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#163986860Monday, June 08, 2015 1:47 AM GMT

Yes, we can get them via scripts and models, but I don't want to waste time finding and resizing a brick with my color or going on to the wiki and finding a list of BrickColors. I just don't know why we don't have access to them.
#163987041Monday, June 08, 2015 1:49 AM GMT

#163987298Monday, June 08, 2015 1:52 AM GMT

Maybe if they made an "advanced brick colors" ... with the more colors on the palette, but I like the simple one too.. soo have it able to switch simple to advanced, either way I support!
#163987512Monday, June 08, 2015 1:55 AM GMT

BrickColor.new(Color3.new(R/255, G/255, B/255)) Gets the closest BrickColor to the Color3.
#163987594Monday, June 08, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

^ "The best nigtmares are the ones that last for an eternity." ~ARH
#163987632Monday, June 08, 2015 1:57 AM GMT

'BrickColor.new(Color3.new(R/255, G/255, B/255))' As explained in OP, I don't want to make a script and find the color values.
#163987679Monday, June 08, 2015 1:57 AM GMT

That said, I support. But that's a possible workaround for now.
#163987730Monday, June 08, 2015 1:58 AM GMT

'But that's a possible workaround for now.' Yeh, BrickColor.new('number here') or Color3 works for now.
#163987961Monday, June 08, 2015 2:01 AM GMT

As Neg said, "Yes, we can get them via scripts and models" "The best nightmares are the ones that last for an eternity." ~ARH

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