#163462035Monday, June 01, 2015 12:32 AM GMT

Why would I need an encyclopedia to write that one post? I was only using logic and reason to find the variable in your statement, and you failed to disprove me.
#163462523Monday, June 01, 2015 12:38 AM GMT

"No, seriously, No NBC only...ANYTHING? <.<" So now you're saying BC people should get punished for buying BC, in the way that they are restricted from some games? My word, you want ROBLOX to die, don't you? You should be thankful that you have a place to play games, join groups, have your OWN virtual avatar, post on the forums, create your own games, make friends, and just have fun altogether. Are you claiming that it's not fair that you get all of that for FREE? Just look at ALL of that -- EVERYTHING you get, and it's not good enough? For FREE! FREE! Look what ROBLOX has been generous enough to give you! Look at all of it I just mentioned! Be glad you have all of those features, ROBLOX was generous enough to give that to you -- for free. Be glad it's not Pay to Play.
#163466367Monday, June 01, 2015 1:22 AM GMT

"Irrationality[Or Selfishness] Over logic." You, and majority of the supporters, are choosing selfishness over logic. The no-supporters are not. I reeeeeeally don't get how you don't realize this. This was a loophole/glitch (whatever you wanna call it). THIS WAS NOT MEANT TO HAPPEN. Roblox let it slide, though, until people abused it. It is the users's fault this is gone, but it shouldn't have been there anyway. I don't know why people have to keep repeating this. And what's up with NBC only things? There's no logic in that. Name one website where members who have no membership get something that people with membership get. Peng approved √
#163466514Monday, June 01, 2015 1:23 AM GMT

*people with membership cannot get. Peng approved √
#163468922Monday, June 01, 2015 1:50 AM GMT

^ Therein lies another problem. You can't justify anything you said, Stop pretending a loophole is any excuse, if it worked out, which it had... Than that's reason enough why it matters to people. Now, tell me 15 reasons why it's by any means, GOOD. Don't think of the membership...Don't, think of it from another perspective. First off, It's Strongly UNBALANCED, Don't give me your crappy excuses that it wasn't supposed to happen, We both know, it SHOULD'VE happened. Second, When's the last time BC didn't have 5 "Genuinely Valuable" Features? I mean features NBC don't have. Membership? Uploading? Selling? BC only stuff? Daily Currency?[Robux] BC Games? Now tell me, how unbalanced it's "Obviously" Not? You will fail. When i mean balance i don't mean the Bull CHAOS made when we all have EQUAL FEATURES. This "Balance" is a compromise between Memberships, You can't steal from the poor, and feed the rich... That's slander, and corruption... OR? Favoritism of course! Stop saying BC is worth more than people with greater value. Nobody here is worth more than NBC, maybe their membership, BUT that's just another scapegoat for your own greed, isn't it? B gets everything, and we're here wathing, without popcorn... Because BC is apparantly the only membership allowed to eat. V Contradicted yourself, you "Big shot" Idiot.
#163469335Monday, June 01, 2015 1:54 AM GMT

No BC privileges for NBC members. The post is WNTS now stfu people
#163473597Monday, June 01, 2015 2:46 AM GMT

I go into a game store. Should I get a game that people paid for for free just because I exist? It doesn't work like that.
#163475112Monday, June 01, 2015 3:05 AM GMT

^ That's your problem kid, not mine. Seriously, you're making excuses again. "NOBODY GIVES A RAT'S ASS WHAT YOU THINK." You are talking out of context, you're thinking too hard. First off, nobody here said free things, I said "Rights." <.< The Inalienable Features of people. Rights aren't Free stuff, and Free stuff aren't rights. I can ask for a plate, Am I entitled to keeping it? No, I'm not. Can I ask for a Car? I can. Can I ask for the right to Climb a tree? [Holy crap, I need PERMISSION for my rights???] Seriously off topic. You've still not answered my question. Are you Humanly capable of holding the topic, and NOT WARP IT'S MEANING? The question is this; Can You Even Prove Me Wrong? Can You Ever Truly Prove My Point Invalid? No, you can't, My Facts are Facts, Facts can't be proven wrong. But, if i'm wrong, why don't you convince me? First off, don't give me the crap about how it's a B feature Only. [You can't JUSTIFY it, just because it's restricted.] That's called Justification, to make an UNBALANCED System seem fair, Right, and Justified. Compare BC stuff, with NBC And tell me how much good things NBC can do. Just existing is fair? While others get...98% Of everything? 98% Is quite a burdon, why not let NBC carry that load? ^ There's a reason for this, and everything. The sooner you see how Naive one must be to agree with Roblox, The sooner we can exit this Paradox...BUT I'm not going to force my fact down your throat...a worm needs respect also. But I shall ask you 3 Things: 1. Do you need me to give you a Tutorial on HOW TO PROVE ME WRONG? If the answer is No, You will fail. If the answer is Yes, You do not deserve it. 2. Have you done anything resembling STUDYING? 3. Do you even Calm Bro? You seem tense[I'm always tense...] v0v Look belo0o0oo0o0oW! We're the same, you and I, We're both tense now. But guess what? I'm INTENSE...No i'm not, Nobody here even IS. But if you ask Pooma65, he can explain it better.
#163475260Monday, June 01, 2015 3:07 AM GMT

