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#161788733Saturday, May 09, 2015 1:24 AM GMT

Table of Contents 1) Storyline 2) Communication, Weaponry and Transportation 3) Landscape and Important Locations 4) Rules 5) CS 6) Admins and Credits 1) Storyline (1 The famous Battle of Hastings was fought on the fourteenth of October, 1066. It's one of the most important things that you have to learn in school, growing up where I did. Everyone knows the story of how William the Conqueror, leading his army of Normans, conquered England, and establishing the government that would rule more of the Brittish Isles than anything since the Romans (eventually surpassing them in not only Brittain, but by conquering a third of the world). However, in order for William the Conqueror to conquer England, Rome has first to fall, fracturing and splintering, being overrun by barbarians. As it is today, the fourteenth of October, 5066. The Sol Government fell nearly 2,500 years ago splintering the solar system, and allowing for new cultures to take root in the ruins. Most of the Solar System was conquered by the Sol Government all those years ago, aside from Venus. Certainly all of the Inner Solar System, and most major moons of the Outer. Any asteroid large enough to be deformed into a sphere, such as Ceres and Vesta, in the Inner Solar System had at least one or two settlements, and, in fact, mankind once even took it unto itself to create a third dwarf planet in the Inner Belt, forcing a collision between Juno and Pallas, and adding nearly a hundred smaller asteroids into the mix, leaving Junopallas, a dwarf planet with one major metropolitan area. There were even early ventures into the Kuiper Belt before the Sol Government fell. It was a combination of political instability, corporate corruption and rebellion that led to the destruction of Earth as a planet suitable for human civilization, and that sparked a war setting back technology by almost a millenium, preventing further exploration and indeed even blocking off communications with other parts of the former Sol Government. But I digress. With the fall of the Sol Government, the kingdom was fractured. The two governments on Oberon (Or Uranus 4, if you want to be technical about it), ironically named New Normandy and New Hastings, have been the most successful on this moon over the past millenium or so (Other strong military powers have risen and fallen since the fall of the Sol Government, splintering and reforming, much like the asteroid belts and planetoids of newly forming solar systems), and were the only two left, seeing as the rest have conquered one another, and have in turn been conquered by these two. Lord General Orpheus Williamson of New Normandy, believing it to be poetic, decided to launch an all out assault on New Hastings on this day. Ah, what a fool he was, for the four thousandth anniversary of one of the most important days in human history is not to be disregarded to simply! I warned him against this, but he refused to listen to me. So, what was I to do - listen to Williamson's commands, knowing them to be foolish and to potentially lead to my demise, or turncoat, and have the assurance of not only my survival, but that of my family? And so, the Battle of New Hastings City ended abruptly, with the armies of New Normandy significantly crippled, and New Hastings expanding outwards, conquering all of Oberon. And now, with Oberon finally free of being plagued by wars such as these, from it's capital of New Normandy, a new space program was started, in attempts to see if other such fractured kingdoms still exist out there... ~ The Private Diaries of Governor Henry Erikson, Third Governor of New Normandy under New Hastings rule 2) Communication, Weaponry and Transportation (2 Communication on the scale of Oberon is rather simple - Satellites up in the sky help to relay radio signals for the military and a form of internet for the civilians, cell towers and visual media (movies, TV) exist for communication and recreation. However, as the New Hastings Government seeks to expand, it is attempting to develop some frequency and concentration of radios with strong enough encryption for future outposts on, say, Umbriel, to be able to send a radio signal to Oberon without it being intercepted and decoded by local enemy governments. Weaponry is much the same as it was on Earth in the 21st century, except that, due to the amount of armour that is commonly worn (oftentimes full suits of Kevlar or, for important officials, Graphene) to protect against bullets, it's not uncommon to give ammunition explosive properties, poison or high-voltage, high-wattage electric charge. Additionally, small handheld explosives exist, as do missiles and bombs, though handheld weaponry is more common than that which can cause high collateral damage due to sheer expensiveness. Transportation, too, is similar to that of 21st century Earth, except for a few noticeable differences. For instance, air vehicles are often more massive, due to lower gravity and escape velocity, and land vehicles are designed more for rocky terrain (when used outside of big cities). 