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#164277983Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:55 PM GMT

⭐Coaching Rules⭐ __________________________ Each player has to be in at least 2 quarters ⭐If a player is not in at 1st or 2nd, He is in 3rd and 4th⭐ ⭐The coach must host practice Twice a Week.⭐ ⭐A coach should have Respect For players and Others.⭐ ___________________________________________________ *Player Rules* ⭐A player must show Respect For Coaches and Other Players⭐ *Note* Dont follow that simple rule will lead you to a 2 day Suspension. ________________________________________________________________________ *Game Rules* ⭐There are 2 Quarters⭐ ⭐Each Half is 15 minutes⭐ ⭐If a player is not on the Bench It is a Warning, Next time it is a Tech⭐ ⭐If a player is Arguing with Coach/Ref Its a automatic suspension/Ejection⭐ ⭐If a player is Arguing with another player Its a warning to both players,If the argument Continues Its a Ejection⭐ ___________________________________________________________________________ *Foul Rules* ⭐If a player Jumps on someones head and grabs ball it is a Reaching foul, The ball must be In Bounded⭐ ⭐If a player jumps on another players head and Boost them, It is a shooting foul On the 1st attempt, It is a In Bound, If it happens again its 2 Free Throws, If its behind the 3, Its 3 Free Thorws⭐ ____________________________________________ *Violations* ⭐Mile violation⭐ ⭐Back court Violation⭐ ⭐Shotclock Violation⭐ _____________________________________________ These are the LBL NCAA Rules. Have fun in the league and hope you have a great year in The Real LBL

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