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#162526378Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:48 PM GMT

I think you guys should add the ability to animate enemies or NPCs. -iiTerminux
#162527287Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:02 PM GMT

you realize they added that right?
#162528179Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:16 PM GMT

If you're talking about the Animation Editor, it can be used on an NPC to create an animation. There are 3 requirements for what the NPC has: 1. A Humanoid named "Humanoid". After you finish making animations, you can rename the Humanoid, as long as any scripts that affect it have "Humanoid" replaced with whatever new name it has. 2. All 7 parts a player would have: Head, Torso, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Arm, Right Leg, and HumanoidRootPart (just duplicate the torso, make it invisible, and rename it) 3. The correct Motor6D connections. In its Properties, Part0 must be what the Motor6D is in, and Part1 must be what Part0 connects to. These properties can be changed by script. A. The Torso needs 5: 1 for the Head, 1 for each Arm, and 1 for each Leg. B. The HumanoidRootPart needs one for the Torso.

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