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#162868776Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:33 PM GMT

Welcome to the Official Group thread of Major League Baseball®, Coming into the inaugural with a great start. I decided to do this to post weekly Updates and happenings with in the league. http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2562322 New Rulebook ================================================================================== Intro Major League Baseball. This will explain all basic and advanced rules of the game play of Tournament in Question (rules can and will change at any moment) ======================================================== Gameplay Rules Basic Rules 6 Inning Games 3 Outs per Half Inning No Run Caps per Inning (also known as mercy) No Run Rules until the 3rd Inning (10 After 3 innings) 4v4 is the minimum amount of players needed for a Official game 7v7 is the maximum amount of players needed for a Official game Batting Any ball that makes contact with the bat in any manner EXCEPT the following Casses -Two attempted swings before the ball reaches the plate (Late swings/No Swing calls are removed from this league) Batters Box Players must start off both feet inside the box,Once the pitch is thrown players can freely move 10 Studs in any direction to make contact with the ball (Any rules not listed are under the ruling of MLB) ======================================================== Base Running -GLOVE RUNNING IS AN AUTOMATIC OUT -Stealing is only allowed during games with a catcher -Games with out a catcher allow leads no further then 20 studs away from the edge of the base (You may go if the pitcher attempts to pick you off) (Any rules not listed fall under MLB ruling) ======================================================== Fielding -You are not allowed to block a bag until you have possession of the ball (meaning you can not interfere with the base runner while he is in the base path) -If there is a Catcher Drop third strike rule does apply (only happens if the ball passes the catcher (Any rules not listed are rulings under MLB) ======================================================== Pitching -Jump Pitching is legal -The Same pitcher can not pitch 2 consecutive games in a row. (this partians to pitchers who have thrown more then 2 Innings) -Any Pitcher subbed out is not allowed to pitch again -If a Pitcher is subbed in He must pitch to at least 1 Batter before being subbed out -The Strike zone is considered the area over the plate and the length of the bat vertically (so rollers over the plate ARE NOT CONSIDERED STRIKES) Balks can only happen furring the following -Jumping and not pitching (unless you make a attempt to Pick off a runner) -Taking more then 10 Seconds to pitch (any rules not listed fall under MLB ruling) ======================================================== Roster/Owner Rules Team Rosters can be no larger then teams of 15 Players (Excluding the Rosters must be submitted before the start of the first game or your team is Disquieted 1 Player is not allowed to play on more then 1 team (making alts will result in suspension) Interfering with another teams practice is consider punishable by suspension of the team owner. Respect all players,Owners,and people that help with the MLB Violating this rule means 2 warnings then suspensions from games (if this happens constantly or outside of a game and involves MLB you will get punished even further) Line-ups/Subbing ----------------------------- Batting Line-ups must consist of the same amount of players on the field as batting DH's are only allowed during home games for teams of the AL League Inserting a DH or Sub into the game takes out the player fielding/hitting and can not reenter the game ======================================================== MLB