3) Landscape and Important Locations (3 The landscape of Oberon is as it has been for millions of years - Barren and rocky, other than the man-made settlements, often called either cities or domes. Within the cities and domes, however, you may find that there's liquid water, temperatures designed for human survival, vegetation and other things of that description. There are almost a hundred Domes, all of them home to approximately a thousand to a hundred thousand people each. The most prominent Domes are as follows: New Hastings: Both the name of the nation and the capital city, New Hastings was, until recently, considered to be one of the safest places out there - far from the warfare of the borderline Domes. However, after the New Normans so foolishly went for an all-out assault on New Hastings, nearly destroying the protective Dome during the air battles, many people don't feel safe, despite knowing, logically, that it's the most secure place on Oberon. It's population is slightly over 96,000, being the most populous Dome on Oberon. New Normandy: Formerly the capital of a kingdom of the same name, New Normandy is, for the current moment, near anarchic due to the unseating of the government and the civilian-police clashes that followed. Now it is a police-military state, despite the fact that the New Hastings Government seeks to give it all the same rights as the rest of the moon after the rioting is done with. It is the second most populous Dome on Oberon, with a population of roughly 77,000. New Lancashire: Another former capital, recently conquered City, it's been under New Hastings rule for about twenty years, and in that time has grown to accept it's new leaders, albeit grudgingly. It is now the literary capital of Oberon, and perhaps all of Uranus or even the Outer Solar System - There's no way to know for sure. It's population is roughly 44,000, the third most populous Dome on Oberon. New Aquitaine: What New Lancashire is to literacy, New Aquitaine is to agriculture. It's been under the rulership of New Lancashire for generations, and under the control of New Hastings for the past forty years. It's population is 30,000, the fourth most populous Dome on Oberon, and the least populous of the "Great Domes", with all the rest of the Domes having populations of 15,000 or under. New Burgandy: A prominent College-Town formerly under New Norman rule, it surrendered peacefully and, for the most part, it's citizens are more than happy that now their minds can be put to use at something other than bloodshed. It is also noticeable for being right in the centre of the Falstaff crater (Though taking up a fraction of it that is not all too noticeable). It has a small population compared to other influential Domes, at a mere 6,700 (Though still quite a bit larger than about seventy Domes). The total population of Oberon is about 453,000, leaving ample room for the creation of new Domes. 4) Rules (4 1) Yes, this is a free-roam. I have a hard time with storyline structured RPs nowadays, I figure I'll work on that sometime later. 2) Wait until being accepted by an admin before beginning. 3) Please fill out the CS in it's entirety, and be as detailed as possible without adding in ludicrous amounts of unnecessary detail. 4) Only join if you intend to be active. 5) Naming conventions tend to be as follows for people: A first name, generally either English or French, though it's also not unheard of for the first name to be named after characters of Grecian folklore (Though never the Roman equivalent, strangely enough). This is followed often by a middle name of the same nature, and then a surname, generally formed by taking an English first name and adding "-son" to the end of it (Ericson, Williamson), with colors (generally just Green, Black, White, Brown and Grey) or with ancient professions (Smith, Miller). This is a rule due to the fact that I don't want someone with a strange name to break the atmosphere of the RP. 6) Feel free to create your own Dome. Domes are often named after English or French cities or provinces, generally preceded by the word "New". The Dome need not be similar at all to the location it was named for. 7) Common attire and culture I have selectively decided not to work on, such that I do not choose something too alien or too common for people interested to join. However, after about thirty to fifty pages, expect the basics of Oberonian culture to be laid out, and once culture has been established, I would prefer there to be no instances at all where it is disregarded. 8) There will be ventures into space eventually, but I'd first like to spend enough time on Oberon to develop a culture, a civilization and a planet worth caring about. So, at least for now, no starting in space. This will likely change within about thirty pages. 9) No RPing unless an admin in the RP is online and willing to monitor the RP so as to make sure all rules are enforced. 10) Tim may or may not participate, depending on his mood. As such, the other admins word is law. Additionally, anyone categorized by Tim as a good friend on the wiki is automatically an admin. 5) CS (5 Character: Name: Age: Appearance: Clothing: Dome of Origin: Dome of Residence: Occupation: Bio: Personality: Other Dome: Name: Age: Population: Brief History: Governor: Primary Economy: 6) Admins and Credits (6 Timpookie: Credited with typing this up over the course of two hours at times that are simply ridiculous. He typed up all 1871 words, six pages worth of Microsoft Word, with no assistance and no proofreading, other than that done by himself. Anyone else I deem worthy of this title.
#161806885Saturday, May 09, 2015 9:16 AM GMT

