of course. He just has shorter ears. Nothing more. Shut up about them, alright? Gosh… Darias boasts a rather odd set of clothing, all of which appears to not have been washed in a very, very long time. Darias wears first, a beautiful jade colored leather shirt. Though, it could easily be forest colored too. Darias has never been good with colors, especially colors that are pretty much covered in brown any way. Under that, he wears mail made of only the finest materials! Mail of the highest quality, worked on by only the greatest craftsmen of our time! Mail that could survive the fiery breath of the greatest dragon that ever roamed the earth! Or, of course, it could be made of plain old steel, and it could just allow him to survive a few strikes from a sword. As for his pants? Well, Darias wears simple brown leather slacks. Nothing much to them, other than the amount of pockets that it has. Yes indeed, these pants have a simply ludicrous amount of pockets! Nothing else to really say about them though. They’re just pockets. Shoes? Oh, yes! The shoes Darias wears aren't much, just simple leather boots. Nothing much to really say about them. Sorry to disappoint. Hair? You ask about the hair of the great Darias!? Well, I’ll tell you of the hair of the great Darias! Darias has a flowing mane that one could only dream of having. Or, it could just be short hair. Nonsense! With this flowing mane, also comes the most beautiful Raven colored hair you've ever seen! This hair shines with a color only the greatest raven in the world could match! And we all know there will never be a raven that beautiful! Or, ya know, it could just be black hair. Biography: (Optional) A biography? Bah! You’d need an entire bo-. No, a vast number of, no, all the books in the world! To contain all of Darias’ exploits and adventures! Of course, we don’t have that many books, so I’ll give you the short version . Darias lived a simple, care free life. When he wasn't foiling the plots of dastardly villains, beating back terrifying dragons, making every women in the near vicinity swoon, and overall being amazing at everything! Yes, I could easily be considered the greatest man in the world, but that would be a grave understatement! But then, one day, I came across a young girl when I was fighting off a bandit hoard. Her name was Destiny, and you could say that our meeting was… Destiny? Ohohoho! Word puns! Yes, she was in dire need of a home, and a protector, so I became just that! I needed to slow down a bit after that, seeing as my new companion just couldn't keep up with me and all my daring deeds of danger! Personality: (Optional) Many say I’m pompous, self-centered, overconfident, and egotistical, but those descriptions are made by fools! No mortal could ever hope to describe me with such simple “adjectives”! Companions: (If any, Optional) Does Destiny count? Other: ptthc1 Name: Well, my name is Destiny. Destiny Winters Age: My age? I’m 15 years old. Why the hell do you want to know? Gender: Female. What’s it look like? Race: Human Class: I’d say I’m a dastardly rouge, but then I’d sound too much like Darias. I’m just a simple rouge, nothing more. Items: I keep two steel daggers on me at all times. They’re not the prettiest, and they’re not made by the greatest craftsman, but they get the job done. That’s all I need. I carry water and some fruit around too, but only if the fruit is fresh. Appearance: (Clothes and body please and at least make it a paragraph.) My appearance? I’m a stout little girl I’m told. Well-built but not chubby. Agile and not skinny. It’s pretty weird. I stand at just over 5’2. Though, it’s been a while since I've measured myself, so I might be a bit taller by now. My skin is pretty pale. Not nearly as pale as Darias, but still pretty pale. My facial features are all pretty standard for a fifteen year old girl. Two eyes, a mouth, a nose, two ears, etc, etc, yadda yadda yadda. I’m standard, alright? I guess people do say I have pretty eyes though, and pretty hair. More details? Damn you’re a creeper. Alright, fine. My eyes are a brownish-hazel color from what I’m told. I don’t look in a mirror much so I have no idea. And my hair? Well, my hair is actually pretty nice. But pretty weird too. It’s white. Yes, white. Completely white. Long too. It goes about half way down my back. My clothes? You really are a creeper. I wear a pretty brown dress pretty much everywhere I go. And unlike Darias, I actually keep it clean, and not smelling like ass all the time. As to not be complete pe.do bait, I also wear long black leather pants. Attached to those pants, are the scabbards that hold my two daggers. They’re hidden just under my dress so that they’re not immediately noticeable, but at a place where I can easily grab them if I needed to. And when I actually wear shoes, they’re usually just brown or black leather boots. Not much to them. Biography: (Optional) I grew up a poor girl in a poor town in a poor area. Overall, I was pretty damn poor. You wanted a proper source of food and money? You stole it. All there was to it. You stole, or you die. That’s the rule I lived by my whole life. Then, of course, some greedy ass Noble visited the town. He was looking for slaves, and he decided I would make a good one. You can imagine how that turned out. A few days later he sold me to some bandits. Not much happened there. I’m sure they wanted to screw me, but none of them could get close without suffering a skull fracture. It was just a few days after that that the bumbling idiot known as Darias waltzed into the camp, declared he was going to “end you bandit scum!” then got the crap beat out of him. Course, his little entrance gave me enough time to get myself loose and escape. Damn did I run. I ran right into the woods. Those stupid bandits couldn't find me if their lives depended on it. Which it did. I came back a few hours later to rescue the idiot who had managed to give me time to escape. Slit a few throats, killed a few people, stole some stiff, and rescued the idiot. Damn was that a mistake… I can’t get rid of him, and he insists that he saved me, and that I owe him a debt. So now I’m pretty much stuck with him. Personality: (Optional) Well, people say I’m tricky, cleaver, and not afraid to speak my mind. Oh, and vulgar. Vulgar is a word used to describe me pretty often. Companions: (If any, Optional) None other than Darias Other: ptthc1 (Just tell me if there's anything wrong, and I'll fix it right away.) "It sounded like Satan's ass demons were chasing us." ~ WiFiKing42
#160880048Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:11 AM GMT

