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#161090427Monday, April 27, 2015 8:29 PM GMT

WELCOME TO SCiPNET DIRECT ACCESS TERMINAL. PLEASE ENTER COMMAND // login PLEASE ENTER USER AUTHENTICATION // hthorpe@foundationscp | mightymightyleftfoot1234 AUTHENTICATION ACCEPTED. PLEASE ENTER COMMAND // access zao3/§ci/15-4 3 YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS A SECURITY LEVEL 3 (SECRET) FILE. PLEASE NOTE THAT ACCESS TO THIS FILE IS RESTRICTED TO PERSONNEL WITH LEVEL THREE SECURITY CLEARANCE, AND THAT INFORMATION IS FURTHER RESTRICTED TO THOSE WITH A NEED-TO-KNOW BASIS. CONTINUING WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION, UP TO AND INCLUDING ADMINISTRATION OF A BROAD-SPECTRUM CLASS-A AMNESTIC FOLLOWED BY TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR ACCESS TO THIS FILE (INCLUDING THE DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION) WILL BE REPORTED TO THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA). IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE, PLEASE RE-ENTER YOUR USER AUTHENTICATION NOW. // hthorpe@foundationscp | 1234Ilovethemarinecorps AUTHENTICATION ACCEPTED. THE TIME AND DATE OF YOUR ACCESS TO THIS FILE HAS BEEN LOGGED AND REPORTED TO THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (RAISA). USER NAME: Colonel Harold Thorpe TITLE: Senior Supervisory Intelligence Officer DISPLAYING Recovered Documents ZAO3/§CI/15-4, CLEARANCE LEVEL 3 ======================================= FILED: 2/20/15 FILED BY: Assistant Security Specialist Sergeant Hannibal Masterson DESCRIPTION: During Foundation anti-intelligence operations against Group of Interest #3 ("Chaos Insurgency"), operatives successfully uncovered and infiltrated a CI base of operations 10 kilometers from Site 174. CI insurgents are believed to have been forewarned of Foundation operations, and destroyed most items of value within the building. The following documents relate to Dr. Byron Zao, consisting of a transcript of a stolen personnel file (now in unreadable condition due to rapid deterioration after fatal fire damage) and copies of personal, believed stolen, documentation. LAST UPDATED: 4/27/15 === Name: Byron Zao Security Clearance Level: 4 Position: Project Director, SCP-049 Biography: A former Global Occult Coalition operative, Zao was discharged for unethical practices and incompatibility with Coalition directives. With experience with humanoid, biological, and contagious anomalies, Zao was recruited by the Foundation as an Assistant Researcher for SCP-049. Following the death of Researcher Brandon Smith in Incident 049-2-15, Zao was promoted to SCP-049 Research Staff. Zao became the first GOC operative to rise to a Project Director position following his successful extensive experimentation into SCP-049's procedure in producing SCP-049-2, and ex-Project Director Emma Dillon's acts of treason, and subsequent termination, during Incident 108-15. Due to Zao's experience performance during Operation BLACKSAND and Incident 610-6 under Combat Task Force Tau-08, he was selected to be the Squad Leader of the Tracking Task Forces. As Project Director of SCP-049, Zao is currently establishing more effective recontainment procedures for SCP-049 during a containment breach. === The following files were found attached to the personnel file, and are mostly unreadable due to extensive fire damage. They are believed to be personal documentation of Dr. Zao's. ht tp://i.im gur.com/h6pzPvV.png ht tp://i.im gur.com/ntaIwQX.png ht tp://i.im gur.com/MCc3cvo.png ======================================= FULL TRANSCRIPTS OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO Recovered Documents ZAO3/§CI/15-4 IS CLASSIFIED LEVEL 4 (TOP SECRET) OR HIGHER. INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE. PLEASE ENTER COMMAND // expunge full INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE TO PERFORM THIS COMMAND. PLEASE ENTER A DIFFERENT COMMAND, OR INPUT PROJECT SPECIFIC ADMIN OVERRIDE. // chARL1E bRAv0 3Cho f0XTR0T THANK YOU. ALL ACCESS RECORDS FOR THIS COMPUTER FROM THE PAST 24 HOURS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE LOG. RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION RECORDS REDACTED. PLEASE ENTER COMMAND // logout LOGGING YOU OUT. THANK YOU. WELCOME TO SCiPNET DIRECT ACCESS TERMINAL. PLEASE ENTER COMMAND // shutdown SHUTTING DOWN IT IS NOW SAFE TO TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER.

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