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#166138545Wednesday, July 01, 2015 3:32 AM GMT

*Dynerov starts playing bass softly* We, we live, we live forever.... We, we live, we live foreeeeverrr.... Foreverrrrrrrr.... Forever, Forever, FOREVER, UNTIL WE DIIIIEE! *Drums and Guitar join in and all instruments play harder* We, we live, together foreverrrr!! WE, WE LIVE, ME AND YOU FOREVERRRRRR! FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! UNTIL WE DIIIIIIEeeee.... *guitar and drums leaves and bass plays softly* We, we will be, we will be foreverrr.... We, we will be, we will be foreverrrrr.... Foreverrrrr.... Forever, forever, FOREVER, UNTIL WE DIIIIIE! *guitar and drums join in again and all instruments play harder* I will, I will, will always live foreverrrrr! I WILL, I WILL ALWAYS LIVE FOREVERRRRRRR! UNTIL I DIEEEEEEEEEeeee.... *guitar and drums leave again and bass plays softly* I will, will always be, alone, forever.... Forever, forever, forever, forever.... UNTIL I DIIIIIIEEEE! *Instruments play hard and fast* NANANANANANA, NANANANA, LALALALA... FOREVER! *Instruments stop*
#166138664Wednesday, July 01, 2015 3:33 AM GMT

r8 out of 8, m8?
#167421539Monday, July 13, 2015 7:23 AM GMT


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