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#161248237Thursday, April 30, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

"We make war so we may make peace." Aristotle The pour of rain crashed down like a swirling hurricane, the freezing drops hitting skin and kevlar alike. The waves crashed fiercely, but slowly began to gently cease as the ships approached the shore. The sound of heavy breathes and the rattling of clutched guns were the only sound within the silent boarding ships. "Burn and clear!" About twenty landing crafts hit the soft, white silk beach of the island. The platfroms of the crafts swung down on the sand as U.S Marines poured out on the slightly small island. A crack of thunder stabbed the sky as Marines combed the beach for anything with a red star and sickle. Strangely, there were no signs of any hostile NVA soldiers. The soldiers were confused, some hastily looking for signs of any enemies so they can shoot them into oblivion. A soldier bumped into what appears to be a small hut. It looked strange to him. The person looked at the others and called for them to take a look at the outlandish thing as he looked back at it. "Oh. Oh dear god." The young soldier choked, nearly vomiting as he stumbled away in shock. The others were confused, but continued on to check what he had seen. "Probably a rotten crab or something", the captain mumbled under his breath. The captain's eyes widened as he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight. Just barely into the jungle foliage, layed a skinless, rotting body of a human being. Eyes sunken in, the body's withered brown flesh stretched taut and rotting across the body's skull. Upon closer inspection, the body had a single scrap of clothing remaining; stitched into the withered corpse's skin. A Vietnamese flag patch. "Keystone squad, you're all on point. We'll search the beachead to find any Vietnamese. It's a jungle out there, you know." A Staff Sgt. ordered. The soldiers, each of varying rank and stature, did as told, and the squad began to advance toward, rifles at the ready. They grumbled in that they were possibly the first ones going home: in body bags. It was a long, tiring blaze-through. The rain, which happened to stop a few moments ago, has become nothing but just simply blistering heat. The soldiers in the "Keystone Squad" eventually ended up at where a small hatch is located. They were bewildered by why it's here, and what it leads to. The young soldier who discovered the hut exclaimed, "Ooh! Ooh! Me first!" before proceeding to run to the hatch, The captain cried out, "Stop him!" and followed the manchildish soldier. The others followed suit as the soldier (Let's call him Donald.) began to open the hatch. Within the darkness beneath the hatch, within the hatch they had just clambered down, not a sound could be heard. No footsteps, no cries, no excitement from the soldier that had lost himself within the darkness. Just... silence. Suddenly, a dull echo emerged from the shadows. One after another, the soldiers raised their guns toward the echo in the darkness as the hatch unexplainably closed and locked behind them. "We're dead. It was an ambush! We're going to either die, or be sent to on of those camps!" "I didn't even get to smell napalm in the morning!" "At least I left a fortune behind." "Calm your teets, soldier. It could be Mikey coming back after he wandered in here..." The captain assured him. A quiet silence flooded the hall, a quiet buzzing filling the room as everyone's breathing began to grow heavier. "Mikey?" SCREEEEEEEEEE Memories of a grey-skinned creature with elongated claws flooded the squad's memories as they awoke in cells. A head with skin stretched taut over an equine skull, and a series of writhing red maggot-like tendrils forcing them unconscious. An weary man wearing a slightly ripped lab coat came into view of the glass cell chambers. The person cleared his throat before saying to the soldiers, "Ahh, welcome. You're all eligible for testing. Let me introduc-" "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SEND AFTER US?!" The captain shouted, nearly howling as his voice grew weary from the roar. Drawing a hidden Ka-Bar in his boot, he quickly thrust forward in an attempt to shatter his cell. Thunk. "You'll find these cells are quite reinforced. I tested them myself. Well, my subjects and I. Please remind yourselves to at least contain your bickering toward me. The real fun begins now." The figure said before slowly disappearing from the view of both the captain, and his, albeit soon-to-be hunted, soldiers. RULES -No Mary Sues/Gary Stues/whatever perfect character you have. This includes godmodding/powerplaying/metagaming/OOC fighting/spotlight stealing/tremendous BS you have in mind. -Please try to be as literate as possible. If you're just gonna do nothing but put in one-line on every action, I (or one of the admins) am going to kick you out and either write a death sentence that involves your character dying of a sudden heart attack or turn you into an NPC (I guess.) -Put "Goood Morning Vietnam!" In other to show you have read these rules. -Admins can and will be appointed throughout the roleplay shall the need for mkre admins is apparent. The current admins are Rockmax2112alt, Marc12267, and Swedishlemon. CS Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Uniform provided) Inventory: (I'll chose what weapon you have.) Personality: (optional) Bio: If you had one super power, what would it be?: Other:
#161248669Thursday, April 30, 2015 4:34 AM GMT

Marked. Might play captain.
#161257600Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:14 PM GMT

