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#16432802Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:13 PM GMT

Wiith the veil between Oblivion and Tamriel completely gone, demons march upon the land.....The emperor has been assassinated, by a group still unknown.... The only heir to the throne is the illegitemate son, known as Martin.Is it your job to find this illegitemate son, or to destroy him, or, do you even care? It is completely up to you. Welcome to the world, of Tamriel. {Char Sheet} Name: Age: Class: Race: Weapons: Armor: Profession(s): Appearance: Bio: {My Char Sheet} Name: Syntar Age: 24 Class: Thief Race: Argonian Weapons: Nothing Armor: Potato sack, iron shackles Profession(s): Poison brewing Appearance: Red body, long green stripe going from my nose and down my back. Star System: The Thief Bio: A freelance thief. I sat in the cold prison cell.... Trying to ignore the remarks of the dreaded dark elf in the cell directly across from me.... I heard faint foot steps, wondering if they were coming to release me. I started getting excited... But it all fell back down when I saw that it was a man in a long red robe... I had remembered his face from somewhere.... "Stand aside, prisoner."said the female guard.
#16432900Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:16 PM GMT

Name: Kaak Kyvan Age: 26 Class: Thief Race: Argonian Weapons: None Armor: Sack Shirt, Iron Shackles, Torn Trousers Profession(s): Stealth and Assasination Appearance: Black Body, Long Red Stripe Going From Both Eyes to Chest Star Sign: The Thief Bio:
#16432977Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:18 PM GMT

Char Sheet} Name: mark Age:20 Class:theif and mercinary for hire Race:elf Weapons:a golden sword(that i stole) Armor:black robes Profession(s): blacksmith Appearance:black robes that hide my facre has golden hair that is flat on his head Bio: a theif who is very agile because he's an elf had stole a gold sword from a king I was being carryed by two large men in armour They were holding onto me tight then i was thrown into a jail cell "oh great...." i said i could see a dark elf and an argonian
#16433025Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:20 PM GMT

A large clammer and a few punches where heard in the halls, it took 6 guards to throw me in "YARGH!" I yell, they throw me ontop of a table.
#16433043Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:20 PM GMT

Completely confused, I stood against the wall while three prison guard....touched a stone on the wall. A large passageway opened, and my eyes widened. The man in a red robe looked at me and said "Do you know who I am?" "No." "I am your emperor. I seem to have seen you from somewhere.... Ah yes, now I remember, I saw you in my dream. It must be destiny that brought you here. You must come with me, you have big things to live up to." "But, why is it my job? Why can't someone else do it? I don't have time to run errands for lazy emperors." "But, who else? You are the only one I saw in my dream. It looks like you have two choices. Stay in this cell for the rest of your life, or come with me and fulfill your destiny." "Fine, I'll come." I entered the dark corridor, with only a few torches to light the way.
#16433055Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:21 PM GMT

Name: Cryana Blunao Age: 23 Class: Dark Brotherhood Murderer Race: Dark Elf Weapons: not right now Armor: Sack shirt, shackles, trousers Profession(s): Assasination, Persuasion, Lockpicking Appearance: dark blue skin, red eyes, white long hair, Star sign: the Steed Bio: In prison right now
#16433096Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:22 PM GMT

I get up, I decide to walk through the passage.
#16433122Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:22 PM GMT

Name: Lenith Age: 29 Class: Thief Race: Human Weapons: Broadsword, small dagger. Armor: Light clothing armour, small ammounts of iron in areas. Profession(s): Blacksmithing Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, agile and strong. Bio: Lenith was a warrior, or an assassin, he had killed amny, for good or for evil, hes waiting in the castle for the one to be there, he was told to assassinate him by the Hooded ones.
#16433137Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:23 PM GMT

I listen to the Dark Elf Prisoner nearby taunt me, then decide to get out of here, i kick the wall, and it comes down " pretty old prison" i murmur, then sneak into the passageway.
#16433153Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:23 PM GMT

I had a pick in my hair i took it and unlocked the door i snuck up on the jailguard and stole his keys i unlocked all the elves and dark elves's cells
#16433174Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:24 PM GMT

(This is off to a good start...) I see an elf being thrown into a jail cell as I enter the corridor. "Wait, I say. Can he come?" "Who?" "Him, can that elf come with us?" "Emperor, we don't have time."said one of the guards. "But, we must heed the chosen one. Very well, he may come. What makes you want to bring him anyways?" "I don't know, gut feeling?"
#16433179Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:24 PM GMT

I saw the dark elf go into the passage way i snuck into it
#16433192Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:24 PM GMT

Waiting in silence, Lenith held his dagger checking it to make sure it could make the kill, waiting, crouched down above the passageway.
#16433242Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:25 PM GMT

(Im gonna quit this thread...No offence)
#16433243Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:25 PM GMT

I wander the underground passage, staying out of sight of the guards, i pick up a dagger from the dead body of a fallen theif, then continue sneaking.
#16433278Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:26 PM GMT

We went through, and came to a door. "Unfortunately, prisoner... You must stay here, while we proceed. Guards orders. *Whisper* there is an opening right there you can sneak through, and you will be able to meet up with us."
#16433325Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:27 PM GMT

I hear the whispers, then wait for the 'Chosen One' to go through before i sneak in.
#16433326Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:27 PM GMT

They go through the door, and I hear a person sneaking behind me. "Who issss that?"
#16433331Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:28 PM GMT

I sneak through the opening my the robes i wore made me look like a preist the perfect disquise....*whisper*"thanks"
#16433344Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:28 PM GMT

Name: Thesius Age: 23 Class: Rogue Race: Wood Elf Weapons: 2 short swords Armor: Leather Armour Profession(s): Appearance: Brown cloak with hood over armour Bio: Unknown
#16433353Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:28 PM GMT

As Lenith waited, he felll down off his perch, hittign the passage where Pey was. Pey got a quick look of Lenith, before he jumped to the side of the wall.
#16433355Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:28 PM GMT

I quickly run out of sight.
#16433371Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:29 PM GMT

Profession(s):Archery, Lock picking, Pick pocketing
#16433372Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:29 PM GMT

"Ack! How many people are following me?"
#16433385Sunday, November 08, 2009 2:29 PM GMT

(Pey, you saw me fall off above the doorway, so theres to theifs trying to kill you)

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