Network ================================== Power Rankings 1. San Francisco Giants 3-0 (Owned by Net10Rose) The San Francisco Giants are the only undfeated team and so desrevedly get the number one spot in the power rankigns for the first week. Many clutch performances where shown by multiple players through-out the last two games, With Jakegreemway 2 Solo Shots to beat Oakland or the lat game hitting barrage put up by Jermaine254/Jonnpy23/ImegaAgent in their first home game versus the twins. They've shown to have no quit at all durring the game and will scratch and claw to put up runs and get the Win. 2. San Diego Padres 1-1 (Owned by iiAmTheChampion) The San Diego Padres roster is loaded with talented players like Lumactod/NicholasRayban/VxrbalDrew. Suppodesly the JacksonIX family is looking to join stay move to this team to load out a already star studded roster of players, making iiAmTheChampion a Happy Team owner. 3. Minnesota Twins 2-1 (Owned by Steven822) The Minnesota Twins Top the American League as a very talented team but have shown faults playing defense. The late game choke agiasnt the Gaints shows this weakness which can hurt especailly leading a game 9-1 into the fourth inning. Players like Rocketman39 and SennseiYX have been spearheaidng the offenese combining for 8 of the 23 Runs scored by the twins these last 3 games, which shows they are getting on base and moving runners and great pace. It's just a question of ironing out the defenese 4. Oakland Athletics 1-2 (Icoleagent) The atheltics boast a great amount of developing talent withing the roster, have proven to have a solid defenese every game played but are lacking at the plate. A team Batting average of .253 being the worst in the league. Icoleagent is doing a great job of managing his team and the growth each game is showing, As long as the team is constanly improving and can start putting runs on the board they will be a force to win the world series. 5. Chicago Cubs 1-2 (Owned by Eael) The Chicago cubs is consisted of some fairly solid talent, A lot of them act like knuckle heads but none the less have shown they can compete with teams in the MLB. The Cubs at a galnce do lack general baseball IQ and Awerness for the game, which hurts in close games when you fail to point out the weakness in a team and exploit them to the fullest extent, but all in all Eael is managing a fairly fine team that just needs to 6. New York Yankees 0-3 (Owned by GareBear1999) The Yankees have had a switch of owners and are currently cleaning house, This team is up in the air as what it's going to look like for next's weeks upcoomming games. so there is not much to say.. League Leaders Batting Average (5 At batss to Qaulify) ----------------------- 1.Eael (CHC) .571 2.Rocketman39 (MIN) .533 3.Jonnyp23 (SFG) .429 4.ImegaAgent (SFG) .413 5.Lefenton (MIN) .400 5.JakeGreenway (SFG) .400 Hits ----------------------- 1. Rocket (MIN) 8 2. Imegaagent (SFG) 5 3. 6 Tied with 4 Home Runs ----------------------- 1. SennseiYX (MIN) 3 2. Jermaine254 (SFG) 2 2. Jakegreenway (SFG) 2 3. 12 Tied with 1 Runs Batted In ------------------------ 1. Jermaine (SFG) 6 2. SennseiYX (MIN) 5 3. MikeMyersUCF (CHC) 4 4. 3 Tied with 3 Pitching Innings Pitched ------------------------ 1. Rotruck (CHC) 8.00 2. Lefenton (MIN) 7.66 3. Rocketman (MIN) 6.33 4. ImegaAgent (SFG) 5.33 5. IIamChampion (SD) 5.00 Earned Runs Average ( 2 IPs to qaulifiy) ----------------------- 1. ImegaAgent (SFG) 1.69 2. Lefenton (MIN) 2.35 3. Net10Rose (SFG) 4.50 3. IIking (MIN) 4.50 4. IIamchampion (SD) 4.80 5. Rotruck (CHC) 6.75 Strike Outs ---------------------- 1. ImegaAgent (SFG) 4 2. Ickey Jesee (MIN) 2 3. ROcketman (MIN) 1 3. Mudcat8 (SFG) 1 3. Net10Rose (SFG) 1 3. Kojackson (SD) 1
#162869079Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:36 PM GMT