#161257752Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:19 PM GMT

#161259553Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:30 PM GMT

Pretty neat. Marked.
#161277543Thursday, April 30, 2015 9:06 PM GMT

#161277723Thursday, April 30, 2015 9:08 PM GMT

oooooooooooooh This peaks my interest. What are the limits on powers?
#161282160Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:05 PM GMT

You don't directly choose your powers, I just want an idea if what you'd like.
#161297480Friday, May 01, 2015 1:19 AM GMT

Make cses you flamingo muffins
#161297605Friday, May 01, 2015 1:20 AM GMT

^im making one later tonight
#161299002Friday, May 01, 2015 1:37 AM GMT

Me too.
#161303945Friday, May 01, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

Operation bump is a gogo
#161304693Friday, May 01, 2015 2:54 AM GMT

Seventy two views they say and not one cs
#161304851Friday, May 01, 2015 2:57 AM GMT

im making general cs rite now
#161305073Friday, May 01, 2015 3:00 AM GMT

"General" No
#161305233Friday, May 01, 2015 3:03 AM GMT

k fine
#161305962Friday, May 01, 2015 3:15 AM GMT

Name: Julie Mickmin Age: 21 Gender: F Appearance: Julie stands at a tall 6'1, or at least tall compared to the rest of the females in her units. She has blonde hair which reaches down to her back, but she wears it in a long blonde ponytail. Julie has piercing, sky-blue eyes, but her right eye is noticeably faded in color when compared to her left. She has pale complexion and a series of light-brown freckles dot her cheeks and nose. She wore a standard US infantry uniform, but when she was captured the top portion of the uniform was clawed away into shreds and had to be thrown away, leaving only her white tanktop left. She tucks her tanktop into the baggier camo pants. Inventory: A package of chewy lemonheads, a full cartridge for a taser-gun, and a thread and needle she keeps in case of needing to sew her wounds up with no medic present. Personality: Determined, strong-willed, stoic, emotionally withdrawn. Bio: Julie's dad killed himself when he was three, leaving only her mother to raise her. Her mother was a soldier, too, and had just came out of service. Her mother wanted her to go to college and become a lawyer, but when her mother was taken out of the reserve ranks and chosen to fight again, Julie enlisted too in the hopes of saving her. Julie didn't understand how army stationing worked, so her mom died while Julie was stationed in america. Julie later rose up in the ranks, determined to avenge her mother by killing the vietnamese. If you had one super power, what would it be?: Corrosion or Corruption powers. Other: "Goood Morning Vietnam!" In other to show you have read these rules.
#161306706Friday, May 01, 2015 3:29 AM GMT

Not bad for a newbie. Accepted, although keep in mind this is the Vietnam war. No tasers. Your weapon is... The Ithaca M-37 Shotgun! American pump action shotgun Capacity of 5 12 gauge
#161306872Friday, May 01, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

Was I supposed to put the whole thing in Other or just "Good Morning Vietnam"? And will you PM me my power or will I discover it in the opening posts?
#161306934Friday, May 01, 2015 3:34 AM GMT

Not the whole thing, you'll discover your power in the opening posts. We need a few more joiners.
#161307015Friday, May 01, 2015 3:35 AM GMT

Name: Julie Mickmin Age: 21 Gender: F Appearance: Julie stands at a tall 6'1, or at least tall compared to the rest of the females in her units. She has blonde hair which reaches down to her back, but she wears it in a long blonde ponytail. Julie has piercing, sky-blue eyes, but her right eye is noticeably faded in color when compared to her left. She has pale complexion and a series of light-brown freckles dot her cheeks and nose. She wore a standard US infantry uniform, but when she was captured the top portion of the uniform was clawed away into shreds and had to be thrown away, leaving only her white tanktop left. She tucks her tanktop into the baggier camo pants. Inventory: A package of chewy lemonheads, a full cartridge for a taser-gun, and a thread and needle she keeps in case of needing to sew her wounds up with no medic present. Personality: Determined, strong-willed, stoic, emotionally withdrawn. Bio: Julie's dad killed himself when he was three, leaving only her mother to raise her. Her mother was a soldier, too, and had just came out of service. Her mother wanted her to go to college and become a lawyer, but when her mother was taken out of the reserve ranks and chosen to fight again, Julie enlisted too in the hopes of saving her. Julie didn't understand how army stationing worked, so her mom died while Julie was stationed in america. Julie later rose up in the ranks, determined to avenge her mother by killing the vietnamese. If you had one super power, what would it be?: Corrosion or Corruption powers. Other: "Goood Morning Vietnam!"
#161307177Friday, May 01, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

You didn't need to repost the entire cs I already said you were accepted
#161307200Friday, May 01, 2015 3:38 AM GMT

He already accepted you, you didn't have to change what you put in 'Other'.
#161307243Friday, May 01, 2015 3:39 AM GMT

#161307275Friday, May 01, 2015 3:40 AM GMT

oh... sorry...

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