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#161922740Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

Originally by mtmwra Edited by: iiiDylan Introduction Welcome to The Continental Army! In this guide you will learn the formations and commands along with understanding the rules of the Army in order to become an adequate soldier and ready for combat. Upon entrance to the army you have fully agreed to these form of codes and are to expect punishment if broken. **Note: These commands are inspired by real military codes. Table of Contents I. Behavior of a Soldier II. Military Formations III. Basic Commands IV. Military Ranks V. Proper Attire VI. Regiments I. Behavior of a Soldier A Soldier of the Continental Army must always show the utmost discipline and hold a powerful understanding of respect. A soldier must always refer to his superiors as “Sir” or “Ma’am” and shall not place any sort of disagreement in public, but will wait for a private meeting with the superior. A Soldier must follow orders to the best of their abilities and always keep focus towards the officer. A Soldier will not make a fool out of himself and will be at his highest respectful attitude when on-duty for the Soldier represents the powerful army of this great nation. A Soldier will keep his weapon from the innocent civilians and will do no harm unless to protect another civilian, for the Soldier knows that citizens of America are the main priorities of protection for the Government. Respect the weapon, do not abuse it. A Soldier will help a fellow Soldier out in his time of need and will leave no one behind. A Soldier will respect his higher commands along with those within the same rank or below them. In times of trouble the Soldier will notify the nearest higher rank nearby instead of causing more trouble by taking self actions themselves. A Soldier is everyone, from Volunteer to the President himself. Upon entrance to the army you have fully agreed to these form of codes and are to expect punishment if broken. II. Military Formations STS- Lining up shoulder to shoulder, no talking unless giving permission to. (Make sure to keep arm-space when holding a musket). SFL- Column, front to back, no talking unless giving permission to. (Make sure you have 1 stud spacing between the person III. Basic Commands **Always fall in line with fixed bayonet and shouldered arms.** Musket Drills -Fix Bayonets: Placing bayonets on musket. (B) -Address Bayonets: Removing bayonets from musket. (B again) -Shoulder Arms: Placing musket with attached bayonet on shoulder. (F) -Make Ready: Readying Musket. (N) -Take Aim // Present: Aiming musket. (F/N) -Charge Bayonets: Thrusting your bayonets while staying still. (E) -Bash: Using musket to bash. (X) -Fire: Firing your musket. (Left Mouse Click) -Fire at Will: Firing on your own accord. (Left Mouse Click) **Automatic reload and shoulder -Order Arms: Remove the musket tool **Bayonet rule: Do not reload after shooting until told, only if bayonet is on. Faces -Left Face- 90 degree turn to your left -Right Face- 90 degree turn to your right -About Face- 180 degree turn -Center Face- In a rank, face the Officer -Forward Face- In a file, face the front where the officer is standing Firing Commands -Volley Fire- Firing all at once when the officers orders a “Fire” -Ripple Fire- Firing one after the other (in turns) starting from the officer’s side -Blanket Fire- Fire on your own accord. Do not stop until a “Cease Fire” is ordered -Cease Fire- Stop firing -Commence Firing- Keep firing every time you reload until a “Cease Fire” is ordered. In a Volley Fire, wait for your turn to fire again Line Commands -”On me!”- Form a file behind the officer -Center- Form a rank on the officer’s left -”On my right!”- Form on the Officer’s right -”Attention!”- Order arms and stay silent. Pay attention for further orders. Marching Commands -”Forward… March!”- Begin marching behind -”Prepare…”- Be ready to halt -”Halt!”- Stop marching. Make sure to keep a 1 stud spacing between the person in front **Make sure to not jump over the persons head. Cavalry Commands “Mount!”- Mount the horse closest to you, or the horse you rode last. “Dismount!”- Dismount the horse, and stand 2-3 studs directly in front of it. “Present… Blades!”- Equip your sabre, and keep in the passive position. “Give… Point!”- Ready your sabre in a attacking position (T twice). “Sheath… Blades!”- Put your sabre away. “Passive!”-Put your blade in a passive position while mounted (T once) “Trott!”- Slow your horse, and keep at that speed unless called to adjust (E) “Gallop!”- Full speed, should only be called when the formation is complete (E) “Adjust!”- A warning that the formation is starting to fall apart. IV. Military Ranks **Just because you meet the qualifications listed below for each rank, does not guarantee any promotion at all. We need to be able to see for the progression of your knowledge in either training or in battle. This means that a Lieutenant Colonel must witness any qualifications and note-worthy aspects of a potential applicant. **If you're 100% active within your current rank doesn't assure you a promotion, to receive a promotion the rank above yours must have an opening, this is to prevent flooding within a certain rank; this does not mean that your work has been wasted, giving your best will assure you the next person who will be promoted will be you. Volunteer: New recruit, follows orders to any higher rank given. Not officially part of army. *Buy uniform and PM a HR+ to be promoted to Private. -Uniform: None required. Private: Has bought the uniform and PMed a HR+ or has met in person with a HR+, and is allowed to hold positions of responsibility in the main part of the army, when assigned.Should consider participating in raids and other group activities more often. Can join regiments/speicle