It's not complex. [Ryota] You find a nearby ditch and hide in it, using magic to create mud. You crease wads of mud into your wound for it to dry and heal.
#160880209Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:17 AM GMT

While healing, I will remain in this ditch for a while and wait for the battle to disperse.
#160880548Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:30 AM GMT

Exam. A word Lukas never had to worry for. "A school? My father always tried to get me into one of those, though magic was never really a personal interest." He wondered. It wasn't true, though, as he was rather embarrassed to talk about how his father really was.
#160880949Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:49 AM GMT

Darias and Destiny accepted. [Ryota] The mud begins to cake on your wound, yet still tender, it doesn't bleed nor hurt as much. Though, the knife is still stuck between your clavicle and shoulder blade. As you wait, you begin to hear the battle subdue and hear the bandits laughing. I have a question, do you want me to post Darias and Destiny's paragraphs independently or together? [Lukas] "Yes. Arcanius. You may have heard of it. Magic to me is just advanced science." she says.
#160881367Saturday, April 25, 2015 8:07 AM GMT

I pull out the knife, man that's painful, at least I have a spare. I decided to peak, even though I'm far from them.
#160881474Saturday, April 25, 2015 8:10 AM GMT

pēk/Submit noun 1. the pointed top of a mountain. You meant peek. [Ryota] Blood gushes from the wound as you pull out the knife. You move yourself from the trench to the road and faintly see the dead bodies lying on the ground.
#160881719Saturday, April 25, 2015 8:18 AM GMT

Looks like I have two choices; check out or get out. If I check out, a bandit might ambush me and kill me, but in the state like this, I think I need to stay here more until I'm fully recovered.
#160882444Saturday, April 25, 2015 8:47 AM GMT

[Ryota] It will take days to weeks to fully recover without proper treatment.
#160882974Saturday, April 25, 2015 9:07 AM GMT

Having no other choices left, I decided to check it out, but I have to be vigilant on this.
#160884332Saturday, April 25, 2015 9:48 AM GMT