Cubs are 2-1 I believe, won the opener off a walk-off by rot, then lost second game to A's then FFT win against yanks. ~We made it~
#162869888Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:44 PM GMT

That's my bad your right.
#162878661Monday, May 25, 2015 1:10 AM GMT

The rankings are quite accurate except I would move the Cubs up a spot just cause of their 2-1 record, but of course it is my bias as well we did poorly capitalizing against NY. ~We made it~
#162944837Monday, May 25, 2015 6:14 PM GMT

When will there be a draft????????
#163069375Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:57 PM GMT

Don't see the "Reset Rule". Bs confirmed on "Reset Rule"
#163410461Sunday, May 31, 2015 1:30 PM GMT

MLB Future growth plans ======================================================= Currently the season is coming to a close and the world series is among us. As some of use are gearing to finish the season with ring and others are prepare for the upcoming season. I being the League Owner have to oversee the preset/past/future of this league. I mainly want to talk about the future with yall and my ideas and plan I hope to implement in the near future. Salaries/Salary cap/etx ========================== Roblox now allows you to spread out group funds to all parties with in the league, this mean theoretically everyone could now get compensated in robux/tix for they play. Now the only issue with this would be maintaining a generous amount income to constantly pay out which is why hopefully I can get people intrested into investing money in this league, with the hope putting in back into the accounts of you guys. Stadium Naming Right/Advertising/Donations =========================== To fund the idea of salaries, I'm going to push for selling naming rights and advertising. As well deals/etc with other companies/groups to benifit everyone involed. In the hopes of funding the salaries and keeping level of income to support said salaries cause hopefully I can get people averaging 100 tix per day Salaries at the helm of the 3rd Season, if it can be done the second season that be great. Team Expansions ======================================== The obvious thing that will happen season is, at the most I'm going to add about 2-4 More teams depending on the amount of people wanting to own a team and the amount players. This will be the goal to constantly expand until we just can't anymore. I'm also building stadiums at rate of almost 1 per week. MLB Network/Multimedia group ======================================== I would get a small group of people to work on this, I feel that it be a nice way to keep everyone in the loop on a constant basis, as well as allow people to improve their general computer skills. Scripters needed ======================================= As in line with exporting work and robux/tix to people. I'd love to get in to contact with a proficient scripter(s) to bring a greater experience to the league. Most of the stuff I would like to get done is a fully functioning scoreboard, Line-up Cards. Alot of GUI based work and Pitching Machines to create a open training facility. NCAA/Minor Leauge ======================================== NCAA and the Minor League's would be two separate things. NCAA would run during dead periods of the MLB and would only be open to Newly Joining members of the MLB (you would have to play NCAA to even get signed to a team.). Then I may add a minor league system as well to get more Free Agents developed and still playing meaningful games instead of feeling like their time is wasted with in the league. ==================================================================================
#163412918Sunday, May 31, 2015 2:20 PM GMT

Also Season 2 Ownership Applications are officially opening up. If you are a current owner and would like to continue running your current team, Please PM me if you would like to, You will be given a higher priority then someone who wants to take your job but it isn't promise you will hold the team. People would are new to owning in Major League Baseball must send the Following in a Private Message sent to me. -What team they would like to own (it can be in the league already or another MLB Franchise) - Why they should own a team - What Experience do you have owning teams in past groups - What is your experience with Ro-baseball leagues. - What makes you a stand out from other applicants All Applicants will be consider, All Applications must be turned in before June 7th 2016 ================================================================================== This Applies to people who'd like to own a NCAA team as well to.
#163413651Sunday, May 31, 2015 2:33 PM GMT

Cubs are now 3-2
#163455372Sunday, May 31, 2015 11:13 PM GMT

MLB Network ================================== Power Rankings -------------------------------------- With two games to one game left for teams the stretch for a playoff spot is getting tight. The last games are for many teams are crucial on many levels and anything can happen. 1. Minnesota Twins 3-1 (Owned by Steven822) The Minnesota Twins have shown out the last three games. The Twins have been smacking the ball around and putting more runs on the board then any team. Steven/Rocket/Sennsei are in rare form at the plate. The defense is still shaky at times but right now the Twins High Octane offense is too much for teams to handle now. 2. San Francisco Giants 3-1 (Owned by Net10Rose) The Giants lose the unbeaten streak but still there some hope with this team. Solid talent with jermaine and jakegreenway and net10rose hopefully they can get their act together for the palyoffs to wint the world series. 3. Chicago Cubs 3-2 (Owned by Eael) The Chicago Cubs are the most controversial team in the league currently but have a winning record, so there isn't much room to bad mouth them. 3. Oakland Athletics 2-2 (Icoleagent) The Athletics are showing some life at the plate, The defenese is still amazing but the Bats are still lacking and needed for this team to produce for the post-season. 5. San Diego Padres 2-2 (Owned by iiAmTheChampion) iiAM has one of the best rosters in the league but failts to utilize the team properly, I don't know whats going on there but his team is unhappy with him specifically, and that's not a good sign. 6. New York Yankees 0-4 (Owned by GalaxyIII) Galaxy has taken this team owner and no improvement has shown. This team is currently out of the running of a playoffs, with no redeeming qauilities they'll fade into oblivion with nothing to talk about.
#163464770Monday, June 01, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

twins are 3-2 ^
#163533684Tuesday, June 02, 2015 1:00 AM GMT

I would love to be a team owner next year.
#163571465Tuesday, June 02, 2015 5:45 PM GMT

ok i will couach next seson
#163957242Sunday, June 07, 2015 7:18 PM GMT

can i be a umpire or coach plz

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