#163475747Monday, June 01, 2015 3:14 AM GMT

@Ron The question is, are you dead? <.< That's not even close to the topic. The real question is, "CAN" "YOU" "PROVE" "IT'S" "EVEN" "JUSTIFIED" "BY" "ANY" "SORT" "OF" "OFFICIAL" "GOVERNMENT" "OR" "MORAL" "INTEGRITY?" You must be joking if that's all you got... BC is paid, is it JUSTIFIED? You can't say buying something is fair for the other 99.87% Of people. You can't justify this, You haven't even tried. I can DEFINITELY Feel how logical you are, I can sense how good you are at Proving this Justified, by any Count. I can feel your Typing Skills, and it amounts to something bro... That is, if something is nothing. You might as well have a soul to sell, Because I strike you Down, You're going straight to hell. ^ Ironic Reference, Makes sense in this scenario.
#163475848Monday, June 01, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

You admitted in another thread you're a troll. I think we're done here.
#163476887Monday, June 01, 2015 3:31 AM GMT

Nobody has proven me WRONG, now have they? Troll or not, I got another fact: Running away from the truth is Degradation. No expectations, Still you bite to fight temptation, But hey, APPARANTLY trolls can't be correct... So...this implies you're an idiot, right? Degradation, Insanity, and Immoral Conduct rule you. I was the same way, Now i'm Purely Strict and Professional about my facts. Believe what you will, you've yet to even prove me wrong... But hey, you can't. you even admit i was right, in a way, you did "Run" after all... I'm not joking anymore, it's over, I won, now this path ends, with No victor, I've won for too long, and can't hold a Victory that's dull.
#163478989Monday, June 01, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

"You can't justify anything you said," Don't be a hypocrite, please "Stop pretending a loophole is any excuse, if it worked out, which it had..." Do you know what a loophole is? Loopholes are ways around the system, thus 'worked out' fine. "Don't think of the membership...Don't, think of it from another perspective." Membership isn't a perspective "First off, It's Strongly UNBALANCED," No it's not. Go complain to Club Penguin, which is 'unbalanced.' "Don't give me your crappy excuses that it wasn't supposed to happen, We both know, it SHOULD'VE happened." Sling, a moderator, said himself it shouldn't have happened and was not suppose to. "Membership?" Obviously NBC doesn't have this??? NBC = No Builders Club. -_- "Uploading? Selling?" This is a BC privilege and is fair. This is a reason people buy BC. "BC only stuff?" It's called BC only for a reason. "Daily Currency?[Robux]" This is a BC privilege and is fair. This is a reason people buy BC. "BC Games?" It's called BC only for a reason. "Now tell me, how unbalanced it's "Obviously" Not? You will fail." I shouldn't need to explain. 1. NBCs have a lot of freedom; be grateful for what you DO have. You can make T-Shirts, games, buy anything (if you can afford it), forum, play anything you want (Aside from BC games, and BC games have no quality to them- they're just a way for BCers to make some cash), etc. Also, take this into account: When you lose membership, do you lose everything you have? No. That is Club Penguin, which is total bs. "This "Balance" is a compromise between Memberships, You can't steal from the poor, and feed the rich... That's slander, and corruption... OR?" This isn't even a good comparison. Favoritism of course! "Stop saying BC is worth more than people with greater value." Stop saying people who don't benefit ROBLOX are worth more than people who do. "Nobody here is worth more than NBC, maybe their membership, BUT that's just another scapegoat for your own greed, isn't it?" Membership is not greed. It is a way ROBLOX makes money. Without membership, they lose a lot of money. Without money, hm, let's see, they can't make servers. Thus, no one could really play. "B gets everything, and we're here wathing, without popcorn..." Oh, quit whining; BC paid for what they got. V Contradicted yourself, you "Big shot" Idiot.
#163479196Monday, June 01, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

"You admitted in another thread you're a troll. I think we're done here." No one could be this stupid, anyways
#163481078Monday, June 01, 2015 4:41 AM GMT

shutup all of u idiots this is already a big flame war against idiots and stupids
#163489121Monday, June 01, 2015 10:45 AM GMT