#162018315Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:06 PM GMT

(Due to how much I like this concept of an RP, I may make a CS for it myself, actually.)
#162023282Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:21 PM GMT

Name: John Smith Age: Nearly 28 years old Appearance: He has a fair tan skin, he has a thick short brown charming hair , He has green eyes with a yellowish ring around his pupil . John's an athletic built person although , a medium heigh man . Clothing: He usually wears a black leather jacker or sometimes a reddish black hoodie , He enjoys wearing fairly blue and white t-shirts under his jacket . John has a pair of black metal sun-glasses he bought not that long ago . He wears a pair of bark brown denin jeans and sometimes a pair of green shorts . He also wears a silver crucifix necklace . John wears fairly dark shoes with red little rubber strings on the sides , considered to be running shoes . Dome of Origin: New Normandy Dome of Residence: New Lorraine Occupation: ; Detective , Policeman Bio: John is bornt on the Planet of Oberon , with his roots deep back to the Dome of Normady where he spent much of his childhood among his sister and his father , his mom has died on an accident fairly long time ago . He was pretty much a trouble maker when he was a teen , but his mood changed once his father has died . Since that moment he changed his view on life and became a respected detective among the domes . Personality: He's a pretty sober man with new-comers but he doesn't have doubts when someone is in need of help . John likes to chat freely with his friends and sometimes is friendly , He is a good temper man and knows to listen . Other Dome: New Lorraine Name: (?) Age: 980 Yeard old Population: Around 56,000 Brief History: The dome has been founded by Robert Carih, which was assassinated due the conflicts that followed slightly after the dome was created . Lorraine it's a safe place among the other locations , as well as far from conflict zones . The dome has been founded one thousand years ago but was mostly destroyed by clashes and rebuilt 20 years after . It's now ruled by Jonathan Merrys Governor: Jonathan Merrys Primary Economy: Trade based economy and slightly based on mining .
#162117541Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:44 AM GMT

(John Smith is your character's name? Really? Doesn't that seem a tad generic?)
#162118293Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:15 PM GMT

( it does )
#162176952Friday, May 15, 2015 2:12 PM GMT

(Come up with a more creative name and I may be interested enough to read the rest of your CS.)
#162450201Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:01 PM GMT

(Here's another bump! I wonder why people seem to be ignoring this RP...)
#162455464Tuesday, May 19, 2015 4:28 PM GMT

I'll decide whether to join this roleplay or not. If seems interesting. By the way, isn't Oberon the magic fairy guy from the Yogscast?
#162455496Tuesday, May 19, 2015 4:28 PM GMT

It* lol.
#162482717Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:15 AM GMT

(Oberon is the king of Fairies in A Midsummer's Night Dream, and then when William Herschel discovered a moon of Uranus, he allowed his son, John, to name the moon for a character in his favorite literature. I have no idea what the frak Yogcast is, though.)
#162482801Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:16 AM GMT