Name: Astarte Vermias (AS-TART-TAY VER-MY-AS ) Age: Twenty-One Gender: Feminine Race: Whistwalker Class: Priest (tess?) Items: A wide assortments of amulets,scrolls,books and a three Ivory wands inside a grey bag. Appearance: Astarte is a slim figure,with a black pony tail which grows from her nape like other female Whistwalkers and is 30 centimetres long. Like other Whistwalkers she possesses red eyes but has a lighter variation of red skin then other Whistwalkers. Not actually the charmer in the eyes of some other races,with her both of her mouths and her red skin color. Especially the mouths. Though she doesn't mind. Astarte's clothing consists of a steel plated armour with a weird design. Splashes of red cover the steel,with some painted black skull on the back of the armour. Though this is usually covered by a tattered old grey leather cloak she is wears. Necklaces,bracelets and a circlet made of the bones of animals is worn on her body,over 3 bracelets each on both of her arms,three necklaces a the circlet with the what seems to be the head of a bird on crowned on her head. Her pants also have the same design and made of the same material as her top,but without the skull and more red splashes on it. Her boots are completely coated in red,with two little bracelets tied around both of her legs. Biography: (Optional) T-TBR? Personality: Despite her appearance,Astarte is a caring and nice person. She just has bad fashion tastes,being a priest she has taken a liking to treat the wounds of other people and shows hatred towards evil spirits. Astarte is friendly,rarely serious and just wants to get by her life like a normal person. Though no person could be sinless could they? Even with all these 'goody two shoes' traits she does sometime steal,lie and kill for her benefit. (Hope dis not mary sue character. I iz trying to now making a Mary sue. IS DIS A MARY SUE? ) Companions: Her trusty sprite named 'Meria' that carries around medical herbs and helps her in treating the injuries of others. The sprite itself is a girl,she has quite a slim figure but is sadly below average in beauty. This sprite herself likes to chat around with others when it is bored. And dislikes flying around,because this tires her most of the time. Astarte also tamed a dog she had found in her travels,he has grey fluffy fur and warm brown eyes. The dog usually just follows Astarte around like a pet,it runs away when it sees danger like a sentient dog. And just disturbs others in it's presence when the dog does not get fed or is bored. This dog was nick named 'dog' because Astarte does not have a creative mind and is slightly annoyed by the dog following her. Though nothing serious,she lets the dog follow as long as he does not poop 24/7 and does his job,to distract people with it's fluffy cuteness. Other: " Seek ye first the ptthc1 of Precision. As his righteousness. And all these things shall be added onto you. "
#160893298Saturday, April 25, 2015 1:54 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Alzov Garzun Age:27 Race:Goblin Class: M-skirmisher Items: Alzov carries a short bow of goblin makings, so not as powerful as a human one but can still get the job done. For sneak attacks he carries a blow pipe with sedative and poisoned darts. He also carries two serrated daggers and two throwing knives on his person Appearance: Alzov is of average height standing... Well more like hunched over at 4'2". Heidi physical appearance is typical of goblins, pale green skin, green eyes, bald, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and sharp nails. Alzov has a tough dry skin and scars on his arms, legs, chest, and head, one of his more prominent scars goes all the way across his face at a diagonal from right to left. What Alzov wears is a cotton shirt and hide pants with a thick leather jacket over it with a hood to hide his face. Biography: (Optional) Alzov Garzun, whose full name is Alzov Gu'urth Garzan is born of the Gu'urth tribe. The Gu'urth are one of the more war-like goblin tribes so Alsov was trained to be a soldier. He took an affinity with the shortbow and blow pipe so he was trained to be a skirmished. With now wars to fight Alsov left the tribe to travel as a mercenary with a dog he found. Personality: (Optional) Alzov is greedy and selfish with his only soft spot is with his dog. Although he is greedy once payed he doesn't take counter-pay. He also doesn't talk to anyone a whole lot unless it's his dog or he negotiating a contract or he's very excited. His disposition on the world is quite contempt and indifference until it comes to elves. Alzov hates elves with a passion and will refuse to do jobs for them. Companions: (If any, Optional) dog, name: Sufi Other:ptthc1
#160894762Saturday, April 25, 2015 2:24 PM GMT

(Where be their start?) "It sounded like Satan's ass demons were chasing us." ~ WiFiKing42