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#16642465Saturday, November 14, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

What can I say? D&D. I'm the DM and have a sheet of my own. The people on my trusted list can control the monsters, and I make/control them. Only I control the bosses. ~Sheet~ Name: Race: Class: Ability scores(No more than 18 per score, and I might modify them.): -Strength(Physical stuff.): -Dexterity(Dodging and ranged.): -Constitution (Hitpoints really.): -Intelligence (Spells and stuff.): -Wisdom(heal and schtuff.): -Charisma(How good you look/talk Ect.): ~Racial ability adjustments~ Human:None. (Any) Dwarf:+2 constitution, -2 Charisma. (Fighter) Elf:+2 dexterity,-2 Constitution. (Wizard) Gnome:+2 constitution,-2 strength. (Bard) Half-elf:Same as human. Half-Orc:+2 Strength,-2 intelligence,-2 charisma (barbarian) Halfling:+2 Dexterity, -2 Strenght (Rogue) ~Mine~ Name:Fighter Race: Half-Copper Dragon, Elf Class:Wizard Ability scores: -Strength:22 -Dexterity:20 -Constitution:14 -Intelligence 20 -Wisdom:16 -Charisma:16 (My high ability scores are the result of being half-dragon. Consult the monster manual for more details.)
#16642725Saturday, November 14, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

The dungeon ahead of you is a murky brown. A few small rats(+.5) are scurrying near the entrance
#16642966Saturday, November 14, 2009 1:35 AM GMT

(Don't let it die! I spent like 20 minutes on this!)
#16643626Saturday, November 14, 2009 1:50 AM GMT

I walk towards the dungeon.

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