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#164693366Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:57 PM GMT

theyre idiots
#164693429Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:58 PM GMT

bishop was playing with a torn groin bishop has more balls then the entire blackhawks team and fanbase...
#164693603Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:59 PM GMT

okay, he's an idiot for doing so aren't you mad that his poor choices and constant crease leaving cost you the stanley cup?
#164693686Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:00 PM GMT

no cause he's a warrior he put his team in front of himself which made me respect him more vasy is a rookie, i dont think he would of done as well as bishop, injury or not, tbh.
#164693905Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:03 PM GMT

he's an idiot. he literally lost the series for tampa bay because his injury restrained him from playing well. not to mention the questionable decisions and weak goals he let in healthy vasy is better than injured bishop
#164693957Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:03 PM GMT

he still did good lmao... the goals werent his fault. tyler johnson also played with a broken wrist
#164694004Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:04 PM GMT

healthy vasy is better than injured bishop x2 Bishop possibly costed his team the game/series by playing through it hes not good to begin with
#164694066Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:04 PM GMT

explains why he outplayed price during the habs vs lightning series @habs LOLXD
#164694160Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:06 PM GMT

#164694275Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:07 PM GMT

"the goals werent his fault." even that one where he foolishly ran out of the net to play the puck? "tyler johnson also played with a broken wrist" okay, still bad.
#164694284Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:07 PM GMT

ok that was the only real mistake bishop made during the stanley cup finals lol
#164694316Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:08 PM GMT

@k0be Nah, he didnt noob
#164694398Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:08 PM GMT

did you even watch the series or what's going on here. bishop's play in net was the primary reason tampa bay lost
#164694555Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:10 PM GMT

it was one of the reasons maybe we couldnt score when we needed too im sorry to say but stamkos did horrible during the series. he's the captain ffs.
#164694683Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:12 PM GMT

and basically all this thread is saying is that tato hates underdogs and loves dynasties.
#164694731Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:12 PM GMT

man it's really funny watching someone trying to discuss something in which they have no idea about Iᴛ ᴀɪɴᴛ ᴇᴀsʏ, ʙᴇɪɴɢ Cʜᴇᴇsᴇʏ.
#164694830Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:13 PM GMT

i don't like either team. i'm just glad tampa lost because they stupidly chose to play injured players
#164694863Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:14 PM GMT

its funny how you guys judge a goalie even though you have no idea what goes through the mind of a goalie. its very rare that you a goal gave up 100% cause of the goalie, like bishop thought he could rule the boards
#164694965Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

¨ts funny how you guys judge a goalie even though you have no idea what goes through the mind of a goalie. its very rare that you a goal gave up 100% cause of the goalie, like bishop thought he could rule the boards¨ am a goalie in soccer, and i hev to disagree,,,
#164694973Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:15 PM GMT

im pretty sure they didnt have 100% thought on the matter like, "OH TORN GROIN NOPE PLAY OR YOUR CUT." bishop volunteer to play, even with is injury cause he puts the team in front of himself
#164695163Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:17 PM GMT

you realize tampa bay has a coach right? jon cooper? he could've easily said "no you're injured, you're not playing" and started someone competent you didn't watch a single game, stop trying to comment on this
#164695237Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:18 PM GMT

explain how i watched every game then lol... im pretty sure bishop would be pissed if he didnt get to play
#164695526Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:22 PM GMT

so what if he is pissed. he's injured, all logic says not to play him
#164695588Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:22 PM GMT

well im not john copper. sorry. i still respect him, and im not blaming him. according to your logic we should all blame john copper. which i am not.
#164695627Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:23 PM GMT

*cooper sorry im typing fast lol

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