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#161822238Saturday, May 09, 2015 3:36 PM GMT

1. Atlanta Hawks - At 5-0, Atlanta has started off the season against top 10 teams, blowing out a few and finishing strong against others, Atlanta is lead by MVP Candidate KhoveriShan, last season's MVP cooldude12345555 and breakout rookie Beth2k16. Atlanta has a very good zone defense and can finish on the break, arguably the best. 2. Los Angeles Lakers - Also at 5-0, the Lakers have a very strong team on paper and it also translates onto the court, the only thing stopping them from being #1, is the fact Atlanta has faced stronger teams into the schedule. Los Angeles, has a very good coaching staff with one of the best on court coaches, xSayJ and DylanDaKidd on the sidelines. They have if not thee deepest roster, but one of the deepest. On their bench is S7 star's dewder, ktizzle and rising stars DrainoDaKidd, and Drilluh. In their starting line up is one of the best shooters in the rookie class as well as top 3 in the ROTY race, kinqmatix, as well as former MVP, and one of the best in the game xSayJ, next to him SwaeLee, a rising star (and if continued) a future MVP. 3. Cleveland Cavaliers - Cleveland has a very deep roster, they also have current and former MVP candidate True2swift, current MIP candidate and rising star Infinitify, and arguably one of the best all time floor generals, IronManJ leading the way, with major support with current SMOTY candidate JamesTheCommissioner and current MIP candidate, recently acquired from BOS' starting lineup, lilcarter500 and future HOFer Quaint off the bench. 4. Golden State Warriors - Despite losing a key player recently, Golden State looks unaffected and has rebounded very well from losing Draino. Golden State is led by current MVP candidates, Spydeman340 and SomebodyAnonymous, both have posted multiple triple doubles throughout the season, last season's ROTY candidate, lmj, has also been very good for them. KingDeejay and GuestGinobili provide support as well as a very underrated rookie, goldcreep looks to continue showing out. 5. Denver Nuggets - Denver has won a good chunk of it's games, although a lot of their games were very, very close. DEN lost to GSW in the 4th from a game winning buzzer beat fade away 3 from Spydeman340, as well as winning against MIN with only a 2 point deficit. Denver has had some breakout talents like ReflexJayy, who is currently in the MVP and MIP race, as well as 2 rookies who have really stood out, SaavageJayy and xBunnyFreshKidz. Also supporting Denver is HalfDrake who has been very consistent, scoring most of DEN's PTS, moving the ball well and playing great defense, he is currently in the top 5 for the MVP race. 6. Washington Wizards - Although coming into the season, Washington was looked as a sure shot for the finals, they haven't really been in their groove. They are still above .500, but they just haven't looked like the Wizards we know. Washington acquired a lot of great players like Splvsh and Clonejoe5099, but neither have really helped WAS, Clone has played very well but it just hasn't translated into the scoreboard in their 2 losses, Splvsh's inactivity forced him into free agency, and Clonejoe was put onto the block. Don't sleep on Washington despite their slump, they're always a great team and will look to come back stronger than ever before the playoffs, especially under coaching legend, gb00. T-7. Orlando Magic - Considered by many as "just another Wake Forest" or "a bunch of rookies", those bunch of rookies have been very successful. youngbigboss6466 has unleashed his inner point guard after a rocky NCAA, he is currently topping the ROTY race and has been a key asset for Orlando's success. Inscrul, recently acquired, just came off his first game scoring 46 PTS, as well as Kasyka making a return scoring 30+. TrollmasterYak has been the undeniable rising rookie. He was almost undrafted and wasn't successful in NCAA, he came into the NRBA, fighting his way to the starting lineup and dropping 20+ as a point center. Orlando has looked very good with a 4-1 start, despite a huge loss to Atlanta. T-7. Houston Rockets - Houston is easily the most underrated team in the league. They were predicted to barely make it to the playoffs because of such a small roster, but WalaJuice, AuraBreak and BrandonABrown have really stocked this team and they form a very strong core. At 3-1, Houston has been very successful, BSMM has broken out this season and earned himself a right to the MIP race, WalaJuice, AuraBreak and Brandon have all returned this season coming back stronger than ever. A very dangerous offensive team and good defensive side. T-7. Boston Celtics - Boston has been very good this season, at 3-2, MVP candidate SamuelDeLaGhetto has finally made his big time comeback in the NRBA and is better than ever. He has paved the way for the rest of his team. Boston has a very good veteran core, iVisioon, previously known as supervjalen5215, has made a return to PBL and is as good as ever, papaswagga12 is just doing himself on the court and being very successful, 9tailed as well. Boston has a good bench, with rising stars, Adil2k1, Masuky, FluViniXVl and PolarStrike, as well as veterans BillRusseIl, gclotet and GrenadezXXIII all under a great and successful coach. 10. Charlotte Hornets - Charlotte started off the season in a slump and didn't look like they'd be as much as a threat as they were in the offseason or last season. But they have rebounded very well, acquiring Canaan403, rising star YakkemLee, current top 3 in the MIP race, WolfSSBB, always consistent all around player, ninjacoolboyswag, monkey304 and eatdefeat, they've been very good this season after their slump and seem to be making a huge comeback. 11. Minnesota Timberwolves - After one of the worst owners quit, CamxronBaker took leadership and has done very well. Camxron has led his team on the court, currently in the MVP race, he has pulled a team with underrated players, they've seem to really connect and play very well. 12. Phoenix Suns - This is kind of where the level of play takes a huge drop, despite on paper, PHX looks like a top 10 team, but in no way does it translate onto the court, they're unable to create chemistry and are just all over the place. There's a lot of problems, but if somehow CP17 can be somewhat active with his NRBA team, they can be very good, they have a very deep bench and a good starting core, there should be no reason this team can't finish above .500. 13. Oklahoma City Thunder - Oklahoma has played very well despite their record, they've fought and been right there with a lot of top 10 teams but seem to slow down after 3 quarters. sokonji, cheju and fanta06080 have been rising stars for this team, as well as InsanityBoss and HermanWiliker making returns and doing it well, they just haven't translated in the 4th quarter, if they can improve and stop giving up short deficits and leads up in the final quarter, they could really be a scary team. 14. Utah Jazz - Utah has recently fought it's way to their first win, they look good, but there's a lot of room for improvement if they want to be successful, the fight for the 7/8th seed in the west is going to be challenging, but Utah is more than capable of it. 15. Miami Heat - Miami is surprisingly a good team, they basically have the same issue as OKC, except Miami's defense is horrendous and needs a lot of improvement if they want to be successful, luckily they have a pretty easy road to the playoffs, but in the mean time, if they want to fight in the playoffs they need to get their defense to learn how to play zones, they slack around and cherry pick. 16. Chicago Bulls - Chicago has recently acquired some guys and has a new ownership, who is more active than the previous. Dimes112 and billips5 lead this squad and need major help if they're going to win, the other half of the team is increasingly inactive. 17. Detroit Pistons - PhonzoGoretti basically carries this team, and if there's going to be any more wins in the column, he's going to have to look for help and more active players. 18. Toronto Raptors - Toronto is getting there, but they're far from ready. 19. San Antonio Spurs - San Antonio has a very unorganized roster and despite some solid additions they just dont look like they can compete. 20. Sacramento Kings - Same as SAS.

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