Di-Did you say Oberon? YESSS #SAO
#162482823Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:16 AM GMT

I'll repost my CS from last time. Is that alright?
#162482885Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:17 AM GMT

(Sure. If you were accepted on the last one you're accepted here as well.)
#162482958Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:18 AM GMT

(Cool. But I'll repost it to just refresh your memory, okay?)
#162483233Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:22 AM GMT

#162483290Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:23 AM GMT

>1871 wow i wrote more than tim #leet "Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." ―Darth Malak
#162483520Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:26 AM GMT

(Somehow I had lost the copy of my revised character sheet. Thank you, Tim.) Name: Jean-Prométhée (John Prometheus in French, basically) Age: 24 Appearance:A thin man, with long black hair. Ashen of countenance. Has eyes like two saucers of milk, with a band of grey surrounding a black dot floating in the middle. He is tall, but not exceptionally so. Clothing:White, loose-fitting robes. Dome of Origin:.Nouveau Toulouse Dome of Residence: He wanders from dome to dome, spreading his message. Occupation: Traveling “Preacher” Bio: Born to two wealthy aristocrats in a rural part of New Normandy, he had a fairly normal rich child ‘s childhood until his seventh birthday. Several hours after his mother put him to bed, she heard a cry come from Jean’s room. What she saw as she rushed in there she never said, but made clear that it was horrible beyond measure. Upon seeing this monstrous sight, she fainted. Waking up an unknown amount of time later, she rushed over to Jean’s bed to find him sleeping soundly, with a black scar in the shape of a celtic cross right in the middle of his forehead. Her husband was nowhere to be found in the house, though there were signs of a struggle and tracks that the local constable later followed to the dome’s airlock. After this experience, of which Jean claims no memory, he began to receive visions. He saw (often) “A black burnished glass dome, of immense and unfathomable size, rising in the east. On it were massive carvings, depictions of debased rites of unimaginable grotesqueness. Clearly, I saw the Red Priest take his seat at the right hand of the King in Black, as their masked followers prostrated themselves at its base. I watched as the banners of the King in Black’s armies slowly and surely marched across all of Oberon, spreading his rule over the world.” At the age of 18, his mother died. Having no kin to tie him to his home, he left his dome to warn the world against this horror. Personality: Timid and nervous, always looking from side to side or behind him. When speaking of the future, however, he is grave and monotonal. Other Dome: Name: La Dôme Noire (The Black Dome) Age: Unknown Population: Unknown Brief History: The black dome of Jean’s visions. He knows not how it will rise, where it comes from, or where it will be. He believes it will be revealed to him in a future vision. Governor: The King in Black, a mysterious and enigmatic figure. Here is how Jean describes him: “A figure cloaked in a beam of shadow from the heavens, only the barest outline could be seen. Save for the eyes, which glowed like fire.” Primary Economy: N/A Dome: Name:Nouveau Toulouse Age: Seventy years old, give or take a few years Population: about 1,500 Brief History: Established by New Lancashire as a supplemental agricultural supply in case New Aquitaine should fall, it was conquered by the Normans about twenty years after it was first settled. They used it as a FOB to launch numerous unsuccessful small raids against New Aquitaine and the surrounding communities right up until New Normandy was conquered. Since then, it has been under the direct control of New Hastings' military. Governor: General Albert Black Primary Economy: Agriculture
#162483541Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:27 AM GMT

(This was three hours late at night one night, cut me some slack, Birm. My longest solo work is 3,9somethingsomething and my longest of all time was 5,64something words.)
#162483629Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:28 AM GMT

[d00d i wasn't being serious while i've written more you're still a vastly superior writer to me. "Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone." ―Darth Malak
#162542819Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:57 AM GMT

(So Tim, does it ring any bells?)
#162543235Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:03 AM GMT

(Yeah, I remember your CS. Still accepted.)

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