#166812544Tuesday, July 07, 2015 3:31 PM GMT

(Anyone may join) Resan saw Helios. He was suprised, and went to see him. He walked around the stadium on the Bleachers area, of course. He made it to Helios and sat down. "What guild are you in?" He questioned, not looking away from the fight.
#166814675Tuesday, July 07, 2015 4:00 PM GMT

(Helios Vaughn)(Location: Stadium Bleachers.) "Both of them are well acquainted with Magic, it appears almost equally this should turn out to be quite fascinating, I wonder who will achieve victory.." Helios mutters softly while glaring down at the center of the stadium. "Oh my, It seems that dreadful mask of yours is crumbling to pieces." An enormous Sinister-hound like creature announces to Helios while trails of velvet red and black aura linger around its body. It then flails its extensive tail around while scanning its eyes through the spectating crowd surrounding them. "Almost seems like it's my birthday right? All these 'innocent' people lined up to face their inevitable demise, i'll make sure to inhale the aroma of the last breathes they take before dying by my hands." The 'mammoth-sized' creature speaks as it calmly walks back and forth in front of him. "This mask concealing you maybe cracked but it's still containing you. I wouldn't get your hopes up." Helios responds to the menacing beast, starting straight at its face as sable colored liquid secretes down it of the monster which covers the majority of its body and head. "Yes, it seems that you'll be able to enclose me within the chambers of your mind as of now however if this 'mask' proceeds in achieving another conducted impact, it will burst and when that moment happens I will relish in it while devouring your mind in complete obscurity." The creature replies before smirking viciously then evaporating into the air. Helios then grasps his head in severe and relentless pain afterwards gazing over towards Resan after hearing him. "I have not participated in a guild.. I have only fought for myself." He hastily claims while grasping the rail in-front of him while looking down.
#166851169Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:27 PM GMT

He blinked, realizing she could fly too. He attempted to jump out of the triangle. (If escaping the triangle was successful:) He landed on another circle which launched him up again, and he put sixteen giant (3 foot wide) purple orbs stationary in the sky. He then landed on another circle and it erupted in smoke covering the entire arena and hiding him. She wouldn't be able to attack him accurately until she came closer to the ground. Closer to the orbs. (If escaping the triangle didn't work cause invisible walls or something,) He sat criss-crossed, waiting for the attack. A purple magic circle appeared under him spinning increasingly fast as he waited.
#166853277Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:46 PM GMT

Is this still open?
#166857777Tuesday, July 07, 2015 11:28 PM GMT

(Yes, you can come in. We're basically doing the testing-period of the RP to see well y'know)
#166860230Tuesday, July 07, 2015 11:50 PM GMT

Char Paper Fill Out: Name: Tomoki Nekonoma Age: 18 Magic Type: Summoning Magic (You'll be surprised when you see what it is...) Gender: Male Appearance: Purple Hair with Dark Purple Highlights, Short. Shorter than Erza, about EYE to Chin height. Average Weight. Black Shirt with Purple Undershirt. Dark Black Pants. Covers Right Arm with Purple Cloth. Bio: Tomoki is a mystery to all, but here is what we know about him. He has no family, they died in a Mercenary Raid. He rarely uses his magic, and when he does, we cant see what it is. When he was 13, he first used his magic, and ever since, he isn't a big fan of it. Extra: "I...uhhh.. Don't like using my Magic...*blushes*", "I can use a sword instead..."
#166861969Wednesday, July 08, 2015 12:07 AM GMT

Is this okay?
#166871906Wednesday, July 08, 2015 1:44 AM GMT

Name: Kenji Chen Age: 26 Bio: Kenji has always aspired to become one of the Ten Wizard Saints, but as a former member of Grimoire Heart. he realizes his chances are slim at the very most. Magic Type: Kenji uses Flame God Slayer magic Gender: Male Appearance: He has closely shaved black hair (Basically the "high and tight" military hair cut of US armed forces), he dresses very dark, normally in an all black ensemble, his eyes are light icy blue. He also has a tall and lean body type standing at 6'4". Extra: Even though Kenji mainly uses magic, he isn't afraid to get up close and personal, being a well trained hand to hand combatant.
#166873257Wednesday, July 08, 2015 1:56 AM GMT

(Succeeded) Dalia smirked slightly, actually starting to enjoy this fight. She flew up above the smoke and flapped her wings downwards, trying to clear up the smoke a bit. She figured her opponent had been hoping for her to fly downwards, since smoke rises. She scanned the smoke, trying to locate Rai. She quickly realized her efforts were futile. She began to flap the wings she had received as a result of her Aera magic, hoping to lear up the smoke.
#166890563Wednesday, July 08, 2015 4:42 AM GMT

#166891118Wednesday, July 08, 2015 4:48 AM GMT

*Well, when do we start?)
#166920512Wednesday, July 08, 2015 1:14 PM GMT

The smoke did rise, and she was successful in locating him, who was sitting, staring at her. Four explosions formed in the smoke that was now in the sky, igniting it all and probably burning her to some extent. (If this was Natsu I was fighting, I would be in big trouble now. xP) He hopped sideways, landing one foot on two circles, One making smoke and one making an air explosion clearing the smoke around him. He waited for her next attack. (There's two ways you could turn this against him, and one way he could use this to win right here. Let's see what happens.)
#166927889Wednesday, July 08, 2015 3:03 PM GMT

(Well, you can be next in the tournament if you want)
#166932005Wednesday, July 08, 2015 3:57 PM GMT

Kenji sat in the stadium bleachers calmly watching the fight, studying how each individual fought as it may come in handy some time. "Are these the Fairy Tail guild members I've heard so much about?" He thought to himself as he saw the explosions. Then he found himself thinking how he would play it out if he was in Dalia's position now. "This should be interesting" He spoke softly to himself.
#166934770Wednesday, July 08, 2015 4:33 PM GMT

Tomoki entered the Stadium, his hair blowing in the wind. He kept walking until he found a seat, which was right next to Kenji. He shot him a slight smile and waved.
#166988439Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:13 AM GMT

Did this die?
#166991110Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:37 AM GMT

(No .-------.)
#166993637Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:04 AM GMT

(Kinda gave you a response earlier I believe Floopy to your character.)
#166993901Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:07 AM GMT

I'll just start again. Tomoki looked around the terrain. He saw Magicians fighting, he gasped in awe at their powers, then chuckled as he went to find a seat.
#166999195Thursday, July 09, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

(I'm waiting on the reply so I can continue the battle. xP)
#167004677Thursday, July 09, 2015 5:05 AM GMT

(I know Carnage, all Resan is doing is observing the fight.......... e.e)
#167030502Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

(The very looonng fight.)
#167055919Thursday, July 09, 2015 7:47 PM GMT

Will this battle be counted as a draw?
#167058582Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

(sowwy. I has a busy life :P) Dalia frowned at all the trouble he was causing for her. She admired his intelligence, though. She thought for a moment before deciding on her next move. She looked around for her target, and grinned when she spotted it. She held out both her hands, and three magic circles appeared. Two on her hands and one beneath her feet in midair. She strained a little, forcing her magic energy outwards. Large lightning bolts shot across the stadium floor as she used her Lightning Barage. However, not a single one hit Rai. They had all hit the ground, kicking up excessive amounts of dust into the air. She then flew downwards, landing right next to the referee. "I forfeit," Dalia said, smiling as her wings disappearing.
#167058676Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:15 PM GMT

**disappeared. Demmit typos