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#162666613Friday, May 22, 2015 11:39 PM GMT

These are the ranks for the group "The Council" for kingdom life "Cultist": Seen as little helpers, They will do almost anything for the council thinking they are gods, even though they are just beings from other realms. [Basic] [Cultists have 1 power of the given being they worship] [Would Wear black robes] "Major Cultist": Some of higher ranked cultists, they seek power and more knowledge from the council. [Basic/Advanced] [Major cultists have 2 powers of the given being they worship] [would wear black robes or a form of armor] [Medium Ranks] [Must be promoted by one of council members to be one of these] "Cultist Lord": The cultist lords lead the cults that worship the council, they are seen as respected men among the council and are given one artifact of there choosing [ Cultist Lords Have 3 powers of the given being they worship, and they know have 1 artifact of there choosing] [Wears a form of armor or some sort of royal clothing] "Ghost": A cultist secretly given a mission from a being of the council. [Ghosts have 3 powers and one artifact] [has 4 powers of the chosen being they worship and 2 artifacts] [Wears a hood and armor] "Phantom Lord": A ghost that has a higher amount of skill then normal ghosts, they are very skilled and should be avoided. [Has 4 powers of the being they worship and 3 artifacts] [Wears mostly Armor] [Must be promoted from Ghost] [High Ranks] [Must already be a medium rank and be respected by the council to be one of these ranks] "Champion": A ghost, Phantom Lord, or Cultist Lord Chosen by a being of the council to be there warrior. [ Has 4 Powers of the being they worship and 4 artifacts] [Wears anything they would like] "Ascendant": A Champion so gifted they will be given great powers to shred through the beings that are at war with the council. [Wears anything they would like]

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