#167059164Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:20 PM GMT

"Wow! That was amazing!" Tomoki yelled. Everyone in the entire stadium heard him, but he didn't care. As time grew, Tomoki went and sat down to the only available seat, right next to Helios.
#167059579Thursday, July 09, 2015 8:24 PM GMT

(So, who's next?)
#167072537Thursday, July 09, 2015 10:34 PM GMT

"She gave up?" Kenji thought to himself "I thought Fairy Tail wizards prided themselves on their stubborn pride of always going down with a fight. It seems I've been misinformed..." Then he looked around to see if he could spot the other wizards he saw fighting before then spotted them. "Helios and Resan." He said lowly to himself remembering what the announcer had stated. "I wonder who's next."
#167073079Thursday, July 09, 2015 10:40 PM GMT

He blinked, trying to process what had just happened. (I thought of many things, but I never thought this would happen. xD) He sighed, passing out right there due to the pure exhaustion of the amount of magic energy he used, forgetting where he was and thinking he was alone. The smoke would clear to reveal his sleeping body.
#167073220Thursday, July 09, 2015 10:41 PM GMT

Tomoki wonder, who would be next. His excitement kept building up inside him, until the announcer said...
#167088596Friday, July 10, 2015 1:41 AM GMT

(Helios Vaughn)(Location: Stadium Bleachers.)(Speaking to your character Skillfull.) "Quite the extraordinary match, i've never seen two individuals fought like that in a while.." Helios claims while glancing down at the center of the arena as the dust commences to settle around the terrain he then feels the presence of Tomoki across from him. "I assume that you're one of the people that have signed up as well..?" Helios declares to Tomoki in a deep and perplexed tone of voice before turning his head towards him with pieces of his contorted mask gently descending down onto the surface of the concrete beneath him.
#167091093Friday, July 10, 2015 2:08 AM GMT

"Oh, uh, yeah!" Tomoki said, smiling a bit. "Did you sign up too? You seem like you took a beating."
#167092349Friday, July 10, 2015 2:20 AM GMT

(Helios Vaughn)(Location: Stadium Bleachers.) "Just a few cuts, and a slightly broken mask.. That is all.. And yeah I did sign up. I'm not here for competition though, i'm here to earn the prize money it's rather complicated." Helios replies in a deep serious tone to Tomoki as he listens attentively for the next competitors.
#167093246Friday, July 10, 2015 2:30 AM GMT

Tomoki looked at Helios and chuckled. "Well, it wont be that easy. We've got some tough competitors." Just then, the next competitors were called. (Sorry, but no one announced the next competitors.... Who hasn't gone Carnage?)
#167094475Friday, July 10, 2015 2:43 AM GMT

Dalia notice Rai was out cold in the center of the arena, and felt a bit of pity for him. She used Aera yet again and flew over to him. Upon landing, she crouched beside him. She lifted him up slightly and hooked her arms through his, flapping her wings to bring him up off the ground. She flew him over to the referee, sitting him down next to the arena wall with a gentle smile. "It was a good fight, sir," Dalia whispered to her opponent's sleeping figure. "Sorry that I sort of wasted your time by giving up." She chuckled and her wings disappeared yet again. She then nodded politely to the referee and returned to her initial seat, eager for the next match.
#167094806Friday, July 10, 2015 2:46 AM GMT

(Match History:) (1st match Helios vs Resan = Tied match.) (2nd match Dalia vs Rai = Rai wins due to Dalia's forfeit.) (I know that no one announced the next competitors that's why Helios was listening in.) (Helios Vaughn)(Location: Stadium Bleachers.) "I'm just worried about not accidentally killing anyone during this event. I'm doing this for survival. I'm intending to take this quite serious.. Living off of the streets and in a warehouse scavenging for meals isn't exactly living, by the way food is beginning to seem scarce and I do not have any money to receive any form of supplies. This is why i'm in here.. I'm doing this so I may live." Helios responds to him then walks up to the guard rail and grips it firmly in a furious manner while leaning over as he looks forward.
#167094940Friday, July 10, 2015 2:47 AM GMT

Resan chuckled, walking away. "You probably wanna get more energy. At the end all the wizards fight for prize money." He said, not turning back. (Remember, Fairy Tail is like this year but you know, wizards) Resan walked to a coffee shop, watching the stadium through holes. He sipped from his coffee. He heard the announcer shout, "NEXT UP... TOMOKI AND.........."
#167095241Friday, July 10, 2015 2:50 AM GMT

#167099797Friday, July 10, 2015 3:37 AM GMT

"Wonderful" Kenji thought to himself as he stood at the entrance of the arena. He had already removed his black button down shirt to allow his arms to move freely, now he was standing in his black tank top and black cargo pants, completed with his black leather combat boots. "Here goes nothing." Then he stepped out into the arena.
#167100894Friday, July 10, 2015 3:50 AM GMT

Tomoki cheered. "Alright!" He yelled in a playful manner and jump into the arena from the stadium. He landed on his feet.
#167101434Friday, July 10, 2015 3:56 AM GMT

(Helios Vaughn)(Location: Stadium Bleachers.) "Good luck kid." Helios replies to Tomoki while he leaps off from the Stadium's bleachers and onto the Arena's floor. "I have a feeling that this match between these two competitors will be rather eventful." Helios states once more before sitting gradually into the seat behind him then glaring down towards the two adversaries.
#167102616Friday, July 10, 2015 4:10 AM GMT

Kenji stood looking at Tokomi with his arms crossed, his Grimoire Heart mark on just below his shoulder. "Kid, you are way to eager for this fight." His face held no emotion, just seriousness.
#167102752Friday, July 10, 2015 4:12 AM GMT

(Sorry I meant Tomoki, I still didn't memorize all of the names and forgot to look back.)
#167102763Friday, July 10, 2015 4:12 AM GMT

Tomoki chuckled. "You have to live a little. Have some fun. Im not going to be easy to take down" He said while withdrawing a sword.
#167104723Friday, July 10, 2015 4:34 AM GMT

Kenji looked at Tomoki as the match started. "Well if that's the case." He launched himself into the air and flew down at Tomoki like a speeding bullet and pulled his fist back as it shrouded in black fire. "I won't hold back!"
#167105184Friday, July 10, 2015 4:40 AM GMT

Tomoki simply stepped out of the way and Kenji hit his hand right into the Arena.
#167107712Friday, July 10, 2015 5:07 AM GMT

Kenji stood up unfazed by hitting the arena, then turned to Tomoki. "This might be more interesting than I thought." He pulled his hand back and a large ball of black flames form in his hand. Suddenly he launches the fire ball at Tomoki.
#167110818Friday, July 10, 2015 5:43 AM GMT

Tomoki pulled out a Kunai, and flipped backwards, throwing the knife at Kenji. The kunai was also on fire, so it glowed red hot. It soon became clear to Kenji that Tomoki wasn't going to use any Magic anytime soon.
#167112208Friday, July 10, 2015 6:01 AM GMT

The black fire ball made contact with the ground and it expanded in a massive explosion catching Tomoki in the blast radius, as this was happening Kenshi moved quickly, as he caught the hot blade the sharpened edges barely cut his hand. "So, you join a magic tournament with no plans to use magic?" Kenshi said calmly as he dropped the blade.
#167113167Friday, July 10, 2015 6:15 AM GMT

Tomoki coughed up blood, he didn't realize that he could do that. "W-well" He said blushing. "I don't really like using my magic..." He said throwing three more Kunai knives.