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#162617001Friday, May 22, 2015 4:40 AM GMT

Hello, i'm just putting down my thoughts on Canton. I'm planned to be drafted there in the 1st round with the 1st or 2nd pick. Thanks. FootballHD: One of the best HC's in the leauge.. He gives players chances and keeps trying to improve his team every practice with the talent that he has. I am really glad I talked too him about coming to canton and I hope I can make a big impact on the run game this season. Thanks. BennyUpton: Probably my favorite or 2nd favorite coach. Me and him are both 'trollers' and get along well. I think me and his friendship will go further then Canton and we could possibly have the best chemistry on canton sometime in s7. Thanks for putting time into me and supporting me benny. :) Footballing: Me and him dont really talk a lot but he is pretty chill. e.e Adrian: I dont really see eye to eye with him. I think we can work through it and have some type of foundation in the backfield some day. Adrian, you're a great RB. Thanks bruh.. Josh: Only 2nd string QB but probably our best QB... I'm trying to help this man where I can and hopefully can earn him a starting position. Thanks josh for all the times you helped me and now we can use this RB / QB chemistry finnally if the coaching staff can put you at starting. Thanks for the times josh. Great QB. Diesel: I love this guy, he can block and catch. We dont have a real off the field connection but on the field he is the WR that I hope is on every dam play. Thanks for helping me suceed and hope to see you on the field in s7. Canton Greats S7... #Playoff_Bound
#162617188Friday, May 22, 2015 4:44 AM GMT

lol foot led us to 0-6... #beathimup
#162617613Friday, May 22, 2015 4:54 AM GMT

>One of the best HC's in the leauge. u really are dumber than when u were on lsu how is being 0-6 good HCing? lmao

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