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#161879315Sunday, May 10, 2015 6:03 AM GMT

I was thinking of several projects, they're all pretty ok, but I want your feedback; 1.)[Pvp/Rp] Magic, swords, abilities, mounts awesome things in giant world full of dungeons, caves, arenas and what not. The Rp part would mostly have to do with the scavenging of chests for gold to purchase weapons from AI or scavenge for weapons and magic and what not. The PVP part would be meaning you guys would be able to kill each other, Not necessarily saying you can't ally each other, but it would basically be fighting Roleplays brought to life 2.)[Build/PVP/RP] Not a popular idea, and kind of difficult and complex, but it would be fun for the creative people in our group. and I want to include everybody. This idea originates completely from an awesome game I play often known as BRF shard of aethalfos. there would be 4 clearence levels; 0;new to game, no tools. Only a sword 1;been checked by an admin, given tools and a sword. 2;Trusted, has some advanced tools and a sword. 3; admin, can do admin stuff(ban,kick,kill,teleport) and has all the tools and a sword 4; Creator,(which would be me) pretty much an admin with power over the other admins. you would be able to build your world, fight who you want and roleplay with who you want, YOU STILL WOULD BE ALLOWED CUSTOM MORPHS. I capitalized because I thought I'd let you guys know. 3.)[Pvp/pve/rp] Pretty much the '[pvp/rp]' but with legitimate AI monsters and enemy's, this would be complex and take a lot of time, but it would be enjoyable. Of course there would be a leveling system and what not. 4.)[Your own;] Write an idea of your own in the group description! group; http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2525709 date; 5/9/15 VOTE!

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