Full support!!
#163490154Monday, June 01, 2015 11:33 AM GMT

#163493871Monday, June 01, 2015 2:00 PM GMT

99% of you will just copy clothing.
#163494485Monday, June 01, 2015 2:19 PM GMT

There are many things you misunderstood, in this context. First off, count the "Privileges" of BC. Don't separate them, see them as a whole. First off, I could care more what you thought you were on to. And I don't know how stupid one could get hiding behind fearless words, But NBC exists, that doesn't justify them, numbnut. Uploading? Granted, BC only, but that EXCUSE DOES NOT JUSTIFY IT. You can't justify an unbalanced system, You claim it's fair? Truly? Guess what, you better look again. Membership is a topic, the perspective is the way you see it. Now, let me COUNT for you, since you're obviously boned anyway; 1, Uploading 2, Selling 3, Group Creating 4, Robux 5, BC Items 6, BC "GAMES" 7, Apparent Bragging rights(Or whining rights...when they lose) Now, despite what you think you know, NBC don't have any of these. What does BC have? The funny thing is, basically all we have is; Tickets we may not get the chance to spend sometimes...items do become Limited. And as we know, BC sells limiteds, and NBC can't buy them. NBC can't sell, BC can buy. Plus, GENERALLY? NBC can't buy gear for crap, not before it goes off sale that is. You're saying that's fair? Justified? If what you're implying is, "You get what you get." Than I have got you to confirm your own stupidity. First off, merely existing won't justify you. Second, It's corrupt to think you're above others... "You get what you get." <-- That's what she said. Third, You CANNOT ever justify things that are unfair, You CAN'T. LAST, I didn't tell you NBC needs them all, this makes BC useless. But all I explained was, BC has some of the most BASIC functions, Groups should be for everyone. If that's not the case, we've always had the right anyway. Now, fair? Hopefully it is....(Sarcasm) Soooo fair, because ROBLOX Infringes upon NBC's rights. Because it's not like some of us ACTUALLY planned to make a group, Or make a shirt. :I I hope you're not butt hurt, but I can't condone this. It's careless, reckless, and very irritating to others. But hey, obviously a troll is an idiot, For all "The Troll" knows, you're also a Troll, But Nuuuuoooooo, you're not even gonna assume I have some Dignity left. I stand by my honor, my pride, and my knowledge and experience. I know this stuff, for it happened before, especially in a premonition. V "The Vaike ain't no troll, I'm just making a living." No, seriously, The Vaike is sooner a Wise Fool, or a Messiah, Just a Theory, a Web Theory...thanks for reading this reference. "A Leader must never rest, never surrender, and most of all, never stop learning." -Chrom ____(!🔰!)!Hail Prince Chrom of the Halidom of Ylisse!(!🔰!)____
#163510128Monday, June 01, 2015 7:36 PM GMT

"You're saying that's fair? Justified?" Yes and yes You preach about justifying but can't justify anything you say, funny, isn't it?
#163512860Monday, June 01, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

"Now, tell me 15 reasons why it's by any means, GOOD." I don't know if I can get 15, but I'll try! 1. More motivation to buy BC. 2. #1 means more money for ROBLOX to keep it running. 3. #2 means more updates. 4. NBC learn they can't get a paid feature for free. 5. BC can be satisfied that they got what they paid for, and others didn't get it for free. I'll stop there. Why would I need 15? That's a lot, when you think about it. "First off, It's Strongly UNBALANCED, Don't give me your crappy excuses that it wasn't supposed to happen, We both know, it SHOULD'VE happened." If it should have happened, then why did ROBLOX put a stop to it? Why don't you get a taste of your own medicine? Tell me 15 reasons why it should've happened. GG. Next!
#163512996Monday, June 01, 2015 8:17 PM GMT

"But, if i'm wrong, why don't you convince me?" Oh, this is hilarious. We have been, and you've failed to disprove what we've been saying. We cannot complete something that requires your participation if you don't participate. GG. Next!
#163540960Tuesday, June 02, 2015 2:27 AM GMT

Pardon? I don't recall ever telling you i was interested in proving an obvious lie, a lie. I don't have an interest in you, for you've taken the path of ignorance, good day.
#163541646Tuesday, June 02, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

I won't prove wrong, something you've not even TRIED to prove right. For as we know, if you can't make any convincing arguments, you HAVE NONE. And this implies you're lacking proper words, or proof to back you up. You can't justify it? Fine. You can whine about, but you've nothing to support you, You'll only crumble down, like the Clan OJ... Only, OJ had backbone, and it was severed by a man named Anjn. Interested in being proven wrong? It seems you've done that yourself, Just read the entire conversation, Any 3rd grader can decipher this, Whilst any 6th grader can read Unicode. So...if you're able to read this, OR Unicode, do so, If not, I'm not sorry, and I don't pity you, Much less Sympathize you, You believe what you choose to believe, and stubborn people tend to overlook the facts, even considering THEIR Theory can't justify the means.
#163541928Tuesday, June 02, 2015 2:41 AM GMT

why do nbc'ers need the ability to upload shirts? you do not exist // quaranteed's alt