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#163860007Saturday, June 06, 2015 4:29 PM GMT

National Imperialist Party Introduction: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This session of the period takes place on a date which is full of significance for the People. Many months have passed since the beginning of that great internal Nation but in the meantime has been giving a new aspect to our people's life. This is the period of time which I asked the people to grant me for the purpose of putting my work to the test and submitting it to their judgment. Hence at the present moment nothing could be more opportune than for me to render you an account of all the successes that have been achieved and the progress that has been made during these four years, for the welfare of the people. But within the limits of the short statement I have to make it would be entirely impossible to enumerate all the remarkable results that have been reached during a time which may be looked upon as probably the most astounding epoch in the life of our people. That task belongs rather to the press and the propaganda. Moreover, during the course of the present year there will be an Exposition here in the Capital City which is being organized for the purpose of giving a more comprehensive and detailed picture of the works that have been completed, the results that have been obtained and the projects on which work has been begun, all of which can be explained better in this way than I could do it within the limits of an address that is to last for a few minutes. Therefore I shall utilize the opportunity afforded me by this historic meeting of the Parliament to cast a glance back over the past months and call attention to some of the new knowledge that we have gained, some of the experiences which we have been through, and the consequences that have resulted thereof--in so far as these have general validity. It is important that we should understand them clearly, not only for our own sake but also for that of the generations to come. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signed LeiterHeinrich, National Imperialist Party Chairman.

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