forces Ex. Drummer boy. -Uniform: LR uniform. Lance Corporal: Has all privileges listed above, however seniority can be taken into consideration, meaning that you are allowed to assume command of a force of soldiers who hold lower ranks. Keep in mind, as soon as a higher rank presents himself to the server, he automatically assumes command of all lower ranks, unless he states otherwise. -Uniform: LR uniform. Corporal: Fully trained soldier, should be familiar with all formations and firing commands. -Uniform: LR uniform. Sergeant: All of the qualifications of a corporal, is also allowed to lead a company in a march. -Uniform: LR uniform. Senior Sergeant: All of the qualifications of a sergeant, is also allowed to lead a company in firing commands and musket drills. -Uniform: LR uniform. Master Sergeant: All of the qualifications of a senior sergeant, should be an expert in both fields of formations and basic/advanced commands. -Uniform: LR uniform. Sergeant Major: All of the qualifications of a master sergeant with a few exceptions. A sergeant major is considered to be a NCO (Non-commissioned officer), and should have an above-average understanding of the specialty commands and formations of the regiment he/she is currently contributing to. -Uniform: LR uniform. Lieutenant: All of the qualifications of a sergeant major, first rank of MR. -Uniform: MR uniform. Captain: All of the qualifications of a Lieutenant, seniority is taken into consideration. They are allowed to co-host training with colonel+ permission. He can send recommendations from said trainings for promotions. -Uniform:MR uniform. Major: All of the qualifications of a Captain, seniority is taken into consideration. They are the commanding officers on the field, and take responsibility for any faults or mistakes made by the line they commanded. First rank of HR. -Uniform: HR uniform. Lieutenant Colonel: All of the qualifications of a Major, seniority does not apply. They are the commanding officers of the field, and can lead their regiments in the absence of their commander. **Can only promote LR's. -Uniform: HR uniform. Colonel: All of the qualifications of a Major, seniority does not apply. They are charged with collaborating with the other commanders as well as with the commander in chief to decide how to approach a fray. **Can promote Lieutenant to Private. -Uniform:HR uniform. Brigadier General: All of the qualification of a Colonel, can preform speicle tasks. **Can promote any ranks. -Uniform: HR uniform. Major General and Lieutenant General: All of the qualifications of a Brigadier General. Highest rank for a general. Only HC ranks. **Commands the whole army, can promote anyone. -Uniform: HC uniform. First Family: Helps make decisions, are the judges and head of the army when the President and VP are not around. **Can promote all, is a HC rank. -Uniform:HC uniform. Vice President: Is second in command, helps to make final decisions. **HC rank. Uniform:HC uniform. President: Head of army, everyone follows his/her commands. **Classified as a rank higher than HC. -Uniform: Any uniform he chooses, mostly HC uniform. IV. Disciplinary Actions Team Killing 1st count- Verbal warning, offender will be monitored unless reason is proven to be justified. 2nd count- Notion for demotion, nothing will be guaranteed, only taken into consideration unless the first count was proven to be justified. 3rd count- Immediate demotion, no room for error, only recovery. Speaking Out Of Term 1st count- It will be ignored, or you will have a verbal warning, dependent on the commander. 2nd count- You will be asked to step out of line and will be asked to remain after the training has concluded to speak with the instructor in terms of possible punishment. 3rd+ count- Punishable by being kicked from the server, or being dismissed from the training with no credit earned. Severe punishments possible. **Doesn't count if you say PTS or Permission to Speak so always say that if your not sure. Common Disrespect 1st count- Verbal warning. Your name will be taken down, and you will be monitored for any other offences. You will be forced to take a in-training punishment, which would include anything along the lines of laps, more exercises, etc 2nd count- Removal from the server. No exceptions. Recommendation for demotion/exile can be possible. Disobeying Orders 1st count- Verbal warning. 2nd count- Recommendation for demotion 3rd count- You will be forced to leave the server, unless either of the previous two counts are justified. **If not that bad you may be put in jail for the training/raid. Upon entrance to the army you have fully agreed to these form of codes and are to expect punishment if broken. V. Proper Attire -Always wear the full uniform (pants and legs) -Wear proper head gear that follows the colonial era (no space or troll hats) -No packages. PERIOD -No inappropriate T-Shirts. Only if they fit with the uniform. VI. Regiments You may wonder what a regiment is, well it is basically a outside group/team that takes orders from there leader. They are members of TCA but have a speicle ability or skilled at something. Ex.Elite 88 and Drummer Boys. Now you may be wondering what they do. Well regiments usually are for if there is a big group of people in a raid, and they want to split people in groups so it is easier so you don't have to be like Bob go into that group and Mike go into the other group. You get into most of them through a tryout or get hand selected from the regiment captain.
#161924697Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:07 PM GMT

Nice job.
#161924815Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:09 PM GMT

Nice... Next time Copylock.
#161924883Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:10 PM GMT

Sorry, I mean lock replies.

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